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Jeopardy. Choose a category. You will be given the answer.You must give the correct question . Click to begin. Impending Crisis . Civil War. New American Beginnings. Progressives. Reconstruction. When this president was elected, states in the south began to secede from the Union.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Choose a category. You will be given the answer.You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

  2. Impending Crisis Civil War New American Beginnings Progressives Reconstruction

  3. When this president was elected, states in the south began to secede from the Union.

  4. Who was Abraham Lincoln? BACK TO MENU

  5. This election showed how segregated the United States was.

  6. What is the election of 1860? BACK TO MENU

  7. The political party of the south before the Civil War.

  8. What is the Democratic Party? BACK TO MENU

  9. Man who led a raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry.

  10. Who is John Brown? BACK TO MENU

  11. Why was Fort Sumter so significant to President Lincoln?

  12. It was the last Union possession in the South. BACK TO MENU

  13. This was the first battle of the war and took place just outside of the nation’s capital.

  14. What was the Battle of Bull Run? BACK TO MENU

  15. Good military leadership represented this.

  16. What is good leadership in the south? BACK TO MENU

  17. Which groups suffered as a result of total war tactics?

  18. Women, children, and the elderly- People who were not directly involved in conflict. BACK TO MENU

  19. Why was the Battle of Gettysburg considered the turning point of the war?

  20. It was the bloodiest battle of the war and the south would not try and attack the north again. BACK TO MENU

  21. What was the most significant effect of the Emancipation Proclamation?

  22. It gave a moral purpose to the war. BACK TO MENU

  23. This war the was the most lenient on the south during Reconstruction.

  24. -What was the plan by President Johnson. Made re-entry into the union very easy Gave plantation owners their land back Did not include organizations that would benefit freed slaves BACK TO MENU

  25. What were the two main goals of Reconstruction?

  26. To reunite the union and to begin to repair the war torn south. BACK TO MENU

  27. What were three things the Freedman’s Bureau did to help freed slaves?

  28. -Helped them buy property- -Helped them buy jobs- -Provided them with food or basic clothing- -organized wedding ceremonies- -helped fund schools- BACK TO MENU

  29. Who was the sharecropping system hardest for?

  30. The sharecroppers themselves. They would be stuck in a perpetual cycle of poverty. It was very difficult to get out of. BACK TO MENU

  31. Describe three important points of the Compromise of 1877.

  32. Hayes would become president. Hayes was a Republican, so Democrats had to be represented in his cabinet. Federal troops would leave the south and the time of Reconstruction was over. BACK TO MENU

  33. An organization of laborers that strove for better conditions was known as a

  34. What is a union? BACK TO MENU

  35. What were three social outings that became very popular at the start of the 20th century?

  36. Vaudeville Theater Amusement Parks Baseball Games BACK TO MENU

  37. This allowed poor farmers to own a vast amount of land on the Great Plains as long as they worked the land for 5 years.

  38. What is the Homestead Act. BACK TO MENU

  39. How was discrimination evident on the railroad?

  40. Chinese and Irish immigrants would not get paid good wages and would not be treated fairly. They would work in dangerous conditions. BACK TO MENU

  41. What does the political cartoon represent?

  42. Business tycoons/ unregulated business and problems of monopolies. BACK TO MENU

  43. These were people who sought to get the truth about corruption in society and government out to the public. They were writers.

  44. Who are muckrakers ? BACK TO MENU

  45. Why was The Jungle such a significant novel to the government?

  46. After Teddy Roosevelt read it, he organized a team to investigate the meat packing industry and passed subsequent legislation regulating standards in them! BACK TO MENU

  47. Describe 2 Progressive Amendments

  48. 16th Federal Income Tax 17th Direct Election of Senators/ Secret ballot 18th Prohibition (later repealed) 19th Women’s Right to vote BACK TO MENU

  49. What were three ways that women fought for the right to vote?

  50. They went to the states They went to the Supreme Court They protested and made sure the public supported their cause BACK TO MENU

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