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Preliminary Findings

Rapid Interagency Needs Assessment in Haiti (RINAH) Supported by the Government of Haiti Rapid Multi Clusters/Sectoral Needs Assessment in the entire earthquake affected area in Haiti. Preliminary Findings. Objective.

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Preliminary Findings

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  1. Rapid Interagency Needs Assessment in Haiti(RINAH)Supported by the Government of HaitiRapid Multi Clusters/Sectoral Needs Assessment in the entire earthquake affected area in Haiti Preliminary Findings

  2. Objective To identify gaps and priorities by sectors, spread geographically at the country level IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  3. Expected Outputs Current geographical, sectoral and financial gaps for humanitarian intervention in the affected areas are identified # of geographical and sectors gaps identified A common baseline information database shared between the clusters is created Multi sector Database available # clusters using the database Baseline established IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  4. Method of the assessment The team decided to use a grid system (10x10 km) for sampling choosing every third quadrat for a total of 49 quadrats across the country. In addition to the grid, population data was used, USGS Modified Mercalli Index, Internal Displaced Persons camp location (what is known), and known affected areas. Based on this “index”, an area was delimited containing 10 communes of the most affected area around the Port-Au-Prince area. The decision was made to assess all 54 sections in the “most” affected communes near the PAP area. 113 staff constituted in 28 teams using two data collection methods have been set. The first data collection method will use a paper questionnaire using the Key Informant techniques and the second data collection method will use an electronic version of the same IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  5. Challenges Resource mobilisation, in terms of +logistic, human resource with appropriate skills and competencies Short time frame which resulted in a short period of training, some inconsistencies that have been observed in the interpretation of questions, leading to possible biases in the responses. The questionnaire had some inadequacies in the structure of some questions, deriving in low response rates. The tool chosen, offered very limited room for adaptation for the current prevailing context in Haiti IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  6. Sample size 54 sections communales 98 locations within 49 quadrats (2 locations per quadrats) Average of 2 locations per quadrat 2 questionnaires per sections, and 1 questionnaires per location for a total 206 questionnaires as minimum IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP


  8. Resources Mobilisation About 120 expatriates and nationals coming from a multi-agencies cooperation, such as IASC, US Federal agency and Haitian Civil Society GoH has provided more than 16 personnel Strong involvement of the clusters, through the design to the assessment, the analysis and the interpretation of the data, and logistical support from the logistic cluster IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  9. Time Line January 19th – 22nd : Review questionnaire, design of the methods January 23rd-24th : Training on the instruments and PDA and pilot of the survey  January 25th – 28th: data collection, most affected area with ground transportation January 29th : Mid5term review and refresher training before deployment by Helicopter January 30th 31st : Deployment by Heli for data collection January 31th-5th Feb : Data Analysis, Preliminary finding and Reporting IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  10. “Preliminary” Results for PaP TCG – PONJA - VTA

  11. Section 1 Sommaire IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  12. Section 1 Sommaire IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  13. Section 1 Sommaire IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  14. Section 2 Habitat et NFI IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  15. Section 2 Habitat et NFI IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  16. Section 2 Habitat et NFI IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  17. Section 2 Habitat et NFI IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  18. Section 2 Habitat et NFI IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  19. Section 2 Habitat et NFI IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  20. Section 2: Habitat et NFI IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  21. Section 2: Habitat et NFI IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  22. Section 3 WASH IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  23. Section 3 WASH IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  24. Section 3 WASH IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  25. Section 3 WASH IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  26. Section 3 WASH IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  27. Section 3 WASH IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  28. Section 4 Food Sec & Nut IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  29. Section 4 Food Sec & Nut IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  30. Section 4 Food Sec & Nut IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  31. Section 4 Food Sec & Nut IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  32. Section 4 Food Sec & Nut IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  33. Section 5: Santé IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  34. Gender IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  35. Gender IASC - OCHA – ACAPS – CDC - iMMAP

  36. Next Steps forward Data Collection finished Mapping services is available Technical analysis and review available this coming week

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