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Headteacher Appraisal Performance Related Pay Headteacher Career Development

Headteacher Appraisal Performance Related Pay Headteacher Career Development. Presenter: Cathie Aldis Senior Improvement Adviser - Leadership. Headteacher Appraisal. Key messages from NCTL Best practice HT appraisal panel 3 governors Annual Cycle School Development Plan

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Headteacher Appraisal Performance Related Pay Headteacher Career Development

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  1. Headteacher Appraisal Performance Related PayHeadteacher Career Development Presenter: Cathie Aldis Senior Improvement Adviser - Leadership

  2. Headteacher Appraisal Key messages from NCTL • Best practice HT appraisal panel 3 governors • Annual Cycle School Development Plan External Adviser Robust measurable targets Ongoing monitoring • Data / evidence HT report to governors In year progress of pupils Statutory outcomes

  3. Headteacher Appraisal • 2014 Teachers Pay } new minimum / and Conditions document } maximum range Headteacher Performance Related Pay • Executive Headship Salary calculation formula now set • Headteacher’s salaries still need to be kept within the School Range MESSAGES

  4. MESSAGES Key Messages • Headteacher’s responsibility to give governor panel clear written evidence against targets • Headteacher salary increases must be in line with school’s pay policy • Reasons for the salary increase must be transparent and given in writing • Targets must be robust, linked to school priorities and challenging Underperformanceneeds to be picked up quickly

  5. Key Messages Headteacher Career Development • Headteacher needs to be ‘lead learner’ • Headteacher’s must provide the evidence in line with teachers for a) pupil progress b) pupil premium c) closing the gap • No automatic pay progression for Headteachers, evaluation of pupil progress determines pay

  6. Key Messages • Discussion with well informed External Adviser • Kent Association of Heads / NCTL • Career development remains vital • Headteachersneed to visit outstanding schools in and beyond Kent with clear success criteria for school improvement • The Ofsted Key issues need to be addressed rapidly Discuss concerns with key partners – monitor regularly

  7. Governor Training Headteacher Appraisal Data and benchmarking Governor Monitoring Bespoke training (cost)

  8. Content • Background • Teacher Appraisal – Summary of key issues and changes • Teacher Capability – Summary of key issues and changes • Professional Teachers’ Standards • Proposed 2013 School Teachers’ Pay • Questions

  9. Background 2012 - New legislation from the DFE on > Appraisal > Capability • > Professional Standards for Teachers • 2013 – Proposed new School • Teachers Pay and • Conditions 2013

  10. New DFE Model PolicyAppraisal and Capability • Changes became effective from 1st September 2012 • New DFE Model Policy combines Appraisal and Capability into one document and links the process • More flexible about processes • Now clear evidence based performance related pay

  11. The Sutton Trust • Effects of high quality teaching significant for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds • Over 1 school year pupils gain 1.5 years’ worth of learning with very effective teachers compared to 0.5years with poorly performing teachers • The difference between good to outstanding teaching and poor teaching is a whole year’s learning

  12. Appraisal

  13. Appraisal (similarities) • Requirement to establish a policy for annual appraisal of teachers (not support staff as yet) • Policy ensures that objectives are set annually for each teacher and that these are linked to the school improvement plan • Much of the process remains similar • Objectives setting is still by “agreement” but if no agreement, the Appraiser decides • Professional development needs are identified and means to deliver these are integral to the process

  14. Appraisal (changes) • Governing Bodies will have more flexibility to determine appraisal policy for their school • More flexibility about who Appraisers are and time scales for the process • No guidance on the number or type of objectives • Requirement to appoint an external Adviser for the Headteacher appraisal • New Professional Standards are part of the benchmarking for objective setting, to be applied at all career stages (NB no new Headteacher Standards)

  15. Appraisal (changes) • Professional Standards are applied according to the experience and role of the Appraisee • A robust written report on the outcomes of the previous year is produced by the Appraiser and signed with comments by the Appraisee(sharper process) • Recommendations on pay are directly linked to Appraisal • Removal of the three hour time limit for classroom observations – observations to be carried out in a “supportive style”

  16. Capability

  17. Capability (changes) • Policy now linked in one overall Appraisal document • DFE Model policy only applies to teachers • New model policy not statutory, but based on ASAC Code of Disciplinary and Grievance • The basic structure of the old and new policies is the same with one or two key alterations • > There is no informal stage to the new procedure – instead this falls within the Appraisal Policy

  18. Capability (changes) • New structure has a suggested monitoring and review period following the first warning, reduced from 8 -20 weeks to 4 – 10 weeks • “Recycling” of underperforming teachers • Proposed that employers be required to share with a prospective employer if the teacher has been the subject of capability procedures in the last two years • Consultation

  19. Final warning followed by monitoring & review Decision meeting Procedure for dismissing teachers under new capability procedures Final warning followed by further monitoring and review period Formal capability meeting 1st warning followed by monitoring & review period Formal review meeting Decision meeting 5 days notice 4 weeks minimum 4 weeks minimum 9 weeks + + = Note: The timings given above are illustrative only and are offered as minimum periods, which will be appropriate only in straightforward cases. Schools will need to tailor the length of their monitoring and review periods to suit individual circumstances.

  20. Teacher Standards

  21. Teachers Standards • Introduction of new ‘Teacher Standards’ and ‘Master Teacher Standards’ which entirely replaces all existing standards for: • > trainee teachers, NQTs • > main grade teachers, UPS • > Excellent teachers and ASTs • Teachers Standards are confirmed • Master Teacher Standards – proposal stage • Master teacher Standards is not pay related and teachers can apply to go through at any time

  22. Preparing for these changes • Ratification of Appraisal and Capability policies • Ensuring all staff receive robust written end of year Appraisal Statements • Next steps • For 2013 / 2014 – agree new Pay • and Appraisal Policy with criteria for • pay progression

  23. Contact: Cathie Aldis Senior Improvement Adviser - Leadership Oxford Road Maidstone Kent ME15 8AW Tel: 01622 203800

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