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[1] D. Boussard, “ Beam Loading ", CERN 9 5 - 06 199 5 .

REFERENCES. [1] D. Boussard, “ Beam Loading ", CERN 9 5 - 06 199 5 . [2] P. Wilson , CERN ISR-TH/78-23, 1978 [3] R. Boni, A. Gallo, " Stationary beam loading on DA F NE cavity accelerating mode", DA F NE Techn. Note RF-5, 1992.

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[1] D. Boussard, “ Beam Loading ", CERN 9 5 - 06 199 5 .

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  1. REFERENCES [1]D. Boussard, “Beam Loading", CERN 95-06 1995. [2] P.Wilson, CERN ISR-TH/78-23, 1978 [3]R. Boni, A. Gallo, " Stationary beam loading on DAFNE cavity accelerating mode", DAFNETechn. Note RF-5, 1992. [4] F. Pedersen, “Beam Loading Effects in the CERN PS Booster", IEEE Trans Nucl Sci. Vol NS-22, N. 3, June 1975, p 1906-1909. [5]D. Boussard, "Design of a ring RF system", CERN 91-2 (RFS) July 1991 [6]R. Garoby, "Beam loading in RF cavities", Proc. of 1990 Joint US-CERN School "Frontiersof Particle Beams: Intensity Limitation". [7]M. Sands, "Beam-Cavity Interaction - Basic Considerations", Tech. Rep. 2-76 Laboratoirede l' Accélérateur Linéaire Orsay, 1976. [8]K.W. Robinson, "Stability of Beam in Radiofrequency System", CEAL - 1010 CambridgeElectron Acc., Cambridge 38 Massachusetts, 1964. [9]G. Hofmann, "Coherent Beam Instabilities", Proc. of 1990 Joint US-CERN School"Frontiers of Particle Beams: Intensity Limitation". [10] F. Pedersen, “A Novel RF Cavity Tuning Scheme for Heavy Beam Loading", IEEE Trans Nucl Sci. Vol NS-32, N. 5, Oct. 1985, p 2138-2140. [11] D. Boussard et al, “Collective Effects at Very High Intensity in the CERN PS", IEEE Trans Nucl Sci. Vol NS-26, N. 3, June 1979, p 3568. [12] D. Boussard et al, “Control of Cavities with High Beam Loading", IEEE Trans Nucl Sci. Vol NS-32, N. 5, Oct. 1985, p 1852. [13] P. Barrat et al, “RF System and Beam Loading Compensation on the ISIS Synchrotron", EPAC, Nice, June 1990, p. 949 [14] J.M.Byrd et al, “ Transient Beasm Loading Effects in Harmonic RF Systems for Light Source”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 5, 092001 (2002) [15] D. Alesini et al, Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in the Frascati DAFNE e+e- Collider with a Passive Third Harmonic Cavity in the Lengthening Regime” Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 6, 074401 (2003) [16] J.E.Griffin, “Synchrotron Phase Transition Crossing Using an RF Harmonic", Fermilab 3-91

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