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S. Tashenov a,b,c ,

Polarization correlations in electron bremsstrahlung and radiative recombination – a novel polarimetry technique for relativistic electron and heavy ion beams. S. Tashenov a,b,c , T. Bäck b , R. Barday d , B. Cederwall b , J. Enders d , A. Khaplanov b ,

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S. Tashenov a,b,c ,

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  1. Polarization correlations in electron bremsstrahlung and radiative recombination – a novel polarimetry technique for relativistic electron and heavy ion beams S. Tashenova,b,c, T. Bäckb, R. Bardayd, B. Cederwallb, J. Endersd, A. Khaplanovb, R. Märtinc,e, Yu. Poltoratskad, K.-U. Schässburgerb, U. Spillmannc, Th. Stöhlkerc,e,f, A. Surzhykove, G. Weberc,e aStockholm University, Sweden bRoyal Institute of Technology, Sweden cGSI, Germany dTechnische Universität Darmstadt, Germany eUniversität Heidelberg, Germany fHelmholtz-Institut Jena, Germany

  2. Radiative Recombination and Bremsstrahlung Bremsstrahlung Radiative Recombination Ekinetic Ebinding Ion or Atom Ion

  3. Radiative Recombination and Bremsstrahlung Bremsstrahlung SWL <or> RR into Rydberg series limit Bremsstrahlung Radiative Recombination Ekinetic Ebinding Ion or Atom Ion or Atom Ion

  4. Bremsstrahlung: Sensitivity to electron spin • Photon observables: • angular distribution • linear polarization • degree • angle • circular polarization

  5. Bremsstrahlung: Sensitivity to electron spin • Photon observables: • angular distribution • linear polarization • degree • angle • circular polarization Photon circular polarimeter photon Spin electron Spin H electron beam solid target bremsstrahlung photons gamma-ray detector magnetized target

  6. Bremsstrahlung: Sensitivity to electron spin spin transfer: longitudinal spin –> circular polarization Compton (photon) circular polarimeter photon Spin electron Spin H electron beam solid target bremsstrahlung photons gamma-ray detector magnetized target

  7. Experimental setup photon linear polarimeter • Photon observables: • angular distribution • linear polarization • degree • angle photon detector 1 Electron spin orientation: S photon detector 2

  8. Left-right asymmetry of photon emissionfrom transveraly polarized electrons photon detector 1 intensity ratio is sensitive to: θ θ Electron spin orientation: S photon detector 2 W. Nakel, C.T. Whelan, Physics Reports 315 (1999) 409-471

  9. Linear polarization photon linear polarimeter Degree of polarization is sensitive to: Ψ Electron spin orientation: S Angle of polarization is sensitive to: H.K. Tseng, R.H. Pratt, PRA 7 (1973) 1502-1515

  10. Polarization correlations Polarization correlation coefficients Ckj k electron j photon 1 transversal 1 P2 (45o to reaction plane) 2 transversal 2 circular 3 longitudinal 3 P1 (reaction plane) photons Ψ Non-zero correlations: target C23 C11 electron beam S C31 C20 Polarization in terms of Stokes parameters P1, P2: H.K. Tseng, R.H. Pratt, PRA 7 (1973) 1502-1515

  11. Polarization correlations Polarization correlation coefficients Ckj k electron j photon 1 transversal 1 P2 (45o to reaction plane) 2 transversal 2 circular 3 longitudinal 3 P1 (reaction plane) Previously experimentally not studied Non-zero correlations: C23 C11 S C31 C20 H.K. Tseng, R.H. Pratt, PRA 7 (1973) 1502-1515

  12. Compton linear polarimetry Compton scattering technique Compton polarimetry with segmented germanium / silicon detectors Achievements in precision: Degree = 1%, Angle = 5 mrad S. Tashenov et al., NIM A 600 (2009) 599 A. Khaplanov et al., NIM A 593 (2008) 459

  13. Polarized electron source SPIN @ TU Darmstadt • 100 keV Polarized electron beam • Wien filter ratates electron soin • Mott polarimeter measures transversal spin • One can reverse electron spin while keeping • other experimental conditions fixed C. Heßler et al., Proceedings of EPAC08, Genoa, Italy; R. Barday et al., Proceedings PST2009, Ferrara , Italy

  14. Linear polarization: experimental setup 25-pixel HPGe detector Compton scattering as an analyzer of linear polarization of hard x-rays S. Tashenov et al., NIM A 600 (2009) 599; A. Khaplanov, S.Tashenov et al., NIM A 593 (2008) 459

  15. Linear polarization: preliminary results Bremsstrahlung SWL

  16. Left-right asymmetry of photon emissionfrom transveraly polarized electrons LaCl3 LaBr3 (preliminary) W. Nakel, C.T. Whelan, Physics Reports 315 (1999) 409-471

  17. Electron beam polarimetry Ψ α preliminary

  18. Electron beam polarimetry Large change in the modulation of Comtpon distribution – large change in the degree of photon polarization

  19. Second experiment 2D 32x32 μ-strip Si(Li) detector Novel 2D position sensitive Si(Li) detector has been applied as an efficient Compton polarimeter. Each voxel of the detector serves a dual role: as a Compton scatterer or a photoabsorber. Kinematics of Compton scattering is determined by a coincident registration of the scattered photon and the recolied electron. (detector subset) Theory by A. Surzhykov Experimental results: R. Märtin, U. Spillman, Th. Stöhlker, G. Weber, GSI, Darmstadt

  20. Bremsstrahlung and Radiative Recombination Similar polarization correlations for Radiative Recombination of polarized electrons into heavy ions <or> of upolarized electrons into polarized H-like ions RR onto Rydberg series limit Bremsstrahlung SWL = A. Surzhykov et al., PRL 94 (2005) 203202

  21. Polarimetry of heavy ion beams GSI Storage Ring ESR Ψ gas target U92+ U91+ 500 MeV/u Polarization correlations in Radiative Recombination can be applied as a unique tool for polarimetry of relativistic heavy ion beams. S. Tashenov et al., PRL 97 (2006) 223202 A. Surzhykov et al., PRL 94 (2005) 203202

  22. Thank you for listening!

  23. 1019,7 nm = 1,2 eV A possible experiment: spin polarized ion beams and detection of beam polarization Laser Nd:YAG 532 nm doubled Gas target

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