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Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) 2014-2015

Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) 2014-2015. Debbie Matthews dmatthews@ksde.org 785-296-0916. Students need a test record in KIDS so they will be registered for DLM by October 1, 2014

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Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) 2014-2015

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  1. Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) 2014-2015 Debbie Matthews dmatthews@ksde.org 785-296-0916

  2. Students need a test record in KIDS so they will be registered for DLM by October 1, 2014 • Teachers after October 1, 2014 can complete the First Contact Survey if the student is new or review previously completed surveys (don’t forget to hit the submit button when finished!). • Teachers after October 1, 2014 can complete the PNP if the student is new or review previous PNP for students

  3. Student Participation Students taking an alternate assessment will need to start working on essential elements in kindergarten so the students will have the skills to meet the higher expectations of the Kansas College and Career Essential Elements The Essential Elements should be compatible with the curriculums delivered in districts for students taking alternate assessments

  4. Materials Teachers will Need • All information at -http://dynamiclearningmaps.org/kansas • Participation Guidelines • DLM English Language Arts Integrated Assessment Model 2014-15 Blueprint • DLM Mathematics Integrated Assessment Model 2014-15 Blueprint • And the Tested Essential Elements on the Educator Resource page, they have live links, so can’t be downloaded.

  5. Resources All testing information is at the newDLM website at http://dynamiclearningmaps.org/ • Then, go to assessmentsat the top of the page and in the drop down, menu click on operational testing • Then, go to the bottom of the page to select states and choose Kansas Remember Teachers are called Test Administrators

  6. Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) • NOW, Teachers need to pick their Essential Elements (EEs, which are links to the standards) for their students found on the DLM Kansas page : • DLM English Language Arts Integrated Assessment Model 2014-15 Blueprint • DLM Mathematics Integrated Assessment Model 2014-15 Blueprint • After picking the EEs then teachers can organize their classroom and begin instruction • Teachers will enter the chosen EEs into DLM Educator Portal starting November 10

  7. Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) The First Contact Survey determines the Linkage Level that will be delivered to the student when the student enters the assessment. There are 5 linkage levels: • Successor • Target • Proximal • Distal • Initial Each EE and the nodes at each linkage level are on the Educator Recourse page at http://dynamiclearningmaps.org/kansas then go to Tested Essential Elements and click on the EE you are choosing and you will see what is on the next slide. This information has live links so it can’t be downloaded.


  9. Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) There are two Essential Elements documents posted at DLM • The complete essential document (all grade, all EEs) to find them go to Learning Maps tab at the top of the page, then on the learning maps page go to the right side of the page and you will see the complete Essential Elements documents at dynamiclearningmaps.org • The second set of essential elements documents are the TESTED essential elements documents and they are found at the bottom Educator Resource page

  10. Dynamic Learning Maps There are two kinds of modules in DLM – • There are Professional Development modules for instruction both self-directed and facilitated, when finished there will be about 50 modules • There are Required Test Administration modules both self-directed and facilitate, there are 7 modules

  11. Dynamic Learning Maps NOW • There is required test administration training for test administrators (teachers) with a test at the end of each module to learn how to give the assessment - • The self-directed Test Administrative Training is in the Educator Portal under professional development • The Facilitated Test Administrative Training is located at http://dynamiclearningmaps.org/kansas • All quizzes will be completed in the Educator Portal A teacher has to do all the required modules and pass all the test to administer the DLM assessment

  12. Dynamic Learning Maps Who may be a Test Administrator? A person that completes all the Required Test Administrative training. A paraprofessional can be a Test Administrator as long as they have completed the training. The Required Test Administrative training is available now on Dynamic Learning Maps in the Educator Portal

  13. DLM Integrated Model

  14. DLM Integrated Model   When thinking of DLM we have to think of it as a formative process, the assessment is a year long process that will involve: • Instruction • Then going into the Instructional Tool Interface often to complete testlets, then continue instruction and completing testlets. • 2014-2015 test all EEs at least once and get comfortable with the Instructional Tool Interface • Some EEs will have testlets that have FT on the testlet and that means it is a field test item and that is fine, use them! • Some testlets will just be there and those are operational testlets and will be used in the students final assessment score this year • Some EEs will have no testlet, so go back to those EEs in the winter assessment window (C)

  15. DLM Integrated Model 2014-2015 • Beginning On November 10, 2014 teachers will be able to go into DLM and have access to the testlets to assess their students as instruction is occurring • This year the integrated model uses the operational testlets in the Instructional Tools Interface as part of the students State Assessment Score – this is a year that teachers can explore and get used to using the Instructional Tools Interface often with their students • The Operational Testlets and End of Year assessment will be used for the Students State Assessment score in 2014-2015

  16. DLM Integrated Model 2014-2015 • As teachers use the Instructional Tool Interface they are creating many data points for each student across the school year with the operational testlets • These many data points, plus a small End of Year Assessment over the EEs that were chosen for that student will be the students State Assessment Score for the year starting in 2014-2015 • This type of assessment will also show the growth of the student across the year

  17. DLM Integrated Model The first mandatory test window (B) will begin on November 10-December 20 When the window opens the teacher will register the EEs they chose for the student. Then they can begin using testlet that go with their chosen EEs. The second mandatory test window (C) is January 5-March 16.

  18. DLM Integrated Model End of year testing date is – March 16 – May 15 The End of Year Test will be a re-assessment of 5 EEs for ELA and 5 EEs in Math. The assessment will randomly select 5 EEs out of the total number of EEs chosen for the student and will use those 5 EEs to assess the student on in the small End of Year Assessment.

  19. Field Tests

  20. DLM Field Tests There will be 3 Field Tests and Kansas teachers can volunteertheir participation of students DLM still has 6,000 items they need to field test this year so participation will be appreciated! When teachers go into the Instructional Tool Interface and use testlets they might see “FT” on some testlets and those are Field Test testlets, use them!

  21. DLM Field Tests DLM Field Tests (Volunteer) • October 13-31 – Field Test A • November 10-December 20 – Field Test B • January 5–March 6 - Field Test C Please volunteer we need your help!

  22. KANSAS IEP Goals New Kansas power points for writing Standard Based IEP goals for student taking an alternate/DLM assessment have been posted on the http://www.ksdetasn.org/ webpage (Standard Based IEP goals aren’t required but are best practice) Remember if a student takes an alternate assessment all goals must have objectives or benchmarks

  23. Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) To get all the information you need go to Dynamic Learning Maps http://dynamiclearningmaps.org/kansas This power point will be located at http://ksde.org/Agency/DivisionofLearningServices/CareerStandardsandAssessmentServices/CSASHome/Assessments/DynamicLearningMaps(DLM)EssentialElements.aspx Please contact me with any questions dmatthews@ksde.org 785-296-0916

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