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Who Wrote Shakespeare? Application of Multi-Disciplinary Research to Medicine and Humanity

Who Wrote Shakespeare? Application of Multi-Disciplinary Research to Medicine and Humanity. Albert C.-C. Yang, M.D., PhD Attending Physician, Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan.

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Who Wrote Shakespeare? Application of Multi-Disciplinary Research to Medicine and Humanity

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  1. Who Wrote Shakespeare?Application of Multi-Disciplinary Research to Medicine and Humanity Albert C.-C. Yang, M.D., PhD Attending Physician, Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan accyang@gmail.com

  2. Information Created by Biological Systems Neuronal Impulse Genetic Codes

  3. Information Created by Biological Systems Human Heartbeats

  4. Human Creations Earliest record of paintings by human Lascaux Cave France 20000 BC

  5. Human Creations Symbols Indus script India 3500 BC Jiahu China 6600 BC Vinča signs Europe 4500 BC

  6. Human Creations Writing Systems Cuneiform scriptSumerians Iraq 2600 BC

  7. Human Genome vs. Chimpanzee Genome Challenge How to effectively categorize information of different origins? A general principle to analyze information-embedded signals Repetitive Patterns

  8. Information Categorization Method Comparison of human literary texts Repetitive patterns: words

  9. Frequency and Rank Order Statistics

  10. Frequency and Rank Order Statistics

  11. Rank Comparison Map

  12. Rank Comparison Maps Shakespeare vs. Shakespeare Shakespeare vs. Fletcher

  13. Rank Comparison Maps 金庸vs. 古龍 金庸 vs. 金庸 射雕英雄傳 楚留香傳奇 倚天屠龍記

  14. Information-Based Similarity Index Physical Review Letters 90:108103 (2003); Physica A 329:473-483 (2003); Journal of Computational Biology 12(8):1103-16 (2005).

  15. Cluster Analysis

  16. Known Authorship Classification

  17. Chinese Authorship Debate Dream of the Red Chamber

  18. Dream of Red Chamber 紅樓夢 • One of China's four great classical novels. • Written by Cao Xueqin in the middle of the 18th century during the early Qing Dynasty. • 80 Chapters in original manuscript copies. • Gao E and Cheng Weiyuan added 40 additional chapters to complete the novel.

  19. Authorship Debate (紅樓夢)

  20. Authorship Debate (紅樓夢)

  21. Who Wrote Shakespeare’s Plays? • Both Marlowe and Shakespeare had births recorded in 1564. • Before Shakespeare’s name became widely known, Marlowe had already produced several major works in various genres, including Tamburlaine the Great and Dr. Faustus. • Marlowe’s career tragically ended on 30 May, 1593 when he was apparently murdered in a dispute.

  22. The Murder of The Man Who Was Shakespeare – Calvin Hoffman • Shakespeare did not visit some places which vividly appeared in scenes of Shakespeare’s plays. • Shakespeare seems to suddenly appear after Marlowe’s death. • Marlowe had not died as claimed in 1593, but instead escaped to a secret refuge in Italy where he spent the rest of his life writing the body of plays generally attributed to Shakespeare.

  23. Who Wrote Shakespeare’s Plays? ? Shakespeare Marlowe

  24. Henry VIII The Two Noble Kinsmen Edward III Yang AC et al. Physica A 329:473-483 ( 2003)

  25. Shakespeare versus Fletcher

  26. Critique It is like taking all the words and throwing them in the blender ~ leading Shakespeare scholar Support The Calvin & Rose G. Hoffman Marlowe Memorial Trust 2003 Prize ~ leading Shakespeare scholar

  27. Boston Globe Aug 5, 2003: D1-D4; Cook Gareth: “Much Ado About Data”

  28. 仿倪匡作品 倪匡原作

  29. Application to Human Heartbeat

  30. Heart rate dynamics Parasympathetic stimulation Sympathetic stimulation

  31. Which Heart Rate Pattern is Healthy? Heart Failure Heart Failure Normal Atrial Fibrillation

  32. Technical Challenges • How to map a heart rate time series to a symbolic sequence? KJLFNHACUARAFVTHTYAERFVVAEVACVAZCFVDFVZDSDSFVSDFVNTEWOSIXWRXDPOIJRROIRFUFNVIMVMF ? • How to define wordsin heart rate symbolic sequences? KJ LFN HACUA RAFVT HTY AER FV VA EVAC VAZ CF VDF VZ D SDSFV SDFV NTEWOSI XW RXDP OIJR RO IRFU FNV IMV MF ?

  33. Symbolic Mapping 8-bit word: 11000110, 10001100, 00011001

  34. Health vs. Disease D = 0.25 Comparison of Human Heartbeat Health vs. Health D = 0.10 Yang AC et al. Physical Review Letter 90: 108103 (2003)

  35. Phylogenetic Tree of Human Heartbeat Yang AC et al. Physical Review Letter 90: 108103 (2003)

  36. Clustering of Human Heartbeat Is Associated with β2-AR Gene Polymorphisms Yang AC et al. PLoS ONE 6(5): e19232 (2011)

  37. Application to Genetic Sequences Picture obtained from www.genetic-programming.org



  40. Rank Comparison Maps Same Species Different Species

  41. Human Influenza Virus Our result is consistent with previous finding based on sequence alignment technique (Science 1986; 232: 980)

  42. Genome-wide Sequence Comparison (SARS Coronavirus) Yang AC et al. Journal of Computational Biology 12(8):1103-16 (2005).

  43. Mathematics compares the most diverse phenomena and discovers the secret analogies that unite them - Joseph Fourier

  44. Selected References and Tutorial • 1. Yang AC, Hseu SS, Yien HW*, Goldberger AL, Peng CK. Linguistic analysis of human heartbeats using frequency and rank order statistics. Physical Review Letters 90:108103 (2003). • 2. Yang AC, Peng CK, Yien HW, Goldberger AL. Information categorization approach to literary authorship disputes. Physica A 329:473-483 ( 2003). • 3. Yang AC, Goldberger AL, Peng CK.* Genomic classification using an information-based similarity index: application to the SARS coronavirus. Journal of Computational Biology 12(8):1103-16 (2005). • 4. Peng CK, Yang AC , Goldberger AL. Statistical physics approach to categorize biologic signals: from heart rate dynamics to DNA sequences. Chaos 17: 015115 (2007). • 5. Yang AC, Tsai SJ, Hong CJ, Wang C, Chen TJ, Liou YJ, Peng CK. Clustering heart rate dynamics is associated with β-adrenergic receptor polymorphisms: analysis by information-based similarity index. PLoS ONE 6(5): e19232 (2011). Online Tutorial: http://www.physionet.org/physiotools/ibs/ Physionet: NIH Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals

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