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Alcatel Alenia Space expertise in satellite telemedicine networks deployment & solutions

Alcatel Alenia Space expertise in satellite telemedicine networks deployment & solutions. Mesh technology bit rate : 64 kb/s to 2Mb/s. BERLIN. PARIS. TOULOUSE. FIRENZE. NIZZA. SOFIA. France, Germany, Italy, Tunisia, Greece, Bulgaria. MARSEILLE. NAPOLI. THESSALONIKI. MATERA.

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Alcatel Alenia Space expertise in satellite telemedicine networks deployment & solutions

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  1. Alcatel Alenia Space expertise in satellite telemedicinenetworks deployment & solutions

  2. Mesh technology bit rate : 64 kb/s to 2Mb/s BERLIN PARIS TOULOUSE FIRENZE NIZZA SOFIA France, Germany, Italy, Tunisia, Greece, Bulgaria. MARSEILLE NAPOLI THESSALONIKI MATERA ATHENS TUNIS Generic Advanced Low cost trans-European Network Over Satellite • Remote expertise for radiologists Live videoconferencing session on still images Pre-recorded medical images or live acquisition from visual presenter Images manipulation to mark or isolate injured areas Second advice from expert and adequate treatment definition 1999

  3. LAN Large screen Multicast Meeting room Live recording Individuals Encoding system Health Applications platform groups Medical Expertise Dissemination over Satellite • Invasive surgery knowledge dissemination Large scale dissemination of invasive surgery methods using one way satellite system Video assistance in invasive surgery using two way satellite system Live event encoding and transmission Advanced IP based encoding applications Advanced IP based communication applications 2000

  4. Disaster Emergency Logistic Telemedicine Advanced Satellite System • Emergency telemedicine Reception, processing and communication of patient data Communication/co-ordinationwith other rescue stations, regional hospitalsby means of advanced satellite telecommunication systems Command and control means of evacuation and transport Medical pre-equipped containers Command and control stations 2001

  5. Disaster Emergency Logistic Telemedicine Advanced Satellite System • Emergency telemedicine Low data rate medical solutions for rescue teams on the field high data rate medical solutions for doctors in emergency hospital

  6. Medicin@pais • Medical training & teleconsultation Elderly people care Support to local care practitioners Medical training of local staff Training to medical practice methods St Etienne de Tinee St Martin Vésubie Tele-consultation Tende Roquebillière Breil sur Roya ECG signal analysis Puget-Theniers NICE Second opinion 4 Reference hospitals in Nice • Faculty of Medicine => Medical training • Ste Marie Institute => Mental diseases care • Nice University Hospital => Elderly people, palliative care in end stage • Pasteur Hospital 2003

  7. VPN • Homecare 2004

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