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Despicable me

Despicable me. This is the evil mastermind G ru played by S teve C arell in both movies. A s G ru he tries to steal the moon and solve a crime by another evil mastermind. Gru / steve carell.

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Despicable me

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Despicable me

  2. This is the evil mastermind Gruplayed by Steve Carellin both movies. As Gruhe tries to steal the moon and solve a crime by another evil mastermind. Gru/stevecarell

  3. Margo ,Edith and Agnes are the 3 girls that Gruadopts in the first movie to get back the Shrinkraybut doesn’t want to send them back and keeps them. Margo is played by Miranda Cosgrove. Edith is played by Dana Gaier and Agnes is played by Elsie Fisher. Margo,edith and agnes

  4. This is Dr. Nefario played by RusselBrand. He is Gru’strusty sidekick who helps him on his adventures to do evil deeds. Dr. Nefario/russel brand

  5. The villains in the movies are 1 Vector/Jason Segel 2 El Macho/Benjamin Bratt. They try to foil Gru’s plans to be evil and good. villains

  6. These are Gru’s mindless hilarious banana loving helpers. Minions

  7. This is Pharrell Williams who composes all the songs in both despicable me movies. His songs are very well known with songs such as “Happy” and “Despicable Me” both featured in the movie. Pharrell Williams.

  8. Goodbye from us and the minions.

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