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GATHERING Welcome, Announcements & Territorial Acknowledgement Gathering Prayer

GATHERING Welcome, Announcements & Territorial Acknowledgement Gathering Prayer Hymn : song sheet # 1 - “This Your Love, So Fills My Soul” Prayer of Confession & Peace Song: song sheet # 2 - “ Tu eres amor ” WORD Scripture & Sermon Prayers of the People TABLE

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GATHERING Welcome, Announcements & Territorial Acknowledgement Gathering Prayer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GATHERING Welcome, Announcements & Territorial Acknowledgement Gathering Prayer Hymn: song sheet # 1 - “This Your Love, So Fills My Soul” Prayer of Confession & Peace Song: song sheet # 2 - “Tueresamor” WORD Scripture & Sermon Prayers of the People TABLE Hymn: VU 460 “All Who Hunger” Communion GOING FORTH Hymn: song sheet # 3 - “Let Streams of Living Justice” Blessing & Sending Forth

  2. Territorial AcknowlegementECSS 2014 Creator, as we come together, gathered on this land, keep us mindful of the covenants that have been broken with First Nations Peoples. Be with us as we strive to make right with all our relations. Amen. . . . silence . . .

  3. Gathering Prayer KAIROS 40th Anniversary Worship Guide Gather us, O God, into a community that sets us free. Free our minds and hearts from greed; release our hands and voices from the chains of despair or indifference. . . .

  4. Gather us, O God, into a renewed vision of a great community, a community which shares its pain and its joys, its gifts and its treasures equally among all. Gather us, O God, into a new joy at your wondrous creation, and a deep respect for all the good gifts that you offer us. . . .

  5. Gather us, O God, into a time of reflection, between memory and hope, between a strong past and an unknown future. In this time of gathering in community, hear our prayers, guide our thoughts, and inspire our actions. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

  6. Opening Hymn: you may rise in body or in spirit song sheet #1 “This, Your Love So Fills My Soul”

  7. Prayer of Confession KAIROS 40th Anniversary Worship Guide We have strived to be courageous; we have tried to find your way; But there are . . . times when we have confused our truths with yours; times when we have remained divided; times when our privileges have turned us inward; times when in doing justice we have failed to be just. . . .

  8. Hear our repentance for what we have done. Hear our lament for what we have left undone. Hear our cry for you. The Peace Song [seated]: song sheet #2- “Túeresamor” (in Spanish, French, Cree, English)

  9. WORD Old Testament: Micah 6:1-8 The Word of God. Thanks be to God. Sung Gospel: [seated] MV 112 “Amen, Amen, It Shall Be So”

  10. Sermon: “What Does God Require of Us?

  11. +silence +

  12. Prayers of the PeopleNew Zealand Prayer Book

  13. TABLE Communion Hymn: VU 460 “All Who Hunger”

  14. The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.

  15. Sung: [VU 944] Holy, holy, holy, holy – holy, holy is our God! God of earth and God of heaven, holy, holy is our God! Holy, holy, holy, holy – holy, holy is our God! God of all and God of history, holy, holy is our God!

  16. Sung: [VU 944] Christ has died and Christ is risen, Jesus Christ will come again! Reconciling all creation is a Love that never ends! (repeat)

  17. Sung: [VU 944] In the Body and the Spirit, let the people say Amen! With a feast of love and justice, let the people say Amen! (repeat) . . . The Lord’s Prayer in the language of your tradition or culture

  18. MV 201 “I Am the Bread of Life” I am the Bread of Life broken for the world. I am the cup poured out for all. Those who believe in me will never die. I am the life of the world. MV 202 “Bread for the Journey” Bread for the journey, food for the way. Cup of God’s blessing, tomorrow, today.

  19. Prayer after Communion Book of Alternative Services God of tender care, in this eucharist we celebrate your love for us and for all people. May we show your love in our lives and know its fulfilment in your presence. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

  20. GOING FORTH Hymn: song sheet # 3 - “Living Justice” Blessing & Sending Forth

  21. Next week: Feb. 5th Many Calls . . . Many Paths . . . Ministry Fair and Lunar New Year Celebration Lunch 11:30 am – 3:00 pm For complete texts of liturgies and prayers, see: www.worshipwithemmanuel.ca All material reprinted with permission under OneLicense.net A-711-187

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