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Teacher Evaluation

Gregory J. Baracy , Ed.D . Superintendent. Teacher Evaluation. Presented by: Paul Salah, Ed.D . Deputy Superintendent. Teacher Evaluation: A Cooperative Effort.

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Teacher Evaluation

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  1. Gregory J. Baracy, Ed.D. Superintendent Teacher Evaluation Presented by: Paul Salah, Ed.D. Deputy Superintendent

  2. Teacher Evaluation: A Cooperative Effort • A committee, including, the Instruction Department, Human Resources Department, the Teacher’s Union and the Administrator’s Union started at the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year with the following: • Reviewing the changes in the law • Reviewing the WWEA (Teacher) contract • Attending the best practice conferences sponsored by MDE • Working with Wayne County RESA • Serving on various State committees e.g. Education Alliance

  3. Teacher Evaluation: A Cooperative Effort • Throughout the development of the teacher evaluation documents, principals, teachers and central office personnelwere involved with discussion to help create the Wayne-Westland model. Groups included: • Teacher’s Union • Principal’s Union • Curriculum Council • Educational Services • Instruction Department • Special Education Department • District Principals

  4. Our Agenda has been to… • Make Teacher Evaluation Relevant and Purposeful with the Intent upon Improving Teaching Practices • Identify Qualitative Measures—Affective and Empirical Considerations • Identify Quantitative Measures—Student Growth as a Major Aspect of Teacher Evaluation

  5. Making Teacher Evaluation Relevant • Why do we evaluate teachers? • Two schools of thought exist on the subject, Danielson (2000) : 1. Increased levels of accountability: Policy Makers 2. To help teachers develop professionally: Administrators and Teachers

  6. Two Aspects of Evaluation Must be Considered: • Wayne-Westland perceives two considerations related to teacher evaluation: • Qualitative Measures • Quantitative Measures

  7. Two Aspects of Evaluation Must be Considered: • Qualitative Measures: • 14 sections each worth 5 points for a total of 70 points of the total evaluation. • Qualitative sections are observable and often behavior oriented items or characteristics. • In many instances the qualitative sections deal with affective qualities that are observable or provable through empirical observation, e.g. essential teacher beliefs.

  8. Professional Evaluation Growth Instrument

  9. Two Aspects of Evaluation Must be Considered: • Quantitative Measures • Measuring Student Growth • Represents 30% of the Total Teacher Evaluation

  10. Student Achievement as a Significant Aspect of Student Achievement Figure 1. Thirty percent (30%) of teacher evaluation is based upon student growth and subdivided according to the figure below.

  11. Student Achievement as a Significant Aspect of Teacher Evaluation

  12. One Example of Student Growth (K-6 Model)

  13. Elementary Student Growth (K-6) Model

  14. Middle School Evaluation Values • Variety in the Types of Assessment being utilized is key to reliability. • Not all results should be based upon one measure e.g. MEAP or MME.

  15. High School Evaluation Values • Variety in the Types of Assessment being utilized is key to reliability. • Not all results should be based upon one measure e.g. MEAP or MME.

  16. Middle and High School Student Growth Model

  17. Section Rubric

  18. Summative Score Rubric

  19. Questions? • Paul Salah, Ed.D., Deputy Superintendent, Wayne Westland Community School District • 734-419-2015 • Salahp@wwcs.k12.mi.us

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