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PPC Trends For 2019

In 2019, we should focus on two key areas: Audiences and Automation. There may be more focus on automation and connecting with audiences instead of keywords.

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PPC Trends For 2019

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PPC TRENDS FOR 2019 By: Woosper.com

  2. OVERVIEW In2019, weshouldfocusontwo keyareas: Audiencesand Automation. Theremaybemorefocuson automationandconnectingwith audiencesinsteadofkeywords. 02

  3. TARGET AUDIENCE PPCmarketerswilladoptaudiencetargetingstrategies fortheadsinsteadofkeywords. AccordingtoPurnaVirji, SeniorManagerofGlobal Management, Microsoft “Drilldowninthemeven further, soyouradmessagingcanbeasrelevantand feelaspersonalizedaspossible.”  05

  4. AUTOMATION OPPORTUNITIES PPCAutomationservicesarethepowerful waytoimprovetheperformanceofyour campaigns. Itcansaveyouralotoftimeand money. 06

  5. AMAZON E-commerceplatformisthebestplatformtorun yourads. Amazonhascapturedtheattentionof Google, Facebook, andBingwhenitcomestoads placement. 05

  6. VIDEO MARKETING Videomarketingcandowondersforyour business. Thoughvideomarketingismore expensivethanothertraditionalmethodsof digitaladvertisingbutyouhavetodoit otherwiseyou'llfallbehindyourcompetitor. 06

  7. CHECK OUT FOR NEW FEATURES Therewillbemoreuseof conversion-user strategies. Youcanexpectalotofnewtoolsand featuresfromeveryPPCmarketingplatform. Thesewillprovideopportunitiesformarketers whoarereadytojumpinandtakeadvantageof them. 09

  8. CONTACT US USAOffice 5858HortonStreet, Suite101, Emeryville CA94608, UnitedStates FollowUs: E-mail: sales@woosper.com PhoneNumber: +12402416902 06

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