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Supplemental Instruction (SI) Across Campus Programs

Supplemental Instruction (SI) Across Campus Programs. ACCTLA 2002 Presented by Frank Henderson and Edward Brown. Hartnell College has:. An Enrollment of about 9,500 In 99-00 HC conferred 560 degrees and certificates with 382 transferred to 4 year institutions

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Supplemental Instruction (SI) Across Campus Programs

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  1. Supplemental Instruction (SI) Across Campus Programs ACCTLA 2002 Presented by Frank Henderson and Edward Brown

  2. Hartnell College has: • An Enrollment of about 9,500 • In 99-00 HC conferred 560 degrees and certificates with 382 transferred to 4 year institutions • A Success rate of 68% and overall persistence rate of 45% for first time freshmen • A black granite panther

  3. Salinas is… Near… Where John Steinbeck was born . He referred to his home as "pastures of heaven."

  4. How would you describe SI to a student?

  5. How SI Sessions Work • Sessions will be scheduled at the times you choose. • It’s a chance to get together with your classmates to compare notes. • Session agendas will be decided by you, the students. • Marathon sessions can be scheduled before exams.

  6. A Classroom SurveyRaise your hand if: You have a best friend. Your best friend has taken this course. Your best friend was a top student in this course and is willing to help you get a better grade by attending the lectures, taking notes, doing all the homework, taking the tests and spending up to 5 hours a week with you.

  7. Supplemental Instruction Your new best friend!!!

  8. What do researchers say about SI?

  9. Claims of Effectiveness Claim 1: Students participating in SI earn higher mean final course grades than those students who do not participate in SI.Claim 2: Regardless of ethnicity and prior academic achievement, students participating in SI succeed at a higher rate than those who do not participate.Claim 3: Students participating in SI persist at the institution at higher rates than students who do not participate in SI.Center for Supplemental Instruction. (Sept. 1998)

  10. Gateway Pre-science Pre-collegiate Learning Communities What are the advantages and disadvantages for each choice? Course Selection

  11. Who will pay the SI Leaders? • Donations • General Fund • Partnership for Excellence • ACCESS (chem, bio) • Title V (math) • VATEA (ADJ) • MESA • Nursing

  12. SI Program at Hartnell College ACCESS adopts the SI Model in Spring 1999 Campus wide SI piloted in Summer 2000 Since Implementation: • Administration of Justice 3, 5 • Health Education 2, 6 • Business 151, Math 201, 121, 13 • ESL 145, 155, 158. • Chemistry 1A, 1B, 12A, 12B, 22 • Biology 1, 2, 5, 6 • What’s Next: • Math 123, English 1A, Speech 1A

  13. ResultsWhat is being said about SI at Hartnell College?

  14. ResultsWhat are students saying about SI? • SI is a great program. I wish all of my science classes had it. It’s very difficult to rely on other students. They either don’t show or give an excuse why they didn’t come. The SI leader was exceptional. I really enjoyed her and her help. Jennifer Lloyd

  15. ResultsWhat are students saying about SI? • I think SI is a great program. I know that I wouldn’t have passed this class without it. I have no complaints. Everything that you do is perfect. I can’t thank you enough for the time and the effort you give to us students. Luc Garcia

  16. ResultsWhat are students saying about SI? • I would like to thank the system for giving us the ability to have extra study groups. The SI leader was a very knowledgeable person. She really helped. Leticia Hernandez

  17. ResultsWhat are counselors and administrators saying about SI? • …I met with a student today who is getting huge benefits from her work with the IA in HED6. She is so pleased and there are significant signs of growing self esteem...WAY TO GO, Ias • Dr. Janet Howell –DSP&S Counselor

  18. ResultsWhat are counselors and administrators saying about SI? • Hooray!!!!!!! Of course I will chip in.....whatever you need .....Thank you!...Dr. Charlene Frontiera – Dean of Math and Science

  19. ResultsWhat are counselors and administrators saying about SI? • You might want to consider doing a presentation at a conference. I think other colleges would be interested in your success. • Dr. Chris Myers – Institutional Research and Planning

  20. ResultsWhat are instructors saying about SI? • Provide more pizza (beer would be nice addition) Rich Ajeska – Biology Instructor

  21. Lessons Learned • Gateway and Pre-science Courses • Mandatory Sessions • Precollegiate Courses and Learning Communities • Tutorial Programs

  22. Lessons LearnedGateway and Pre-science Courses • SI Attendance • Historically, by the first exam SI attendance in Anatomy and Physiology courses exceeds 50% of the class • In the Fall of 2001 77% of the students in Physiology attended SI

  23. Lessons LearnedGateway and Pre-science Courses • SI Results • In our Fall of 2001 Anatomy and Physiology courses 70 % and 68% of the students attending SI sessions received an A, B or C, while only 16% and 37% of the non-SI students received similar grades.

  24. Success RatesFall 2001

  25. Lessons LearnedMandatory Sessions • One mandatory session per week attracts students that would normally not use SI • In the Fall 2001 “Language of Math” LC 70% of the students attended optional SI sessions • Average attendance was 23.9 hours per student

  26. Lessons LearnedPrecollegiate Courses and Learning Communities • LCs can create the collaborative structure and comfort level needed to enhance SI attendance. • By the first exam 55% of the “Language of Math” students had attended SI • During SGIF sessions we asked, “What is the best thing about this LC?” The majority of students said “SI”

  27. Lessons LearnedLearning Communities • Fall 2001 “Language of Math” a 2002 Community College Futures Assembly Bellwether Award Finalist • The Bellwether Awards were created to recognize outstanding and innovative practices that are successfully leading community colleges into the 21st century

  28. Lessons LearnedTutorial Programs • Fall 2002 “Ron Waddy Writing Workshops Series” • A series of 12 workshops, offered 6X each and based on the SI model, were offered by the Tutorial Center on 14 different topics. Writing tutors were trained in collaborative learning techniques. All the workshops were pre-planned and included at least two group exercises. Evaluation played a key role in the refinement of the series.

  29. SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION (SI)Questions and Discussion

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