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Using Urea to Test the Ability of CARMA to Detect New Molecules

Using Urea to Test the Ability of CARMA to Detect New Molecules. L. E. Snyder, H.-L. Kuo, D. N. Friedel, L. W. Looney, B. J. McCall, University of Illinois ; A. J. Remijan, NRAO Charlottesville ; F. J. Lovas, Optical Technology Division, NIST ; and J. M.Hollis, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt.

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Using Urea to Test the Ability of CARMA to Detect New Molecules

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Using Urea to Test the Ability of CARMA to Detect New Molecules L. E. Snyder, H.-L. Kuo, D. N. Friedel, L. W. Looney, B. J. McCall, University of Illinois; A. J. Remijan, NRAO Charlottesville; F. J. Lovas, Optical Technology Division, NIST; and J. M.Hollis, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt.

  2. TURNER 2 mm SurveyArizona 12m: HPBW 38”-46” 12(0,12)-11(1,11) & 12(1,12)-11(0,11) 135,361 MHz E(u)=47 K, LS=11.5 ------ 13(1,13)-12(0,12) & 13(0,13)-12(1,12) 146,193 MHz E(u) = 51 K, LS=12.5 ------ 14(0,14)-13(1,13) & 14(1,14)-13(0,13) 157,024 MHz E(u) = 58 K, LS= 13.5 -------- 15(1,15)-14(0,14) & 15(0,15)-14(1,14) 167,855 MHz E(u) = 66 K, LS=14.5

  3. 12 m Turner (12-11)

  4. 12 m Turner (13-12)

  5. 12 m Turner (14-13)

  6. 12 m Turner (15-14)

  7. Nummelin et al. 1988, ApJS,117,427: 218-263 GHz Swedish ESO-Submillimetre Telescope (SEST) 15m HPBW= 19” – 23” -----------------------------------------------------------

  8. 243,566 MHz 243,666 MHz 21(1,20)-20(2,19) 22(0,22)-21(1,21) 21(2,20)-20(1,19) 22(1,22)-21(0,21) E(u)=136K;LS=19.4 E(u)=137K; LS=21.5 232,737 MHz 232,837 MHz 20(2,19)-19(1,18) 21(1,21)-20(0,20) 20(1,19)-19(2,18) 21(0,21)-20(1,20) E(u)=124K,LS=18.4 E(u)=125K, LS=20.5 221,907 MHz 222,007 MHz 19(1,18)-18(2,17) 20(0,20)-19(1,19) 19(2,18)-18(1,17) 20(1,20)-19(0,19) E(u)=113K,LS=17.4 E(u)=114K,LS=19.5

  9. SEST Data (MHz)243566(21-20) and 243666 (22-21)

  10. SEST Data (MHz)232,737(21-20) and 232837(22-21)

  11. SEST Data (MHz)221,907(19-18)

  12. SEST Data (MHz)222,007(20-19)

  13. BIMA(left) vs CARMA(right)

  14. BIMA(9”x3”) vs CARMA(2”x1”)C Array

  15. BIMA C Array MapsAll very similar, consistent with all emission coming from urea

  16. CARMA urea(red)/continuum map 21(*,21)-20(*,20) @ 232.837 GHz

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