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Alphabet Sounds

Alphabet Sounds. Written by Ginny Dowd, Art work by Mary Susan Kuntz www.phonicsdance.com PowerPoint by Becky Dickson, revised by Kasia Szymanska 2008. A a. a, a, a.....Abby wants an apple! Abby is sad!. …and. A. says A. B b.

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Alphabet Sounds

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alphabet Sounds Written by Ginny Dowd, Art work by Mary Susan Kuntz www.phonicsdance.com PowerPoint by Becky Dickson, revised by Kasia Szymanska 2008

  2. A a a, a, a.....Abby wants an apple! Abby is sad!

  3. …and A says A

  4. Bb B, b, b… Baby wants a bottle! Now burp your baby! b, b, b..... is B!

  5. Cc Cat says c Cat…meaw! c,c,c, is C

  6. Dd D. d. d…I’m a digging dog! d, d, d...is D!

  7. E e e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e... Eddy loves his teddy and Eddy loves E!

  8. …and E says E

  9. Ff f, f, f..... Froggy loves flies! F-f-f is F!

  10. Gg G, g, g..... G-O-A-T…G-O-A-T! G-g-g is G!

  11. Hh H-h-h…is happy, happy. H-h-h is H!

  12. I i i- dot it, i- dot it, i, i, i… Iggy loves her wiggy and Iggy loves I!

  13. …and I says I

  14. Jj J- j- j, jumping, jumping, jumping! J-j-j is J!

  15. Kk K, k, k Kissing Kangaroos! K-k-k is K!

  16. Ll L-l-l is loud lion! L-l-l is L!

  17. Mm M-m-m is mean monster. M-m-m is M!

  18. Nn N-n-n is nice, nice! N-n-n is N!

  19. O o O-o-o is opera, opera. O-o-o is O!

  20. …and O says O

  21. Pp P, p, p…Popcorn please! P-p-p is P!

  22. Qq Q-q-q is queen! PLOP Q-q-q is Q, your highness!

  23. Rr R, r, r…No rain at recess! R-r-r is R!

  24. Ss S, s, s…S-c-h-o-o-l… school, school, school! S-s-s is S!

  25. Tt T, t, t…T-e-a-c-h-e-r Teacher, teacher, teacher. T-t-t is T!

  26. U u Up, up ,up umbrella x2 fuzzy, funny… underwear! U-u-u is U!

  27. …and U Says U

  28. Vv V, v, v… Violin! V-v-v is V!

  29. Ww W, w, w… watermelon, watermelon. W-w-w is W!

  30. Xx X says ks.X says ks.X says ks. The x-rays in the box!

  31. Y y Y, y, y……yelling, yelling, yelling! I will not yell today, I will not yell today. Hi, ho, the Dario…I will not yell today!

  32. Z z Z, z, z…is zipper, ZIP! Z-z-z is Z!

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