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Unit One Business Etiquette

Unit One Business Etiquette. Business etiquette---socially acceptable Cultural differences establishing business relationships Beneficial to strengthening friendship

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Unit One Business Etiquette

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  1. Unit One Business Etiquette

  2. Business etiquette---socially acceptable Cultural differences establishing business relationships Beneficial to strengthening friendship promoting cooperation

  3. Task Who should be the first to reach out to shake hands? The man or the woman? A sales manager and his assistant have received a client from the airport. Which seat(1-4) should each of them take in the car?

  4. There are two parties in the negotiation, the host party and the guest party. Which side should they be sitting on the table? Of the tableware in the formal table setting, how many can you make out?

  5. Tips Picture 1: The woman should reach out first. Picture 2: The seats should be arranged in order of importance: the client should take seat 4, the sales manager seat 2, and his assistant seat1 which is the least important one. Picture 3: The seats next to the door should be arranged for the host party, and the opposite position should be left for the guest party.

  6. Picture4:

  7. Task 1 1. Listen to a dialogue and select the proper dress for business according to what you have heard. Suit: □ □ □ Pants: □ □ □ Shoes: □ □ □

  8. 2. Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions. What’s the dialogue about? ____________________________________ What color is considered formal for business dress? ____________________________________ How long should the pants be? ____________________________________ Task2

  9. Task 1: 1. Suit: Pants: Shoes: or 2. 1) The dialogue is about how to choose the proper dress for business. 2) Grays and dark blues are considered formal for business dress. 3) The hem of the pants should rest on the top of your foot with a slight break.

  10. Board meetings: 董事会议 in terms of:就…而言 preside:主持 take the trouble to:不怕麻烦去做… familiarize sb. with sth.:让某人对某物熟悉 Task 2: board meetings a chairperson which will include references to reports statistics or any other information take the trouble to familiarize themselves with all this paperwork prior to the meeting

  11. Task 3 Words reference: formal casual light color dark color sandal undershirt match a set of

  12. Reading : Reading A

  13. Structure and outline • Cultural differences should be considered when doing business. Para1 • Useful tips of business etiquette. Para2-13 • Learning more about the countries and customs of your clients, you will do successful business all over the world. Para14

  14. Words and expressions tricky ['triki] adj.  微妙的,难处理的,狡猾的,诡计多端的 adage ['ædidʒ] n. 谚语,格言 reserve [ri'zə:v] vt. 具有或保持(某种权利),预订或保留(座位、住处等) aspect ['æspekt] n. 方面 acknowledge [ək'nɔlidʒ] vt. 承认,确认…有法律效力(或约束力) variation [.vɛəri'eiʃən] n. 变化,变更,变异

  15. grip [grip] n. 握法,紧握,紧抓,抓牢 universal [.ju:ni'və:səl] adj. 普遍的,全体的,全世界的,世界性的 conservatively [kən'sə:vətivli] adv. 保存地,保守地,谨慎地 attire [ə'taiə] n.  服装,衣服 guideline ['gaidlain] n. 指导方针,指导原则,准则 status ['steitəs] n. 身份,地位,职位 trendy ['trendi] adj. 时髦的,赶时髦的

  16. courteously ['kə:tiəsli] adv. 有礼貌地,亲切地 offend [ə'fend] vt. 触怒,得罪,冒犯 appreciation [əpri:ʃi'eiʃən] n. 欣赏,鉴赏,赏识 arrogant ['ærəgənt] adj.  傲慢的,自大的 punctuality [pʌŋktjuæliti] n.  严守时间,守时 contact ['kɔntækt] n. 接触的人,联系,社会关系,会见

  17. bear [bɛə] vt. & vi. 显示,带有,携带 document ['dɔkjumənt] n. 公文, 文件, 文献 haphazardly [.hæp'hæzədli] adv. 偶然地;随意地,杂乱地 demeaning [di'mi:niŋ] adj. 不尊重的,侮辱的 compliment ['kɔmplimənt] n. 赞美(话),恭维(话) 表扬,恭维,钦 P's and Q's: be careful, behave yourself 小心,谨慎,言行举止 casual occasions 随意的场合

  18. Language points Task1:Matching to accept the truth of (sth.) fashionable, stylish something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose in a random manner having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride praise keep to politely a person who is in a position to give you special assistance to take action make a move reserve acknowledge trendy courteously arrogant stick to contact haphazardly compliment

  19. Task2:Blanks filling Choose the words or expressions in task 1 to fill the following blanks. Change the forms if necessary. made a move stuck to reserved acknowledged Haphazardly M r. Smith ( ) big ( )to sign the franchising contract with KFC. The team ( ) the project until finished it. The company has ( ) the seats in the restaurant to treat the foreign guests. They ( ) to us that our product range is wider than theirs. All the files are placed ( ) on the desk.

  20. Reading B Word Bank rectangular [rek'tæŋgjulə] adj. 长方形的,矩形的 assume [ə'sju:m] vt. 假设,断想 barrier ['bæriə] n. 障碍 recommend [rekə'mend] vt. 推荐,介绍 acquainted [ə'kweintid] adj. 了解的,熟悉的 defensive [di'fensiv] adj. 防御的,防守的 hamper['hæmpə] vt. 妨碍,束缚 potentially [pə'tenʃəli] adv. 潜在地 autonomous [ɔ:'tɔnəməs] adj. 自治的,自主的,有自主权的 as much 也,同样

  21. Notes 1.safety zone: a curbed area in a roadway from which traffic is excluded; provides safe area for pedestrians <美>(马路上保护行人的)安全地带(如安全岛,人行横道等) 2. Theater seating 影院座位安排 3. Put people’s noses out of joint 夺人家的宠或挫人家锐气 e.g. Peter, her assistant for many years, is to be promoted over her head. That will certainly put her nose out of joint. 彼得做她助手多年,现在快要升级做他上司了,这一定会使她感到十分嫉妒。

  22. F T F Task 1 Read the passage and mark the following statements with true (T) or false (F) or fill in the blanks. ( ) 1. The power position in a meeting being held at a rectangular table is always in the center backing the door. ( ) 2. The president of the United States should sit on the power position. ( ) 3. Business people meeting each other for the first time usually use this position of the most cooperative position.

  23. T T T F ( ) 4. For a job interview, the next most cooperative position is often recommended. ( )5. A competitive situation unnecessarily can hamper an otherwise potentially positive relationship-building situation. ( ) 6. Autonomous position is where you may have to share space, but not necessarily conversation. ( ) 7.Putting chairs in a circle in a meeting doesn’t encourage equal contributions.

  24. Theater seating or side-by-side circles Adding a raised speaking platform 8. ______________________ emphasizes people at the head of the table. 9.In a training situation, for small group discussions you can use . 10. in a meeting sets up more of a barrier between the speaker and the audience.

  25. Task 2You learn to do: mark the corresponding letter with the seats (circles) according to the passage. A, B, C, D, E are exactly the letters of the passage. (A ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  26. ( A ) ( B ) ( B ) ( C ) ( E ) ( D )

  27. Task 3 Group work Suppose Company A will hold a business negotiation with Company B. The two companies have built a long-term relationship of cooperation. The representatives of presenting the negotiation include the presidents, the secretaries, and other three attendances of each party. Please arrange seats for the negotiation and offer at least twoschemes.

  28. Translation 翻译技巧(一) —— 减译法 ( Omission ) 减译法就是为了使译文忠实地表达原文的意思与风格并使译文合乎表达习惯,必须减少一些词语,这就叫减译法。关于减译法,应该记住这样一条总原则:减译法是指原文中有些词在译文中不译出来,因为译文中虽无其词已有其意,或者在译文中是不言而喻的;换言之,减译法是删去一些可有可无的,或者是有了反嫌累赘或违背译文习惯表达的词,但减译并不是把原文的某些思想内容删去。

  29. 例如: 1. 我在等待假日的到来。 I am looking forward to the holidays. 2. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确。 Reading makes a full man;conference a ready man;and writing an exact man. 3. 理论固然重要,实践尤其重要。 Theory is something but practice is everything. 4. 质子带阳电,电子带阴电,而中子既不带阳电,也不带阴电。 A proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge, but a neutron has neither.

  30. Task 1 1. 商务着装反映出作为商务人士的身份地位。 2. 递呈名片时,请将名片正面朝上。 3. 在打招呼的过程中,如果对方给了你一个亲吻、拥抱或者是向你鞠躬,千万不要感到惊讶。 4. 当你收到名片时,要仔细看一下名片信息并向对方表示感谢。 5. 握手的区别应该基于不同的文化习俗,而不是出于个人的喜好或者价值观。

  31. Task2 了解商务礼仪对于商务人员与公司都非常重要。商务活动中,人们越来越注重其长远效益而非短期利益,而商务活动则和讲究礼仪之间关系紧密。尽管不可能掌握和熟知其它国家的一切礼仪规范,但是学习一些基本的要点还是必要的。譬如如何问候,如何和你的客户打招呼,商务场合应该如何着装,如何交换名片等等。作为商人,了解这些礼仪细节说不定会让你在商场上获得意外的成功。

  32. Reference answers Task 1: 1. Business attire reflects your status as a business person. 2. Please present your card face up. 3. Don't be surprised if you are occasionally met with a kiss, a hug, or a bow somewhere along greeting. 4. When you receive someone’s business card, read it carefully and acknowledge it. 5. Variations in handshakes are based on cultural difference, not on personality or values.

  33. Task 2: Knowing business etiquette is important both for businessmen and companies. In business activities more attention is paid to long-term effects instead of short-term benefits. However, business activities and having a knowledge of etiquette have close relationship. Although it is impossible to know all the customs of other countries well, it’s necessary to know some basic rules, such as how to greet and address your clients, how to dress, and exchange business cards, etc. As a businessperson, unexpected success may happen to you when you know these etiquette details.

  34. Practical Writing The host The guests Social events Letter of Invitation The date and time The address The phone number and deadline Samples

  35. Problem-solving---Matching 1 2 3 4 5 A C D E B • They will bow when meeting. b. They like raw vegetables and lemon. • They don’t like to be confused with British. • d. They don’t like to be touched head. e. Punctuality is not their tradition.

  36. Tips Vietnam India Cambodia Japan Scotland

  37. Problem-solving---Mini-project Suppose you are the marketing director of your company and will have a negotiation with five commercial representatives from Japan in the conference room. It’s the first meeting, so your group with your two assistants will greet them, exchange business cards with them and show them the seats. Could you act it out?

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