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South Africa's Policy on National Environmental Management of the Oceans: Green Paper Presentation

This presentation provides an overview of South Africa's policy on the national environmental management of the oceans. It discusses the challenges faced in ocean governance, the development of the policy, international agreements, regulatory mechanisms, ecosystem uses and sustainable use, environmental management, and selected international ocean management strategies.

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South Africa's Policy on National Environmental Management of the Oceans: Green Paper Presentation

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  1. South Africa’s Policy onNational Environmental Management of the OceansGreen Paper Oceans Paper 19 slides (20-25 minutes)23/24 July 2013Department of Environmental Affairs

  2. Introduction • Ocean Governance Failures / Challenges have been observed throughout the world • Several countries are finalizing Ocean management policies • Oceans policies seek to improve sectoral management of the ocean sector & planning and managing across sectors for accumulated and aggregated impacts

  3. Policy Development2011 - 2013 • 2011-12 Towards developing the policy • Observations • Sectoral management of ocean users • Function to advance individual sectorse.g. shipping, mining, fishing • No sector manages accumulated & aggregated impacts across sector Published – 30 October 2012 Draft White Paper July 2013 Review of international agreements that SA is party to. Review of National ocean sectoral policy e.g. shipping Review of sectoral stakeholders e.g. mining, fishing Policy Drafted & submitted to cluster & cabinet Ocean Policies of 12 countries compared Development of the Benguela Current Convention Text

  4. Ocean Policy

  5. SA Ocean Jurisdiction ch2

  6. SA Ocean’s –Global Perspective ch2 X_SA base

  7. DEA OCEAN MANDATE ch3 Constitution Section 244 NEMA and SEMAS • Conservation • Protection • Rehabilitation • Sustainable Development International Agreements

  8. EVOLUTION OF INTERNATIONAL OCEAN GOVERNANCE CH4 Stockholm Convention 1972 >>> UNCLOS 1982 >>> Rio (Ch. 17) / CBD 1992 >>> WSSD – Jo-burg 2002>>>Rio + 20 • Content / Agenda Evolution • intergenerational equity • sustainable use • equitable use • integration principle International Regulatory Mechanisms 70’s – 80’s e.g. Ship Dumping; CITES; Oil Spills

  9. Ocean Ecosystem Uses and Sustainable Use CH5 Ecosystem Approach Species Biodiversity & Habitat Ecosystem Earth System • Provision • sea trade; fish; oil; minerals; pharmaceuticals; sewage & waste disposal etc • Regulation • environmental – climate – weather e.g. re-cycling of carbon & nitrogen; & heat distribution • Supporting • creating niche habitat for biodiversity e.g. mangroves • Cultural

  10. Environmental Management of Ocean Ecosystem Services ch6 • Identifies that there is a need to build on general environmental governance to ocean governance • Description ocean sectoral environmental governance • Demonstrates that the sectoral governance does not seek to manage aggregated and accumulated impact or cross sectoral planning

  11. SELECTED INTERNATIONAL OCEAN MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES CH7 • Improve the competitiveness and effectiveness of existing activities taking place within their marine jurisdiction while at the same time researching and developing innovative and responsible future uses • Maintain and improve marine ecosystems resilience, conserve biodiversity and restore degraded habitat • Participate and strengthen their involvement in global and regional developments -support efforts to achieve environmental objectives • Spatial Planning is often seen as key to managing large ocean spaces

  12. Ocean Policy Objectives Indicator Threshold Cooperation Intervention

  13. 1.Ocean Environmental Information • Policy Statement 1.1: Ensure improved adherence with the ocean environmental reporting requirements contained in domestic legislation • Policy Statement 1.2: Enhance existing research and monitoring of ocean ecosystems 2.Ocean Environmental Knowledge • Policy Statement 2.1: Produce information tools to facilitate understanding of the natural functioning of ecosystems and human impact on the ocean environment • Policy Statement 2.2: Establish, in consultation with role-players, ocean ecosystem thresholds for human health and biodiversity conservation • Policy Statement 2.3: Provide information to promote sustainable development whilst maintaining the resilience of the ocean SECRET

  14. 3. Ocean Environmental Management • Policy Statement 3.1: Provide timeous information on trends and extremes in ecosystem and earth system functioning • Policy Statement 3.2: Ensure the conservation, protection and rehabilitation of ocean habitat and species • Policy Statement 3.3: establish ecosystem and biodiversity management plans in consultation with role-players 4. Ocean Environmental Integrity Policy Statement 4.1: Cooperating at a national, regional and international level to advance sustainable ecosystem-based management of the EEZ, High Seas and Antarctica

  15. An Example of the Policy in Action OBJECTIVE OUTCOME STATEMENT/ACTION • Population numbers of ocean top predators e.g. seabirds – albatrosses • Population numbers must not drop less than n breeding pairs – species management plan • Develop & Inform norms & standards that seabirds mortalities in fishing lines must be less than X per 1000 hooks • Seek partnership with DAFF to regulate and monitor norms and stds • Seek alignment of norms and stds with adjacent coastal states through Benguela Current Commission • Information • Knowledge • Management • Environmental Integrity • Indicator • Threshold • Management • Intervention • Cooperation

  16. CONCLUSION ch9 5-10 years 0-5 years

  17. Additions & Considerations after Comments

  18. Guiding Principles • The sustainable use and management of ocean resources and ecosystem services in order to benefit present and future generations • The protection of biodiversity in the ocean environment and the conservation of marine ecosystems • The application of the precautionary approach to sustainable use and conservation • The prevention, avoidance and mitigation of pollution and adherence to the polluter pays principle • The strengthening of human capacity to deal with a changing environment, including the impacts of climate change such as increases in sea-surface temperature, sea-level rise and ocean acidification • The identification of opportunities which contribute to the development needs of the poor and vulnerable within the population thus ensuring human dignity • The promotion of collaboration and cooperative governance • The promotion of an ecosystem and earth system approach to ocean management

  19. Strategic Objectives • Coordinating and supporting the implementation of the relevant existing statutory and institutional frameworks • Establishing mechanisms for intersectoral data collection and sharing • Creating and maintaining a shared national knowledge base on the human activities, status and functioning of the ocean • Establishing integrated ocean management plans by the undertaking of strategic environmental impact assessments and the use of spatial planning tools • Enhancing national human and technical capacity to better understand and utilise ocean resources and opportunities • Pursuing regional and international cooperation and governance mechanisms

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