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Fertilizer plant

V- Presentation of application with distributor PETROBRAS – Kamasari (BRAZIL). Fertilizer plant. Configuration:. Retention basin. NH 4 + (0-1000ppm). Options:. Peristaltic pump Input 4-20 mA. Application:.

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Fertilizer plant

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  1. V- Presentation of application with distributorPETROBRAS – Kamasari (BRAZIL) Fertilizer plant Configuration: Retention basin • NH4+ (0-1000ppm) Options: • Peristaltic pump • Input 4-20 mA Application: PETROBRAS is a factory which produces fertilizer with urea. The process produces also ammonia. A specialized company takes care to treat the discharges of ammonia until a threshold value, over this value, the cost of this reprocessing increases. Our A400 monitoring the quantity of ammonia produced by PETROBRAS in order to regulate the reprocessing of ammonia discharges.

  2. V- Presentation of application with distributorSABESP – Santos (BRAZIL) (1) Waste water treatment plant Configuration: Sampling point • H2S (0-10ppm) • Phenol (0-2ppm) • NO3- (0-100ppm) Options: • Peristaltic pump Application: SABESP is an municipal waste water treatment plant in Santo (Brazil). Our UV400 monitoring the quantity of Phenol, H2S and NO3 in output plant before discharge in sea Output of plant

  3. V- Presentation of application with distributorBPC (BioPetroClean) - ISRAEL - (1) EAPC (Eilat- Ashkelon Pipeline Company) drainage water treatment Configuration: • OIL(0-50ppm) Options: • DO probe • PH probe • FTEL Application: • BPC uses naturally occurring bacteria to remove both emulsified oil and dissolved toxic hydrocarbons. • Our H400 was installed in EAPC in pilot system. This system measure oil on line before and after treatment in order to • monitor catastrophes in the inlet • study the efficiency of bacteria treatment • making sure we hare standing in the regulation in the out late

  4. V- Presentation of application with distributorAshdod (ISRAEL) Waste water treatment plant Configuration: • COD(0-200ppm) Options: • Peristaltic pump Water during treatment Water after treatment Application: A UV400 has been installed on a waste water treatment plant in Ashdod (Israel) to monitoring the quantity COD in output plant before discharge in the Mediterranean see because authority request to monitor the COD concentration 365 day/years.

  5. V- Presentation of application with distributorMadrid Airport -Madrid (SPAIN) Madrid airport Rain fall water Terminal Configuration: • PAH(0-2ppm) Options: • Mil Module Airstrip Application: Madrid Barajas International Airport, located northeast of Madrid’s city center, is the most important international and domestic gateway in Spain. Opened in 1928, the airport has grown to be one of the most important aviation centers of Europe. So it will be an example also for environment and that’s why it control noise, energies and water and pollution. Thus, our H400 monitor oil in rain fall water.

  6. To existing storm water V- Presentation of application with distributor Dubai electricity and water authority (UAE) Gas turbine power station/ oily water drainage system H400 On line Tracer Monitoring Configuration: OTM • PAH(0-2ppm) Water transfer pump M Options: • Relay module Oil separator Application: Gas turbine power station and oily water drainage system used On line Tracer Monitoring (OTM) in their process. The H400 is used in this OTM to check the content of oil in water and determined level of water which can be discharged to storm water drain in compliance with local standard. It controlled valves for that. The analyser posses an alarm relay system, if the level of oil goes high, the oily water is re-circulated back to the oil separator.

  7. V- Presentation of application with distributorDRV Zrt - Balatonfökajàr (HUNGARY) Municipal waste water treatment plant Configuration: • COD(0-100ppm) • NO3- (0-500ppm) Options: • Relay Module (x3) • Peristaltic pump Application: A UV400 has been installed on the outlet of municipal waste water treatment plant in Balatonfokajàr (hungaryl) to monitoring the quantity COD and nitrate before to discharge in the Balaton lake. The nitrate is very high because they don’t have denitrification process.

  8. V- Presentation of application with distributor EDISON Power Plant (ITALY) Power station Configuration: • PAH (0-2ppm) Options: • Relay Module(x3) • Mil Module Application: Waste water and first rain off of Edison power plant are collected and checked. The maximum of oil concentration in this water is 5 ppm. Thus, Edison use our H400 with a low range to monitor on line luboil (lubricant oil) and fuel in power station waste water.

  9. V- Presentation of application with distributorAGROITTICA TOSCANY - Toscana (ITALY) Fish Parmer Configuration: • PAH (0-2ppm) Options: • Relay Module (x2) Application: The society AGROITTICA TUSCANY produces sea fish species in an intensive thermal system and capturing water directly from the sea. However, oil in water kill fish, that’s why they use our H400 to monitor the oil concentration in basin of fish. Also, they use relay module to get an alarm signal when the level of PAH is harmful for fish. The level of PAH is at ppb in warm see water.

  10. V- Presentation of application with distributor LEDE - Sicily (ITALY) Monitor oil in sea water in harbor Configuration: • PAH (0-10ppm) Options: • Peristaltic pump • Mil Module • Relay Module (x4) Application: There is in Sicily harbor a treatment to separate oil from ship bilge water. The water treated is discharging on see. They used our H400 to monitor the oil separation on see water. The level of PAH concentration measuring is 5 ppm maximum.

  11. V- Presentation of application with distributorCOCA COLA - (GREECE) Monitoring organic mater in waste water treatment plant Configuration: Buffer tank • COD (0-10 000ppm) Options: • Peristaltic pump • Relay Application: In the Coca-Cola Factory there is continues production of juices and refreshments. They had designed their waste water treatment facility for a certain load of organic waste. In case of higher production there is a bigger amount of organic waste that results inproblems to the process of waste treatment. The solution that they have thought is to measure COD online with a strainer, because of the high concentration of COD, in the intake of the waste water treatment after the first scab. When this value exceeds 4000ppm there will be an automatic change of the wastewater stream to a buffer tank.

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