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Introduction to Universe Documentation

Introduction to Universe Documentation. Ken R. Hall, Ph.D. Ken R. Hall Consultants Portland, Oregon. Speaker’s Qualifications. Ken Hall is a PICK/SHIMS consultant and owner of Ken R. Hall Consultants .

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Introduction to Universe Documentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction toUniverse Documentation Ken R. Hall, Ph.D. Ken R. Hall Consultants Portland, Oregon

  2. Speaker’s Qualifications • Ken Hall is a PICK/SHIMS consultant and owner of Ken R. Hall Consultants. • Ken has over 25 years experience developing applications in PICK, UniVerse, and Unidata. • Ken is a reseller of IBM U2 (UniVerse) and Raining Data database products. • Ken has developed business applications for distributors, retailers, mail order houses, manufacturers, and leasing companies.

  3. Learning Objectives • As a result of this presentation, you will become familiar with several sources of UniVerse information. • By the end, you should have a better idea where to go for additional information about UniVerse.

  4. Presentation Agenda I will introduce you to: • IBM’s UniVerse Documentation. • A free UniVerse training class on the web. • A web source for PICK & U2 publications • U2UG - International U2 User Group and its knowledge base

  5. IBM UniVerse Documentation To view or get copy of UniVerse documentation, follow the link below: Found on the web at: http://www-306.ibm.com/software/data /u2/pubs/library/ Click on UniVerse version that you want. Choose “install doc set” to download the entire UV documentation set with installer.

  6. IBM UniVerse Documentation Manuals are available for each UniVerse release. A CD with Windows client installer was included in your UniVerse installation media. Documentation is a set of manuals in hyper-linked pdfs that are displayed with Adobe Reader. The following slides with give you an overview of the available material.

  7. IBM UniVerse Manuals • UniVerse System Description • Overview of UniVerse components and terminology • UniVerse User Reference • TCL command reference document • Good if you have an idea what you want to do • Organizes list of commands by function

  8. IBM UniVerse Manuals Administering UniVerse Shows how to do important functions like uvbackup and uvrestore Guide to UniVerse for PICK users Good place to get your bearings about UniVerse Uses terms you are used to Easy to read

  9. IBM UniVerse Manuals Guide to ProVerb Discussion of scripting languages, PROC and Paragraphs Guide to Retrieve Discussion of LIST and SORT and other features of the report generating commands UniVerse Editor How to use ED, the command line editor

  10. IBM UniVerse Manuals UniVerse BASIC An overview of the BASIC programming language in UniVerse UniVerse BASIC Commands A Programmer’s reference manual by command Good to refer to, hard to learn from

  11. IBM UniVerse Manuals UniVerse Install Guide Good reference if you need to do an upgrade Also see upgrade notes that come with a release For the more technical user Additional manuals on advanced features Advanced features not used on most SHIMS systems

  12. UniVerse Trainingavailable on the Web • Web based UniVerse Training Class • http://www.mannyneira.com/universe/index.html?black • Good over view of system structure • Written for non-PICK computer staff training

  13. UniVerse Documentationavailable on the Web JES – Jon Sisk’s PICK resource and training site http://www.jes.com/ Jonathan E. Sisk'sPick/BASIC: A Programmer's Guide http://jes.com/pb/index.html

  14. Other UniVerse resources U2UG - International U2 User Group http://u2ug.org/index.php Has email lists for user support Requires free signup U2UG Knowledge Base On their new web site (a work in process)

  15. Q&A

  16. Thank You!Ken R. HallKen R. Hall Consultantskenrhall@old-scholls.com503-702-7841

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