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Guidance on Establishing Monitoring to Comply with CAM and Other Title V Requirements

Guidance on Establishing Monitoring to Comply with CAM and Other Title V Requirements. A Summary of Technical and Policy Materials Peter Westlin, EPA, OAQPS. Presentation Overview. Describe EPA technical guidance documents format and content

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Guidance on Establishing Monitoring to Comply with CAM and Other Title V Requirements

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  1. Guidance on Establishing Monitoring to Comply with CAM and Other Title V Requirements A Summary of Technical and Policy Materials Peter Westlin, EPA, OAQPS

  2. Presentation Overview • Describe EPA technical guidance documents format and content • Discuss procedures for designing monitoring and establishing indicator ranges • Discuss monitoring design evaluation factors • Describe other tools - MKB • Discuss calculations for applicability

  3. Guidance Document – CAM TGDPurpose and Scope • Provide general and detailed guidance on the implementation of the Compliance Assurance Monitoring Rule and Other Monitoring Requirements • Describe regulatory requirements and implementation procedures • For industry users and permit reviewers (applicability, requirements, tools, examples) • "Living" documents (will continue to add examples, other information)

  4. General Structure and Format • Explanatory chapters • Rule Overview - requirements, procedures • Monitoring elements • Description of monitoring approaches • Technical reference of monitoring tools • Bibliography • Appendices • Example monitoring plans (based on actual case studies)

  5. Step-by-step Process Description • Selecting a monitoring approach (guidance includes a work sheet) • Review current procedures • Compare with CAM or PMon requirements • Identify potential indicators (control device parameters) • Select reasonable approach • Develop permit application submittal

  6. Design Evaluation Factors Monitoring frequency (rule may define continuous monitoring)- general monitoring frequency concerns: • Sufficient to allow calculation over appropriate averaging periods • CAM rule minimum requirements: • Data collection at least 4/hour for large units • Data collection 1/day for other units

  7. Design Evaluation Factors Averaging periods: • Sufficient to detect control device or other potential compliance problems • Not so short as to flag minor perturbations as excursions

  8. Design Evaluation Factors Level of confidence issues: • Subjective - provides reasonable assurance of proper operation and compliance • Examples of confidence levels for different parameters for range of control measures provided in guidance • Permit application must include justification for selections

  9. Design Evaluation Factors Equipment needs - factors to consider • Location and installation logistics • Maintenance and training needs • Cost factors – inherent in source owner’s planning and design

  10. Design Evaluation Factors Selecting and justifying indicator ranges - define a basis: • Parameter data collected during testing • Historical data • Design or engineering data • From similar operations

  11. Design Evaluation Factors Selecting and justifying indicator ranges: • Type of data (e.g., instrumental or manual) • Frequency • Quantity of data for analysis • Data variability

  12. Design Evaluation Factors Selecting and justifying indicator ranges (continued) - performance criteria: • Data measured during compliance test must fall within range • Range must be indicative of good operations and compliance performance • Range must be sensitive to control device changes • Range should account for normal operational variability

  13. Design Evaluation Factors Indicator range formats: • Mean value + set value (e.g., + 50 F) • Mean value + percent of mean • Max/min value(s) observed • Max/min + set value • Max/min values + percent of mean • Combination of more than one of above (e.g., if "x" and "y", then excursion)

  14. EPA’s Monitoring Knowledge Base(WWW.EPA.GOV/TTN/CHIEF/MKB) • Basic Information • Frequent Questions • Monitoring For Permits • Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) • Monitoring Information    By Control Technique • Monitoring Information    By Industry Type • Publications

  15. MKB – Information elements • Basic Information • Introduction • Ambient Air Quality Monitoring • Stationary Source Emissions Monitoring • Continuous Monitoring Systems • Text Description for each

  16. MKB - Frequently asked questions • What is monitoring? • Why is monitoring so important? • What pollutants are typically monitored? • How is ambient air monitoring accomplished? • How is stationary source emissions monitoring accomplished? • What is a stationary source emissions monitoring device? • Does the EPA require stationary source and emissions point monitoring? • What is Title V? • What is Title V monitoring? • What is the Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) rule? • What is Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) monitoring?

  17. MKB – Monitoring for permits • Introduction • Title V Operating Permits • New Source Review Permits Innovative/Flexible Permits • State Permit Programs

  18. MKB – Compliance Assurance Monitoring • Introduction • CAM Rule CAM • Technical Guidance Document (Includes links to all support files)

  19. MKB – Monitoring information by control technique • Activated carbon adsorber • Capture systems • Catalytic oxidizers • Compliant (low/no VOC/HAP) inks and coatings • Condenser • Cyclone • Electrified filter bed • Electrostatic precipitator • Fabric filters • Thermal oxidizers • Wet scrubbers for gaseous control • Wet scrubbers for particulate control

  20. MKB – Information by monitoring type • Example – Fabric filters • General Description • Monitoring Information • Costs • Links to resources • Training tool • Training video • Fact sheets on different FF types • Cost manual

  21. MKB – Monitoring information by industry type • Most of the information is for Printing and Publishing industry, so far • Others planned as resources permit

  22. MKB - Publications • Links to • Clean Air Act Amendments • Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) Document

  23. Estimating pre-control emissions for applicability to CAM rule Annual emissions = restrictions X emissions rate Post-control Emissions Pre-controlled Emissions Control Device PSEU

  24. Determining Emissions Rates • Emissions testing • EPA test methods • Control device inlet and outlet • Mass balance measurements • e.g., VOC from solvents • Chemical reactions • Emissions factors (e.g., AP-42, site-specific test data) x activities data (e.g., hours, fuel use) • Other?

  25. Mass balance example: coal-fired boilers • Coal-fired boiler • 9% ash • 12,000 Btu/lb • Calculate precontrol emissions: 0.09 lb ash/lb coal = 7.5 lb/mmBtu 0.012 mmBtu/lb coal • Pulv. Coal: 90% suspended ash 6.8 lb/mmBtu • Stoker: 20% suspended ash 1.5 lb/mmBtu

  26. Eo Ei unit dust collector Mass balance example: wood working facility pseu unit Eo = 8 T/Y (measured via source test) Control Eff = 90% Ei = 8 {1/(1 - 90/100)} = 80 T/Y

  27. Uncertainty • Emissions testing data • Accurate but short term • Do not represent process upsets • Emissions factors (e.g., AP-42) • Variable from SCC to SCC • Can easily be factor of 2 to 4 high or low • Emissions control efficiencies • Higher efficiencies (e.g., >90%) - imprecision can lead to huge errors in calculating precontrol emissions

  28. CAM Rule applicability examples Pre-control Post-control Subject to Data emissions emissions part 64? frequency? 600 TPY 20 TPY Yes One/day 2000 TPY 105 TPY Yes Four/hour No 90 TPY 5 TPY NA 5000 TPY 5000 TPY No NA

  29. Questions?

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