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Learn how to prioritize and respond to workplace emergencies, including floods, violence, fires, and chemical spills. Understand the importance of emergency action plans and the training requirements. This training is funded through the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth.

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  2. This training is funded through the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth Michigan Occupational Safety & Health Administration Consultation, Education & Training (CET) Grant Program Grant Number: MIOSHA-17-18

  3. April 2017 Health & Safety Trainer 1996 – 2017 Gerber Products Company 10 years – Production/Quality 10 years – Continuous Improvement - Training/Auditing; Certified Train the Trainer 1 year – Internal Compliance Auditor Department Steward; Vice-President Trustee / E-Board member; Safety Advisor; Emergency Response Team member; Confined Space Rescue; CPR/First Aid RHONDA RICHARDS

  4. Types of emergencies and determining their likelihood – How to Prioritize • Emergency Action Plans and the minimum requirements • Training Requirements KEY POINTS


  6. WHAT IS A WORKPLACE EMERGENCY? A workplace emergency is an unforeseen situation that threatens employees and/or other people in and around the workplace.


  8. EMERGENCIES MAY INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: • Floods • Blizzards • Workplace violence • Civil disturbance • Terrorism • Fires • Explosions • Chemical spills or leaks • Tornadoes

  9. Emergency Probability Ranking What Resources do you have available for the situation? Rank the Impact - Human Property Business TYPE Higher # Greater Risk HOW LIKELY?

  10. Types of emergencies and determining their likelihood – How to Prioritize • Emergency Action Plans and the minimum requirements • Training Requirements KEY POINTS

  11. We should be prepared to respond to any emergency BEFORE it happens! HOW DO WE BEST PROTECT OURSELVES?

  12. Do You Know What To Do If… A fire breaks out in your plant? A tornado warning is issued for your area? There is a toxic chemical leak?

  13. Michigan Employers Are Required To Have An Emergency Action Plan MIOSHA Regulation 408.10623 Employee emergency plans Rule 623

  14. WHAT IS AN EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN? An Emergency Action Plan is a written document which describes how emergencies should be reported and responded to so that harm to employees and property can be minimized.

  15. AN EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN SHOULD INCLUDE Procedures for reporting a fire or other emergency Procedures for evacuation - including exit route assignments, reporting areas and accounting for all employees after evacuation Procedures for the safety of any employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before they evacuate

  16. AN EMERGENCY PLAN SHOULD ALSO INCLUDE: The types of evacuation to be used in emergency circumstances Procedures to be followed by any employees performing rescue or medical duties The name of the individual(s) or job positions which can be contacted by employees who need more information or explanation of their duties

  17. UNDER WHAT CONDITIONS SHOULD THE EMPLOYEES BE EVACUATED? Whenever the authorized person in the plant thinks that the employees may be in a dangerous situation if they remain inside the building.

  18. EMERGENCY ALARM SYSTEMS A distinctive signal for each purpose shall be used.

  19. EVACUATION ROUTES SHOULD BE: Clearly marked and well lit Wide enough to accommodate the number of evacuating personnel Unobstructed and clear of debris at ALL TIMES Unlikely to expose evacuating personnel to additional hazards

  20. Types of emergencies and determining their likelihood – How to Prioritize • Emergency Action Plans and the minimum requirements • Training Requirements KEY POINTS

  21. GENERAL EMPLOYEE TRAINING SHOULD INCLUDE: Individual roles and responsibilities Notification, warning and communication procedures Emergency response procedures Emergency shutdown procedures Evacuation, shelter and accountability procedures Location and use of common emergency equipment Means for locating family members in an emergency

  22. HOW OFTEN DO EMPLOYEES NEED TO BE TRAINED? When they are initially hired When responsibilities change When the plan is changed - Changes to the layout or design of the facility New equipment, process or materials EMERGENCY

  23. COORDINATING WITH YOUR COMMUNITY It can be very helpful to coordinate and share your emergency plan with local emergency responders such as the fire department or other outside responders.

  24. Types of emergencies and determining their likelihood – How to Prioritize • Emergency Action Plans and the minimum requirements • Training Requirements KEY POINTS

  25. When does an employer Emergency Action Plan NOT have to be a written procedure? If there are more than 10 employees, the Emergency Action Plan must be written and posted where employees can review it. Why is it important to have a distinct alarm signal? Name 2 times when employee training of the Emergency Action Plan is required Initial Hire; if their responsibilities change; if the plan changes Can you block an evacuation route with a pallet for 1 hour if needed to run production? KNOWLEDGE CHECK

  26. Thank You! QUESTIONS?

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