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Community Resilience Learning Collaborative and Research Network

Community Resilience Learning Collaborative and Research Network. About the C-LEARN Study. Community-academic partnership focused on learning how to enhance resilience in communities affected by disasters and climate change.

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Community Resilience Learning Collaborative and Research Network

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  1. Community Resilience Learning Collaborative and Research Network

  2. Aboutthe C-LEARN Study Community-academic partnership focused on learning how to enhance resilience in communities affected by disasters and climate change. We are engaging urban and rural communities in South Louisiana to test approaches to improve community and individual resilience. We will test both training and coalition approaches to promote community resilience, while also assessing the added value of mobile technology based resources and tools for individuals.

  3. BACKGROUND: MENTAL HEALTH & DISASTERS Environmental disasters can cause substantial mental health impacts such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder1-4. The likelihood of experiencing adverse mental health conditions are greater for under-resourced communities who are also more likely to face adverse social determinants of health and less access to services. There is increasing focus on individual and community-level resilience toreduce the impact of recurrent environmental disasters5-6. But, there’s limited research that compare the effectiveness of approaches to improve mental health-related quality of life by addressing resilience related to depression, social determinants of health, and disaster response. Hence, the Community Learning and Resilience Research Network (C-LEARN) study. Palinkas, L. A., Petterson, J. S., Russell, J., & Downs, M. A. (1993). Community patterns of psychiatric disorders after the Exxon Valdez oil spill. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 150(10), 1517–1523. https://doi.org/10.1176/ajp.150.10.1517 Hirth, J. M., Leyser-Whalen, O., & Berenson, A. B. (2013). Effects of a major U.S. Hurricane on mental health disorder symptoms among adolescent and young adult females. Journal of Adolescent Health. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2012.12.013 Cherry, K. E., Galea, S., Su, L. J., Welsh, D. A., Jazwinski, S. M., Silva, J. L., & Erwin, M. J. (2010). Cognitive and Psychosocial Consequences of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Among Middle-Aged, Older, and Oldest-Old Adults in the Louisiana Healthy Aging Study (LHAS). Journal of Applied Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1559-1816.2010.00666.x Schwartz, R. M., Gillezeau, C. N., Liu, B., Lieberman-Cribbin, W., & Taioli, E. (2017). Longitudinal impact of hurricane sandy exposure on mental health symptoms. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph14090957 Morton, M. J., & Lurie, N. (2013). Community resilience and public health practice. American Journal of Public Health, 103(7), 1158–1160. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2013.301354 Chandra, A., Williams, M., Plough, A., Stayton, A., Wells, K. B., Horta, M., & Tang, J. (2013). Getting actionable about community resilience: The Los Angeles county community disaster resilience project. American Journal of Public Health, 103(7), 1181–1189. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2013.301270

  4. C-LEARNLeadership Council • The Leadership Council includes academic, community, and health system participants, who all ensure that the materials and methodology of the study are a reflection of the community at large.   • Members of the Leadership Council guide all aspects of the study including collaboration principles; leadership responsibilities; and issues such as data access, reviewing and sharing publications, and handling conflict. • The Leadership Council meets biweekly to discuss various topics related to C-LEARN and operate under CPPR principles.

  5. 7 GuidingPrinciplesof CPPR Focus on Community Self-Empowerment Equal partnership in all phases of a project Community Academic Co-Leadership Address policy, social, and economic aspects of health issues Formal, agreed-upon process to talk about differences of opinion or concern Equal sharing of resources, authorship, and opportunities, for funding, and resources Results shared back with participants and the community

  6. RESEARCH QUESTIONS: 1 2 3 CEP: Community Engagement and Planning (Coalition) TA: Technical Assistance (Webinars) CR: Community Resources (Guide) CR+eCBT: Community Resources and mobile-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  7. C-LEARN Phases Phase One: Interviews Phase Two: Interventions The purpose of Phase Two is to create interventions based on the interview data results found in Phase I. Each community’s priorities, culture, strengths and experiences will be reflected in the questions and materials used in the interventions. Individual-Level Agency-Level AUG 2019 - JULY 2020 MAY 2019 – JULY 2019 Community Resources Mobile Tools: Offers links to community informational resources regarding disaster preparedness and recovery, mental health, and financial planning. Community Resources App. + Coping Support (CR+CS): Offers the community resources component plus a Cognitive Behavioral Psycho-education tool using a “Catch it, Check it, Change it” framework to help people manage stress during times of difficulty. • Technical Assistance (TA): Uses a “Train the Trainer” approach to train agency staff on topics including: Disaster preparedness and recovery, financial planning, housing assistance, and collaborative care. • Community Engagement and Planning: A coalition building and “readiness” intervention encouraging network building and collaboration among community and service agencies across sectors. KeyInformantInterviews • The purpose of Phase One was to learn more about the communities’ priorities and concerns regarding disaster resilience, stressors, strengths, and resources available to address them. • Information will be used to create interventions for Phase II. • A total of 47 interviews were conducted in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and Coastal Louisiana.

  8. WHAT OUTCOMES ARE C-LEARN LOOKING FOR? COMMUNITIES INDIVIDUALS Resilience, depression symptoms, health related quality of life, mental wellness, unmet needs, homeless risk factors, use of services, activities, use of disaster recovery or preparedness resources. Resilience in communities, preparedness, sector collaboration and program use of toolkits, training participation, time delivering community services and use of strategies. WHICH WORKS BETTER, CEP OR TA?

  9. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO PARTICIPATE IN C-LEARN? Organizationswill be offered the opportunity to participate in training, coalitions, and client recruitment activities, network-building activities, advisory boards, and for regular feedback on all study activities. They will also be asked to allow C-LEARN study staff to recruit clients from their organizations. Participants that enroll in the study will be asked to participate in surveys, and to provide cell phone numbers and contact information to receive mobile tools and to be contacted for follow-up.

  10. Where are we today? as of May 2019 Phase TwoAgency Identification / Administrator & Provider Recruitment 30% Complete

  11. CURRENT PARTNERS Center for Sustainable Engagement & Development Evacuteer HandsOn NOLA Krewe du Lose New Orleans Musician’s Clinic Foundation NAMI Ozanam Inn Women with a Vision St. Roch Neighborhood Association St. Anna’s Episcopal Church The Rebuild Center Operation Restoration 504HealthNet Habitat for Humanity

  12. Thank You Ben Springgate, MD, MPHLSUHSC School of Medicine & LSUHSC School of Public Health bspri2@lsuhsc.edu | 504-568-2351 Ashley Everett, MPH LSUHSC School of Medicine aevere@lsuhsc.edu | 504-568-5194 www.c-learn.org

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