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Die deurlopende PP-agtergrond

Die deurlopende PP-agtergrond. www.nous.org.za. God versamel ons en ons is bly!. Teks. Teks. Mark 6:30-34 en 53-56. God versamel ons en ons is bly!. Ons fokus op God.

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Die deurlopende PP-agtergrond

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Die deurlopende PP-agtergrond

  2. www.nous.org.za

  3. God versamel ons en ons is bly! Teks Teks

  4. Mark 6:30-34 en 53-56

  5. God versamel ons en ons is bly! Ons fokus op God

  6. “We cannot possibly be satisfied with anything less - each day, each hour, each moment in Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit - than to walk with God.” H. C. G. Moule

  7. God versamel ons en ons is bly! Familie-oomblik

  8. God praat met ons Luister na die Woord Ons luister

  9. Mark 6:30-34 en 53-56 - Jesus se mislukte retraite -

  10. God praat met ons Luister weer na die Woord Ons luister

  11. Die ritme van die Christelike lewe… tussen mense en God

  12. Twee gevare 1. Die gevaar van konstante aktiwiteit

  13. “picking them up and putting them down as fast as he could.”

  14. Al ooit gevoel soos Tattoo — “tel hulle op en sit hulle neer so vinnig soos jy kan”?

  15. “Your mind and body were designed for camel speed. Your life is moving at the speed of a cheetah.  No wonder you’re having anxiety attacks.” Archibald Hart

  16. Jy kan nie gee wat jy nie het nie

  17. You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life

  18. As jou siel nie rus neem nie, word dit ’n weeskind

  19. “If we don't come apart, we'll come apart!” 

  20. “Slow me down, Lord... ! Teach me the art of taking minute vacations of slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to pat a dog, to read a good book.”

  21. Twee gevare 2. Die gevaar van te veel onttrekking

  22. Kry balans tussen die ‘stil plek’ en die ‘markplek’

  23. Stil plek

  24. “What comes directly after the conductor's initial upbeat? Dead silence. To appreciate music, you must also appreciate silence. It is music's birthplace.”

  25. Die Koffie Eksperiment

  26. Kry ’ntyd wat vir jou werk

  27. “lean upon the window sill of the Lord and look into His face, and get orders for the day.  Then go out into the world with a sense of God’s Hand upon your shoulder…”

  28. Markplek

  29. “If you loved Him more, you would have painted Him better”

  30. Die wêreld het Sy teenwoordigheid nodig – dit is wat die wêreld kan verander

  31. “Life itself and all that goes with it - all the glory of it, all the power of it - every many splendid thing is a free gift from the God who made us.”

  32. God herinner ons SakramenteRituele Ons is dankbaar

  33. ’nEen minuut vakansie

  34. Lied FLAM-bladmusiek kan afgelaai word bywww.flam.co.za

  35. mailto:nouspowerpoints@gmail.com

  36. Volgende week: Joh 6:1-21

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