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Amy Friedrich- Karnik National Alliance for Caregiving on behalf of Alejandra Ceja -Aguilar Southern Caregiver Resourc

NAC Caregiver Coalition Call April 19, 2012 Budget Cuts Threaten California ’ s Caregiver Resource Centers . Amy Friedrich- Karnik National Alliance for Caregiving on behalf of Alejandra Ceja -Aguilar Southern Caregiver Resource Center. Background.

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Amy Friedrich- Karnik National Alliance for Caregiving on behalf of Alejandra Ceja -Aguilar Southern Caregiver Resourc

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  1. NAC Caregiver Coalition Call April 19, 2012 Budget Cuts Threaten California’s Caregiver Resource Centers Amy Friedrich-Karnik National Alliance for Caregiving on behalf of Alejandra Ceja-Aguilar Southern Caregiver Resource Center

  2. Background • California passed legislation in 1984 establishing a state-wide system of Caregiver Resource Centers (CRC) that provide a comprehensive range of services, education and support to family caregivers throughout the state • In 2009, CRC state funding cut by approximately 70%

  3. Today’s Challenge • Governor’s FY 2012-2013 budget proposes eliminating all remaining funding for the CRC system - $2.9 million • Such cuts would: • Threaten CRCs’ existence and the valuable services they provide • Cause a further cut of $3.9 million in federal funds that come into the state based on the current match • Threaten the future recovery of funds for caregiver services because there would no longer be the line-item in the budget for Caregiver Resource Centers

  4. Advocacy Efforts • Targeting the legislature to restore funding • All CRC leaders are testifying at budget hearings in Sacramento • CRCs started online petition through change.org – over 3,000 petitions signed so far! • Local petitions and efforts from other orgs (e.g. National Stroke Association) generating petitions from their grassroots members • Social media

  5. Local Advocacy Initiative • Southern Caregiver Resource Center in San Diego launched “There is Help” Campaign: • Training volunteer family caregivers to become advocates for themselves locally and at the state level • Involves partnership with a local state Assemblymember’s office • These trained volunteers will be travelling to Sacramento in May to lobby their elected officials to oppose cuts to the CRC budget

  6. Caregiver Coalition Involvement • While the Caregiving Coalition of San Diego County is not currently engaged in advocacy – as a coalition – the Southern CRC has keep the coalition members informed of the budget fight, and many of them have: • Signed petitions protesting CRC budget cuts • Circulated petitions among their own members

  7. Lesson Learned • The power of involving caregivers in advocacy: • Very compelling for lawmakers to hear stories from those who are directly affected by the policies • Empowers family caregivers to speak with their own voice • Outlook • Legislature will consider and pass budget legislation for Governor’s signature this summer.

  8. For More Information: • Amy Friedrich-Karnik • Legislative Consultant • amyfk1@gmail.com • www.caregiving.org • National Alliance for Caregiving

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