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Building Organisational Capacity through Analytical Skills Development

Building Organisational Capacity through Analytical Skills Development. Critical components for developing an Organisation’s Capacity Building Strategy. Capacity building for what ? What is understood by the term ‘capacity building’ (CB) ? CB as a ‘means’ or an ‘end’ ?

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Building Organisational Capacity through Analytical Skills Development

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  1. Building Organisational Capacity through Analytical Skills Development

  2. Critical components for developing an Organisation’s Capacity Building Strategy Capacity building for what ? What is understood by the term ‘capacity building’ (CB) ? CB as a ‘means’ or an ‘end’ ? What level of CB intervention ?

  3. Critical components for developing an Organisation’s Capacity Building Strategy What conceptual framework is being used to understand the organisation ? What type of CB intervention ? And what role for the external consultant Identify the significant contextual influences

  4. ASTP - Analytical Skills Training Programme some reflection on the experience of ASTP as a capacity building tool in Central Asia

  5. Objectives of ASTP Internal, organisational learning To develop the organisation’s skills to conduct investigations and appreciate the research carried out by others Develop critical thinking about the organisation’s projects/programmes Increase the ability to develop evidence based programming

  6. Objectives of ASTP Ability to engage in policy dialogue Demonstrate the value of critical analysis in the search for improved policy making Provide support to enable organisations to engage in policy dialogue/ advocacy Strengthen independent capacity among CSO/NGO sector to undertake research

  7. How has ASTP been delivered in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan & Tajikistan ? • 4 or 5 3-day modules over 6-9 months • Training teams made up of INTRAC staff, Associates and local trainers - usually 1 lead international trainer and 2 locals for each module • Inputs from ‘guest’ contributors through ‘panel sessions’ or short lectures • Methodology is a mix of formal presentation of new material, small group work, and plenty of group/plenary discussion • Some investment into one-to-one consultations • Home assignment - each participant undertakes a discrete piece of analysis

  8. Key issues on delivery Maximising local and international inputs INTRAC and local trainers work together from assessment to participant selection to content design and delivery Participants selected re. their engagement in poverty issues

  9. Key issues on delivery Using ‘external resources’ Guest lecturers Panel sessions Field visits Varied training team Need for clear management

  10. Key issues on delivery Home assignments Tutorials through field visits, telephone, email One-to-one consultations at some of the modules Requires resources The main output or just an exercise ?


  12. Reviewing the Impact of ASTP as a CB exercise: Improved NGO performance Enhanced capacity to advocate for change Participants as individual change agents More effective dissemination and knowledge exchange Capacity for scaling-up the intervention

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