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My Superhero

My Superhero. Mr. Animal. He is a superhero because he was bitten by a chimpanzee . Now he loves animals and they love them . Super Powers . He can fly . He can jump about 100 km. He can shout like a chimpanzee .

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My Superhero

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MySuperhero Mr. Animal

  2. He is a superherobecause he was bitten by a chimpanzee. Now he lovesanimalsandtheylovethem.

  3. Super Powers He canfly. He can jump about 100 km. He canshoutlike a chimpanzee. He hasoncehad a fightfor a crocodilethathadbeenshot in ist shoulderby a hunter. He lovesanimalsandfightsfortheirrights.

  4. Normal Identy His real is Franz Henry. He works at the schoolas a Biologyteacher, because he lovesanimials. In theafternoon he worksfor a TV channelandcreates a natureprogramme.

  5. Enemy Mr. Anti animal He lookslikesplanktonfromthesea. His Superpowers are: He canfly. He isvery strong. He isverysmall. He hatesanimalsandwantsto kill all ofthem. He wantstohave a worldwithoutanimals.

  6. Work It was not difficult do tothiswork, because I am attending a laptopclass. I loveworking on thelaptopduringthelesson. It takesmeone and half hourtocreatethispresentation.

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