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Progress Report on ASHRAE/USGBC/IESNA Std 189: High-Performance Green Buildings

Progress Report on ASHRAE/USGBC/IESNA Std 189: High-Performance Green Buildings. John Hogan, A.I.A., P.E. Senior Code Development Analyst Seattle Department of Planning and Development P.O. Box 34019 Seattle, Washington 98124-4019 Creating a Green Building Roadmap for Houston

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Progress Report on ASHRAE/USGBC/IESNA Std 189: High-Performance Green Buildings

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  1. Progress Report on ASHRAE/USGBC/IESNA Std 189: High-Performance Green Buildings John Hogan, A.I.A., P.E. Senior Code Development Analyst Seattle Department of Planning and Development P.O. Box 34019 Seattle, Washington 98124-4019 Creating a Green Building Roadmap for Houston City of Houston and Clinton Climate Initiative Houston TX, 10 May 2007

  2. OVERVIEW Scope & intent: sponsors, topic areas, process, challenges, compliance Coordination with national initiatives: U.S. Federal agencies, AIA, Natl Conf of Mayor Outline of Standard 189: chapter outline, mandatory vs. prescriptive vs. performance Overview of criteria Next steps

  3. STANDARD 189:Sponsors & Scope Lead sponsor and cosponsors:- ASHRAE, USGBC, and IESNA Five topic areas:- sustainable sites, - water use efficiency, - energy efficiency, - impact on atmosphere, materials & resources, - indoor environmental quality (IEQ)

  4. STANDARD 189:Intent What Standard 189 is:- a standard: “Standard for the Design of High-Performance, Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings”(title uses the word “green” to convey intent, there is no claim to sustainability) What Standard 189 is not:- not a design guide- not a rating system

  5. STANDARD 189:Process and Challenges Process: consensus process Challenges:- to identify standards to reference (not programs)(LEED references a number of programs)- some standards only provide rating procedures, others provide procedures and pass/fail criteria(need to decide on how high to set the bar where criteria are not specified)- identify regulations where standards do not exist

  6. STANDARD 189:Compliance Compliance goals:- a document that can be implemented and enforced by a wide variety of users, from those on the leading edge to those with little knowledge Mandatory provisions:(majority of standard)- essential criteria, can not be traded off Prescriptive/Performance options:- Prescriptive: simple option, conveys the intent - Performance: allows innovation

  7. STANDARD 189:Coordination w/ National Initiatives U.S. Federal agencies MOU (E.O. 13423):reduce energy cost by 30% based on 90.1-2004 use a minimum of 20% less water low-pollutant materials, 10% recycled AIA (American Institute of Architects): 50% reduction of fossil fuels National Conference of Mayors, 2030 initiative:buildings to be carbon neutral by 203060% in 2010, 70% 2015, 80% 2020, 90% 2025

  8. STANDARD 189 SCHEDULE:Meetings to Date SPC 189 preliminary meeting:26 June 2006, ASHRAE Annual Meeting SPC 189 meetings for drafting of standard:29-30 August 2006 16-17 October 2006 11-12 December 200629-30 January 2007, ASHRAE Winter Mtg 1-2 March 2007 12-13 April 2007 (vote for public review)

  9. STANDARD 189:Introductory Sections 1-4 1: Purpose 2: Scope 3: Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms 4: Administration and Enforcement

  10. STANDARD 189:General Structure for Sections 5-10 x.1: Scope x.2: Compliance - comply with: x.3 Mandatory Provisions, and x.6 Submittals, and either x.4, Prescriptive or x.5 Performance x.3: Mandatory x.4: Prescriptive x.5: Performance x.6: Submittals

  11. STANDARD 189:5. Sustainable Sites 5.3: Mandatory 5.3.1 Site Selection 5.3.2 Site Development 5.3.3 Mitigation of Heat Island Effect 5.3.4 Reduction of Light Pollution 5.4: Prescriptive and 5.5: Performanceno requirements

  12. STANDARD 189:5. Sustainable Sites (excerpts) 5.3.1 Site Selection: allowable sites- within existing buildings, brownfield, greyfield,- greenfield (less than 30% impervious surfaces) < 1/2 mi to: transit, or 10 basic services, or residential w/density >10 units/acre 5.3.2 Site Development- > 40% of site to be effective pervious surface (vegetated, green roof, porous/permeable paver)- reductions allowed for rainfall reuse on site

  13. STANDARD 189:6. Water Use Efficiency 6.3: Mandatory 6.3.1 Site Water Use Reduction 6.3.2 Building Water Use Reduction 6.3.3 Water Metering 6.4: Prescriptive and 6.5: Performancex.1 Site Water Use Reduction x.2 Building Water Use Reduction

  14. STANDARD 189:6. Water Use Efficiency (excerpts) 6.3.1 Site Water Use Reduction (mandatory for all) - 60% of improved landscape to be bio-diverse plantings, hydrozoning, smart controllers (evapotranspiration) 6.4.1 Site Water Use Reduction (prescriptive option)- a maximum of 1/3 of the improved landscape to be irrigated with potable water 6.5.1 Site Water Use Reduction (performance option)- potable water consumption for irrigation of improved landscape < 35% of baseline evapotranspiration

  15. STANDARD 189:6. Water Use Efficiency (excerpts) 6.3.2 Building Water Use Reduction (mandatory for all) - plumbing fixtures generally 20% lower than EPAct- clothes washers & dishwashers to meet water factor (WF)- once through cooling prohibited for HVAC systems 6.4.2 Building Water Use Reduction (prescriptive option)- criteria for cooling towers, food service, medical labs- fountains to use on-site sources of water 6.5.2 Building Water Use Reduction (performance option)- equal or less than mandatory plus prescriptive

  16. STANDARD 189:7. Energy Efficiency 7.3: Mandatory 7.3.1 General 7.3.2 Energy Star Equipment and Appliances 7.3.3 On-site Renewable Energy Power Systems 7.3.4 Energy Metering 7.4: Prescriptive and 7.5: Performance7.4.x provides detailed component breakdown 7.5.x provides comprehensive approaches

  17. STANDARD 189:7. Energy Efficiency 7.4: Prescriptive 7.4.1 General Comprehensive Prescriptive Req. 7.4.2 Building Envelope 7.4.3 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning 7.4.4 Service Water Heating 7.4.5 Power 7.4.6 Lighting 7.4.7 Other Equipment 7.4.8 Energy Cost Budget

  18. STANDARD 189:7. Energy Efficiency 7.5: Performance7.5.1 Gen’l Comprehensive Performance Req. 7.5.2 Annual Energy Cost 7.5.3 Annual Carbon Dioxide Equivalent

  19. STANDARD 189:7. Energy Efficiency (mandatory) 7.3.1 General- mandatory parts of ASHRAE/IESNA Std 90.1 7.3.2 Energy Star Equipment and Appliances- comply w/almost all Energy Star categories (40+) 7.3.3 On-site Renewable Energy Power Systems- building projects to have on-site renewable power systems with a peak electrical generating capacity > 1.0% of the electrical service load- exception for 5% energy cost + 5% CO2e savings

  20. STANDARD 189:7. Energy Efficiency (prescriptive) 7.4.1 General- ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1 as modified 7.4.2 Building Envelope- more insulation and better windows, CZ-2: roof: R-25 continuous insulation, wall, steel-stud: R-13 + R-5 cont.insulation, wood-stud: R-13 + R-3.8 cont.insulation, windows: U-0.75 (double-glazed), SHGC-0.25- windows to have overhang (0.5 projection factor)- solar gain via east/west windows < north/south

  21. STANDARD 189:7. Energy Efficiency (prescriptive) 7.4.3 Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning- higher equipment efficiencies (CEE Tier II)- more economizer cycle (outside air for cooling)- more energy recovery, more pipe/duct insulation- fan power to be 10% less, piping pressure limits- unoccupied hotel/motel rooms w/ auto-shutoff 7.4.6 Lighting - lighting power allowances to be 10% lower- better controls: occupancy sensors, photosensors for lighting in daylight zones

  22. STANDARD 189:7. Energy Efficiency (performance) 7.5.1 General- must comply with both 7.5.2 and 7.5.3 7.5.2 Annual Energy Cost- < mandatory provisions + prescriptive optioncost used to combine fossil fuel and electric energy, but results may be skewed by demand charges 7.5.2 Annual Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e)- < mandatory provisions + prescriptive optioninclusion of CO2e to assess environmental impactfactors based on U.S. national averages

  23. STANDARD 189:8. Building’s Impact on Atmosphere, Materials, Resources 8.3: Mandatory 8.3.1 Construction Waste Management 8.3.2 Wood Products 8.3.3 Refrigerants 8.3.4 Storage of Recyclables & Discarded G’ds 8.4: Prescriptive and 8.5: Performance8.4.1 Reduced Impact Materials 8.5.1 Life Cycle Assessment

  24. STANDARD 189:8. Building’s Impact on Atmosphere, Materials, Resources 8.3.1 Construction Waste Management- divert 50% of construction debris 8.3.3 Refrigerants- no use of CFC-based refrigerants 8.3.4 Storage of Recyclables & Discarded Goods- provide areas for recyclables, reusable goods, and recycling of fluorescent/HID lamps and ballasts

  25. STANDARD 189:8. Building’s Impact on Atmosphere, Materials, Resources 8.4.1 Reduced Impact Materials (prescriptive):comply with one of the following- recycled content: postconsumer plus ½ preconsumer > 10%- regionally extracted, processed and manufactured: regional materials > 15% building material cost - biobased products: biobased materials > 5% building material cost

  26. STANDARD 189:8. Building’s Impact on Atmosphere, Materials, Resources 8.5.1 Life Cycle Assessment (performance)- perform a life cycle assessment per ISO 14044- LCI must include operating energy consumption- LCA must include all of these impact categories: land use, resource use, climate change, ozone layer depletion, human health effects, ecotoxicity, smog, acidification, eutrophication, and solid waste- show 5% gain in two categories for the building

  27. STANDARD 189:9. Indoor Environmental Quality 9.3: Mandatory 9.3.1 Minimum Indoor Air Quality 9.3.2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control 9.3.3 Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring 9.3.4 Thermal Comfort 9.3.5 Building Entrances9.3.6 Acoustical Control 9.3.7 Daylighting by Skylights 9.4 Prescriptive & 9.5 Performance: x.1 Daylighting, x.2 Low-Emitting Materials

  28. STANDARD 189:9. Indoor Environmental Quality 9.3.1 Minimum Indoor Air Quality- ASHRAE Std 62.1 + 30% for office & classrooms 9.3.2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke- smoking not allowed inside the building 9.3.3 Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring- all spaces (mech. & nat.) to have CO2 monitoring 9.3.4 Thermal Comfort- comply with ASHRAE Standard 55 9.3.6 Acoustical Control- STC requirements for exterior sound, not interior

  29. STANDARD 189:9. Indoor Environmental Quality 9.3.7 Daylighting by Toplighting (mandatory)- for all large spaces > 20,000 ft2 9.4.1 Daylighting by Sidelighting (prescriptive)- for office & classrooms: minimum effective aperture of 0.10 (VT x % window area) for north/east/south façade (no min. for west) 9.5.1 Daylighting by Sidelighting (performance)- for office & classrooms: show 30 fc on work surfaces w/ physical model or simulation - no direct sun on workplane

  30. STANDARD 189:9. Indoor Environmental Quality 9.4.2 Low Emitting Materials (prescriptive)- adhesive/sealants: SCAQMD 1168, GS-36- paint/coatings: GS-11, SCAQMD 1168- floor coverings: CA 01350, SCS-EC10 - composite wood: no added urea-formaldehyde (no standard, but “Exterior” grade acceptable) 9.5.2 Low Emitting Materials (performance)- all spaces within the building to be modeled for IAQ concentration per California 01350

  31. STANDARD 189:10. Construction and Operation Plans 10.3: Mandatory 10.3.1 Building Project Commissioning 10.3.2 Building Acceptance Testing 10.3.3 Measurement and Verification Plan 10.3.4 Energy Use Reporting 10.3.5 Durability Plan 10.3.6 Transportation Management Plan 10.3.7 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan 10.3.8 Indoor Air Quality Construction Plan 10.3.9 Construction No Prescriptive or Performance

  32. STANDARD 189:10. Construction and Operation Plans 10.2 Compliance: prior to final cert. of occupancy 10.3.1 Building Project Commissioning & 10.3.2 Building Acceptance Testing- for all, but less for projects < 5,000 ft2 10.3.3 Measurement and Verification Plan- assess water/energy/etc. after occupancy 10.3.4 Energy Use Reporting- expand database of actual energy consumption 10.3.5, 10.3.6, 10.3.7, 10.3.8, 10.3.9 Other Plans- provide continuity of intent after design

  33. STANDARD 189:Normative Appendices 11: References Appendix A: Building Envelope Tables Appendix B: Continuous Air Barrier Appendix C: HVAC Equipment Efficiency Appendix D: Space Contaminant Concentration

  34. STANDARD 189:Informative Appendices Appendix E: Informative References Appendix F: Integrated Design Appendix G: Water Use Baseline Appendix H: Global Warming Potential Appendix I: Sample Forms for Chapter 8 Appendix J: Sample Durability Plan

  35. STANDARD 189 SCHEDULE:Next Steps Status reports: 20 April 2007, ASTM Sustainability Symposium 3 May 2007, AIA National Convention ASHRAE, USGBC, IESNA:May 2007 approval for public review Public review (tentative dates):May-June-July 2007 Further information on ASHRAE standards:www.ashrae.org, then follow “Standards”

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