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15-211 Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms

15-211 Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms. Fast Binary Search Trees. Peter Lee January 28, 2003. Announcements. Homework 2 available! Due next Monday, Feb.3, 11:59pm! More involved than hw1 Start early! It is very important that you read the book:

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15-211 Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms

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  1. 15-211Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms Fast Binary Search Trees Peter Lee January 28, 2003

  2. Announcements • Homework 2 available! • Due next Monday, Feb.3, 11:59pm! • More involved than hw1 • Start early! • It is very importantthat you read the book: • Section 19.2-19.4 on AVL trees • Next time: Chapter 20 on hashing

  3. Recap

  4. Binary trees • A binary tree is either • empty (we'll write nil for clarity), or • looks like (x,L,R) where • x is an object, and • L, R are binary subtrees

  5. Binary search trees (BSTs) A binary tree T is a binary search tree iff flat(T) is an ordered sequence. Equivalently, in (x,L,R) all the nodes in L are less than x, and all the nodes in R are larger than x.

  6. 5 3 7 2 4 6 9 Example flat(T) = 2,3,4,5,6,7,9

  7. Binary search How does one search in a BST? Inductively: search(x,nil) = false search(x,(x,L,R)) = true search(x,(a,L,R)) = search(x,L) x<a search(x,(a,L,R)) = search(x,R) x>a

  8. Log-time vs linear time • logk(N) = O(N) for any constant k. • I.e, logarithms grow very slowly.

  9. 2 3 4 5 6 7 A bad tree 9 flat(T) = 2,3,4,5,6,7,9

  10. Balanced trees • Intuitively, one way to ensure good behavior is to make “balanced” search trees. • If always balanced, then operations such as search and insert will require only O(log(N)) comparisons.

  11. 5 3 7 2 4 6 9 Example flat(T) = 2,3,4,5,6,7,9

  12. Forcing good behavior It is clear (?) that for any n inputs, there always is a BST containing these elements of logarithmic depth. But if we just insert the standard way, we may build a very unbalanced, deep tree. Can we somehow force the tree to remain shallow? At low cost?

  13. AVL Trees

  14. AVL trees • Adelson-Velskii-Landis (AVL) trees are binary search trees that impose an additional representation invariant on BSTs: • Every node most have left and right subtrees of similar height. • “Similar height” means the difference is at most 1.

  15. 5 5 6 5 3 3 2 2 7 8 7 7 1 1 2 8 4 4 4 6 6 9 9 3 5 AVL-Trees An AVL-tree is a BST with the property that at every node the difference in the depth of the left and right subtree is at most 1. OK not OK

  16. AVL implies shallow Claim: Any AVL-tree of depth d has at least Fd+3-1 nodes where Fn is the nth Fibonacci number. Why? Because we may assume it's true for the left and right subtrees. And, Fn is approximately The depth is < 1.44log(n+2)-1.328 = O(log n)

  17. Implementing AVL trees • The main complications are insertion and deletion of nodes. • For deletion: • Don’t actually delete nodes. • Just mark nodes as deleted. • Called lazy deletion.

  18. Is Lazy Deletion OK? • Yes: • If number of non-deleted nodes is about the same as deleted nodes, then depth is only small constant greater (on average). • Helpful note: See the log calculator at http://www.math.utah.edu/~alfeld/math/Log.html

  19. 3 7 2 4 6 9 Lazy deletion 5 On average, deleting even half of the nodes by marking leads to depth penalty of only 1.

  20. Nodes • AVL nodes contain the following information. • Node value. • Left and right children. • Lazy deletion flag. • Height of this tree.

  21. BST nodes in Java Based on Weiss, pg 607: class BinaryNode { Comparable element; BinaryNode left, right; int height; boolean deleted; public BinaryNode(Comparable theElement) { element = theElement; left = right = null; } … }

  22. The Comparable interface • Objects that are Comparable support the method compareTo(). • v.compareTo(w) returns • -1 if v < w, • 0 if v == w, • 1 if v > w, • or throws ClassCastException if neither v nor w can be cast into a class appropriate for the comparison.

  23. Naïve insert method public BinaryNode insert (Comparable x, BinaryNode t) { if (t==null) t = new BinaryNode(x); else if (x.compareTo(t.element) < 0) t.left = insert(x, t.left); else if (x.compareTo(t.element) > 0) t.right = insert(x, t.right); else throw new DuplicateItemException(); return t; }

  24. 2 9 1 4 8 7 3 The insertion problem 5 Insertions can violate the balance condition. Nodes from the insertion point up to the root might be out of balance.

  25. Maintaining balance • In order to maintain balance, we will maintain an integer height in each node. • This allows us to detect when a node goes out of balance. • When we detect an out-of-balance condition, we rebalance the deepest out-of-balance node. • This will be enough to regain balance. • But can we do this fast enough?

  26. Quiz Break

  27. X Y Z Manipulating BSTs • Write two Java methods. First: • static BinaryNode rotate1 (BinaryNode t); t Z X Y

  28. t Part 2 • Write two Java methods. Second: • static BinaryNode rotate2 (BinaryNode t); Z X X Y1 Y2 Z Y1 Y2

  29. t static BinaryNode rotate1 ( BinaryNode t); static BinaryNode rotate2 ( BinaryNode t); Z t X X X Y1 Y2 Z Z Y Z X Y Y1 Y2 Red-green quiz class BinaryNode { Comparable element; BinaryNode left, right; … }

  30. How trees lose balance • Suppose that a node n goes out of balance. node n height b height a abs(a-b)  1 This is the AVL invariant!!!

  31. How trees lose balance • Suppose that a node n goes out of balance. node n height b height a abs(a-b) > 1 AVL invariant violated

  32. How trees lose balance, cont’d • In fact, in this case the left subtree must not have been a leaf. Not previously a leaf, unless right subtree was empty.

  33. How trees lose balance, cont’d • In fact, in this case the left subtree must not have been a leaf. The deepest node in these subtrees has depth 2 greater than the deepest node in this subtree.

  34. How trees lose balance, cont’d • Two cases to consider:

  35. How trees lose balance, cont’d • Two cases to consider: Inserted into left subtree of left child.

  36. How trees lose balance, cont’d • Two cases to consider: Inserted into right subtree of left child. Inserted into left subtree of left child.

  37. How trees lose balance, cont’d • Note that there are two symmetric cases for the right child.

  38. Regaining balance • In an AVL tree, the balance invariant is regained by performing a rotationon out-of-balance nodes. • The rotations require O(d) where d is the depth of the deepest out-of-balance node. • Thus, regaining balance via rotations requires O(log N) time, since d=log(N)+1.

  39. Depth increased by 1 Depth reduced by 1 X Y Z The single rotation • For the case of insertion into left subtree of left child: Z X Y Deepest node of X has depth 2 greater than deepest node of Z.

  40. X Y Z Double rotation • For the case of insertion into the right subtree of the left child. Z X Y Single rotation fails!

  41. Double rotation • For the case of insertion into the right subtree of the left child. Z X Right subtree is definitely non-empty and has depth 2 greater than Z. Y1 Y2

  42. Double rotation • For the case of insertion into the right subtree of the left child. Z Z X X Y1 Y2 Y1 Y2

  43. Double rotation • For the case of insertion into the right subtree of the left child. Z Z X X Y1 Y2 Y1 Y2

  44. Double rotation • For the case of insertion into the right subtree of the left child. Z X X Y1 Y2 Z Y1 Y2

  45. Symmetry • And don’t forget that there are two symmetric cases for insertions into the left and right subtrees of the right child.

  46. Examples • We don’t need examples! • The rotations clearly restore the AVL representation invariant! • But try to play with the demo at http://www.seanet.com/users/arsen/avltree.html

  47. Announcements

  48. Announcements • Homework 2 available! • Due next Monday, Feb.3, 11:59pm! • More involved than hw1 • Start early! • It is very importantthat you read the book: • Section 19.2-19.4 on AVL trees • Next time: Chapter 20 on hashing

  49. Splay Trees

  50. Binary search trees • Simple binary search trees can have bad behavior for some insertion sequences. • Average case O(log N), worst case O(N). • AVL trees maintain a balance invariant to prevent this bad behavior. • Accomplished via rotations during insert. • Splay trees achieve amortized running time of O(log N). • Accomplished via rotations during find.

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