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EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India - Project Overview - Project No. 26402. Contents. Background Partners Objective Activities Workshop in Europe Dissemination conference in India Outputs

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  1. EuroIndiaNet:Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India- Project Overview -Project No. 26402

  2. Contents • Background • Partners • Objective • Activities • Workshop in Europe • Dissemination conference in India • Outputs • Study of policies, funding, training and support structures for nanotechnology R&D in India and the EU • Who’s Who Booklet • Website and message forum • Strategy for the development of a cross-border platform EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  3. Background Background • Funded by the European Commission (EC) under the International Cooperation (INCO) priority of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) • Specific Support Action (SSA) supporting nanotechnology research, in particular EU-India collaboration • EuroIndiaNet began in April 2006 and will run until the end of March 2007. EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  4. Partners • Coordinator: • Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI), Portugal • Knowledge management oriented company, managing projects that foster innovation, and coordinator of various EC funded projects in S&T and innovation • Partners Europe: • Institute of Nanotechnology, UK • World leading nanotechnology information provider, leader of Nanoforum, founder of NanoMicroClub • MalschTechnoValuation, The Netherlands • Consultancy in nanotechnology and society, participating in Nanoforum and NanoRoadSME to assist SMEs using nanomaterials EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  5. Partners • Partners India: • Indian Institute of Technology Bombay • Centre of academic excellence in technology with a centre of nanotechnology that is particularly active in nanoelectronics • Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore • Internationally recognised in science and engineering with industry collaboration and a joint nanotechnology initiative • Science and Technology Park, University of Pune • Research-Industry interface providing training and consultancy, business incubation, technology database of Indian Universities • University of Delhi South Campus • Part of a premier Indian university, combining business related areas with electronics, life sciences and ICT EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  6. Objective Overall Project Objective • To promote innovation in nanotechnology through stronger collaboration between EU and Indian scientists and industrialists in the areas of the nanosciences and nanotechnologies EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  7. Activities Workshop – Introduction • Held on 14th and 15th September 2006 at the Ipanema Hotel Porto, Portugal with the objectives to: • Build awareness of the project, provide networking and encourage participation in its activities • Discuss the findings of the “Draft Study of Policies, Training Programmes and Support Structures fostering Innovation in the Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences in the EU and India” • Encourage the participation in the formulation of the project’s plan for an EU-India Nanotechnology Collaboration Platform EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  8. Activities Workshop – Conclusions • The basis for collaboration is knowledge not funding, and should bring mutual benefits • Collaboration should address research gaps with application potential for tackling India’s strategic development needs as well as the EU’s international collaboration priorities • The focus areas for collaboration should be particular nanotechnology research applications in the areas of health, water, and energy • Ideas for furthering collaboration included improved information provision, greater exchange of personnel, and joint calls or funding EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  9. Activities Dissemination Conference – Objectives • This conference has the objectives to: • Provide networking and promote the development of collaborative activities in nanotechnology between the EU and India • Present EuroIndiaNet’s outputs including: the study, website and message forum, “Who’s Who Booklet” and database. • Encourage participation in the development of the project’s plan for an EU-India Nanotechnology Collaboration Platform EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  10. Objectives Outputs Main Project Outputs • Study of current policies, funding strategies, training programmes and support structures for nanotechnology R&D in India and the EU • Booklet and online database describing key infrastructure and organisations in nanotechnology R&D • Website and message forum to support researchers in establishing and developing collaborations • Strategy for the development of a cross-border platform EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  11. Outputs Study – Contents • This study provides information and analysis of the current situation with respect to: • EU wide and Indian policies and funding relating to collaboration in nanotechnology between Europe and India • European and Indian research institutions, companies with nanotechnology R&D, networks and innovation, entrepreneurship and business support organizations • Training programmes including university Masters courses, short programmes, summer schools, elearning, scholarships and fellowships, and vocational training EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  12. Outputs Study – EU Policies and Funding • The study provides details and analysis of: • EU Nanotechnology Policy - Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies: an Action Plan for Europe 2005-2009, European Technology Platform Strategies, and meeting and reports contributing to European policy • EU Policies relating to collaboration with India - Bilateral S&T agreement, 2005 EU-India workshop in Kolkata, 2006 EuroIndiaNet workshop in Porto, and annual India-EC S&T Steering Committee meetings • EU Funding for research and collaboration – COST, Framework Programmes, Competitiveness and Innovation Programme, Marie Curie Fellowships, private funding EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  13. Outputs Study – EU Support Structures • The study provides information and analysis of: • EU Research Institutions with major facilities for nanotechnology which are open to collaboration • Major enterprises with innovative nanotechnology research and openness to collaboration • European wide networks in the area of nanotechnology • European wide innovation, entrepreneurship and business support organisations EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  14. Outputs Study – EU Training • The study includes details and analysis of: • 50 Masters level courses, with a strong emphasis on nanotechnology, given in English and open to international students • Short courses, regular summer schools, scholarships and e-learning programmes • Vocational training courses, vocational training information sources EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  15. Outputs Study – Indian Policies and Funding • The study provides information and analysis of: • Indian policies relevant to nanotechnology – The Science and Technology Policy 2003. • Funding sources for nanotechnology – the Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Department of Biotechnology • Nano Science and Technology Initiative (NSTI) of the Department of Science and Technology as the main source of funding for nanotechnology EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  16. Outputs Study – Indian Support Structures • The study provides details of: • Around 40 Indian Research Institutions with major facilities for nanotechnology which are open to collaborations • Indian enterprises with innovative nanotechnology research and which have demonstrated openness to collaboration • The main innovation, entrepreneurship and business support organisations EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  17. Outputs Study – Indian Training • This study contains details of: • Around 18 Masters level courses currently on offer with a strong emphasis on nanotechnology • Short courses, regular summer schools, and scholarships • The current situation regarding nanotechnology training in India which is undergoing rapid development EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  18. Outputs Outputs Who’s Who Booklet – Introduction • Aim • To identify the key players in Europe and India • To foster collaborative opportunities in nanosciences and nanotechnologies between the two regions • Contains • Profiles of individuals who have significantly contributed to the growth of nanoscience and nanotechnology in Europe and India (scientists, policy makers, strategists, and communicators) • Information about organisations in nanotechnology in the EU and India EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  19. Outputs Outputs Who’s Who Booklet – Example Profile • Name: Ottilia Saxl • Expertise: Communicator • Organisation: The Institute of Nanotechnology (IoN), UK • The Institute of Nanotechnology was one of the first nanotechnology information service providers and is now a global leader. It has very close relations with industry and provides technology scouting, transfer services and foresight exercises for some of the world’s largest companies. • Profile: Founder and CEO. Ms Saxl is a member of several nanotechnology panels and expert groups, including the EU FP6 Advisory Group for Priority 3, the EU expert group on Key Technologies and the panel for the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine. • Contact Details: + (44) 01786 447520, ottilia.saxl@nano.org.uk EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  20. Website Outputs Website – www.euroindianet.info • Focal point for information about the project and contains: • Project documents • Links to useful nanotechnology collaboration related webites • Message forum for developing and establishing collaborations and discussing project outputs • Database of key researchers in nanotechnology in the EU and India EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  21. Outputs Outputs Website – Project objectives EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  22. Outputs Outputs Website – Project Documents EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  23. Outputs Outputs Website – Links EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  24. Outputs Outputs Website – Forum EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  25. Outputs Outputs Website – Database Search EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  26. Outputs Outputs Website – Database Registration EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  27. Outputs Strategy • Plan for an EU-India Nanotechnology Platform encompassing research, industry and government • Developed through discussions at the Workshop, through communications with interested experts, and at the Dissemination Conference EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

  28. SOCIEDADE PORTUGUESA DE INOVAÇÃO www.spieurope.eu Euronet Consulting SPI Centre – Portugal SPI Porto – Portugal SPI Lisbon – Portugal Edifício “Les Palaces” Rua Júlio Dinis, no. 242, 208 4050-318 Porto, PORTUGAL e-Mail: spiporto@spi.pt Tel: +351 22 607 64 00 Fax: +351 22 609 91 64 TagusPark Núcleo Central, 349 2780-920 Oeiras, PORTUGAL e-Mail: spilisboa@spi.pt Tel: +351 21 421 22 49 Fax: +351 21 421 12 01 Instituto Pedro Nunes 3030-199 Coimbra, PORTUGAL e-Mail: spicentro@spi.pt Tel: +351 23 970 03 61 Fax: +351 23 970 03 61 39 rue Montoyer 1000 Brussels, BELGIUM Tel: +32 2 289 2870 Fax: +32 2 289 1177 SPI Beijing SPI California SPI Maryland China Garments Mansion, No. 99, Rm, 915 Jianguo Rd., ChaoYang Dist. Beijing 100020, CHINA e-Mail: spichina@spi.pt Tel: +86 10 65813193 Fax: +86 10 65812758 5523 Research Park Drive, Suite 325 Baltimore, MD 21228, USA e-Mail: info@usaspi.com Tel: +1 443 543 5530 Fax: +1 443 543 5533 URL: www.usaspi.com 2102 Business Center Drive, Suite 220E Irvine, CA 92612, USA e-Mail: spiusa-irvine@spiusa.com Tel: +1 949 253 5702 Fax: +1 949 253 5703 URL: www.usaspi.com EuroIndiaNet: Policies, Support Structures and Training Programmes that Foster Innovation in Nanotechnology between the EU and India March 2007

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