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Astro-Nutz. Wind Streaks. By: Ciera, Gellie, Loveni, Mason, Tanner and Trevor. Period 5. Where are the longest wind streaks located on Mars? (The strongest winds on Mars) Why is your science question important?

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  1. Astro-Nutz Wind Streaks By: Ciera, Gellie, Loveni, Mason, Tanner and Trevor Period 5

  2. Where are the longest wind streaks located on Mars? (The strongest winds on Mars) Why is your science question important? Our science question is important because in the future if we are ever capable to go live on Mars then it is important to know what the weather patterns are, such as the winds. So if we could know how strong the winds are on Mars, then we could see how similar earth’s winds are to Mar’s winds. Why is your science question interesting? Our science question is interesting because many people do want to know where the longest wind streaks are on Mars. Also we think that it is pretty interesting to figure out where the strongest winds on Mars are and how strong they can get. Research Question

  3. Background Information:

  4. Background Information: http://ougseurope.org/rockon/surface/windstreaks http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2008/pdf/2362.pdf Many types of wind streaks have a strong association with topographic perturbations (disturbances with maps), such as craters or hills. There are three major types of wind streaks: Bright streaks are usually distinct, but thermally indistinct from the surrounding terrain Dark streaks are optically and thermally indistinct from the surrounding terrain, which means that they are formed in brighter deposits. Bright and dark streaks are formed by the modification of regional wind flow by the crater’s topography.

  5. Background Information (Pix) Definition of Wind Streak: Is a form of a dust trail that forms from the wind when it hits the lee side of the crater. This makes a type of streak form in the back of a crater. http://cdn4.wn.com/pd/8b/4c/bbd88f144c0bc663015559d2aad6_grande.jpg

  6. Background Information (Flow Map) They used thermal-inertia and albedo data from the Mars Global Surveyor In order to estimate The physical properties of the streaks and thus Provide an insight in the way they are formed. This occurs mostly after large dust storms and in the evening, as at these times the winds are strongest Wind streaks are formed when higher winds in the stable atmosphere flow down the lee side of the crater. http://ougseurope.org/rockon/surface/windstreaks

  7. Hypothesis • Gellie’z Hypothesis • If, there are 100 samples of wind streaks, then by looking at pictures of wind streaks , Most of them would be located in the south. • Because there is not that much sun, which means its cold, so there must be wind, which shows there are mostly wind in the south. • Mason, Ciera ,Trevor’z Hypothesis (you may, or may not need more than one of these statements) • If, there are 10 samples of wind streaks, then buy looking at pictures of wind streaks there would be most on the equator • Because

  8. Hypothesis Tanner & Loveni’z Hypothesis If, there are 100 samples of wind streaks, then by looking at pictures of wind streaks , Most of them would be located in the North. Because there is not that much sun, which means its cold, so there must be wind, which shows there are mostly wind in the North.

  9. Methods:

  10. Methods Bibliography for Pix or other information?

  11. Methods Continued… Bibliography for Pix or other information?

  12. Procedures • Website list: http://themis.asu.edu Data collection steps on site: • Go to the http://themis.asu.edu website; • Click on the search box and type in keywords,” windstreaks”. Search it. • Click on the titles with keywords ,” windstreaks” and look at the pictures. • Process the information and study the many different pictures of windstreaks • Look for the location and write down lattitude and longitude • Log the direction of the windstreak tail. • Log image # • Write any other observations

  13. http://www.nytstore.com/assets/images/extralarge/NSAP3372_EXTR.jpghttp://www.nytstore.com/assets/images/extralarge/NSAP3372_EXTR.jpg Data

  14. Data Chart

  15. Data Chart Continued

  16. Data Chart Continued

  17. Data Chart Continued

  18. Data Chart Continued

  19. Scatter plot Graph 90 60 30 0 -30 -60 -90 longitude 0 90 180 270 360 latitude

  20. Data Chart Graph http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/default.aspx?ID=585d67e10a0143ec8dbce90c5966a092

  21. http://www.nytstore.com/assets/images/extralarge/NSAP3372_EXTR.jpghttp://www.nytstore.com/assets/images/extralarge/NSAP3372_EXTR.jpg Discussion

  22. Discussion on Data Chart This data chart is very important because it shows us where the wind streaks are and what direction the wind streaks are. Also it tells us any other misc. data about that picture. We can really find out a lot from this data chart.

  23. Discussion on scatter plot This scatter plot is important because it shows us where all the wind streaks that we looked up were found. This scatter plot graph is the answer to our question. Which was “Where are the longest wind streaks located?” According to this scatter plot graph it shows us that most of the wind streaks are located in the middle (by the equator).

  24. A graph will go here Explain the meaning of your graph and what it means to your study. Bibliography for Pix or other information?

  25. Potential Errors List any errors that may have skewed your data collection (i.e. tool accuracy, or human error). Be specific. Bibliography for Pix or other information?

  26. Conclusions This is a title page decorate me :0) Appropriately Bibliography for Pix or other information?

  27. Research Question Restate and answer question Make sure to include any specific data that helps support your conclusion And explain how the data supports your conclusion Bibliography for Pix or other information?

  28. Hypothesis Everyone’s hypothesis must be analyzed. Restate and support or refute hypotheses Make sure to include any specific data that supports or refutes your hypothesis And explain how the data supports or refutes your hypothesis Bibliography for Pix or other information?

  29. Further Informed Research List any new questions you have after going through this study. Is there any future work that needs to be done? What types of technology should be developed to help us further advance our research on Mars? in space? Bibliography for Pix or other information?

  30. Acknowledgements Write in your thank you’s Bibliography for Pix or other information?

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