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The Triumph of White Men ’s Democracy 1824–1840

Explore the triumph of white men's democracy in the United States from 1824 to 1840, a period marked by the rise of democratic ideals, political institutions, and cultural shifts. Discover the impact of Jacksonian democracy, economic issues, and Indian removal policies.

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The Triumph of White Men ’s Democracy 1824–1840

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  1. 10 The Triumph of White Men’s Democracy 1824–1840

  2. Fine Accommodations New York’s Astor House completed in 1836, was one of the grandest of the new American hotels, offering fine accommodations to travelers who could afford to pay for them.

  3. The Triumph of White Men’s Democracy 1824 – 1840 • Democracy in Theory and Practice • Jackson and the Politics of Democracy • The Bank War and the Second-Party System • Heyday of the Second-Party System

  4. Democratic Space: The New Hotels • Politicians spent most of their time in hotels and congressmen, legislators made deals there • Became symbol of new democratic spirit • Almost all white males had right to vote • The ideals of equal citizenship hardened during this period

  5. Democracy in Theory and Practice

  6. Democracy in Theory and Practice • Democracy became preferred description of American politics in 1820s and 1830s • In democracy, the people were sovereign and could do no wrong

  7. Democracy in Theory and Practice (cont’d) • Traditional ideas of deference declined further • Equality of opportunity all important; the resulting inequalities of reward not really considered • America became society of winners and losers

  8. Democratic Culture • Mode of dress no longer indicator of gentility • Industrialism created class of low paid workers • Licensing abolished for doctors, lawyers • Popular press important source of information • New forms of literature and art for mass audience

  9. Democratic Culture (cont’d) • Many novels written for women, melodramas popular in theater • Painters depicted everyday life • Poets, novelists sought to enlighten the new public

  10. Democratic Political Institutions • Most states adopted universal white male suffrage by the 1820s • Many appointed offices made elective • Professional politicians and stable, statewide party organizations emerged

  11. Democratic Political Institutions (cont’d) • Politicians like Martin Van Buren promoted benefits of two-party system • Concept of loyal opposition accepted • Democracy spread to presidency • Most presidential electors chosen by popular vote rather state legislature by 1828 • Participation rates rose from 27% in early 1820s to high of 78% in 1840

  12. Stump Speeches Political candidates of the Jacksonian era traveled from town to town giving stump speeches. The political gatherings at which they spoke provided entertainment and were an excellent source of political news. This painting, Stump Speaking (1853/1854), is by George Caleb Bingham, one of the most prolific democratic genre painters.

  13. Economic Issues • Republican ideology from Revolution made people suspicious of groups they did not identify with or benefit from • Jacksonians fear of “the money power” • Debate over role of federal government in the economy

  14. Jackson and the Politics of Democracy

  15. Jackson and the Politics of Democracy • Jackson became a symbol of democracy’s triumph • Actions of Jackson and his party re-fashioned national politics in a democratic mold • Era known as Jacksonian Democracy

  16. Jackson Comes to Power • “Corrupt Bargain” set motivation for 1828 election • Tariff main agenda; resulting law became known as “tariff of abominations” • Influential state leaders supported Jackson • Calhoun in South Carolina, Van Buren in New York

  17. Jackson Comes to Power (cont’d) • Their efforts led to formation of Democratic party, first modern American party • New electioneering techniques of mass democracy born • Mudslinging dominated campaign • Jackson portrayed as man of the people

  18. Jackson Comes to Power (cont’d) • Jackson unclear about his stands on policy issues of the day other than Indian removal • Jackson’s democratic stamp on his administration • Defended “spoils system” as democratic • Replaced most of cabinet because of Peggy Eaton affair

  19. TABLE 10.1 The Election of 1824

  20. Map 10.1Election of 1828

  21. Indian Removal • Indian removal policy inherited from prior administrations • Jackson agreed with state complaints that federal government had not removed Indians quickly enough

  22. A Falling House? Jackson’s resigning cabinet members were, according to this cartoon, rats deserting a falling house. Jackson is seated on a collapsing chair, while the “altar of reform” and “public confidence in the stability of this administration” pillars topple to his left, and “resignations” flutter behind him. The president’s foot is on the tail of the Secretary of State Martin Van Buren rat.

  23. Indian Removal (cont’d) • Some southern states asserted authority over Indians in their borders • Jackson got federal government approval for state removal initiatives with Indian Removal Act of 1830 • 1838—U.S. Army forced Cherokee west along the Trail of Tears

  24. Trail of Tears Robert Lindneux, The Trail of Tears (1942). Cherokee Indians, carrying their few possessions, are prodded along by U.S. soldiers on the Trail of Tears. Thousands of Native Americans died on the ruthless forced march from their homelands in the East to the new Indian Territory in Oklahoma. (Source: Robert Lindneux, American. “Trail of Tears.” Courtesy of the Newberry Library, Chicago/Woolaroc Museum, Bartlesville, Oklahoma.)

  25. Map 10.2 Indian Removal Because so many Native Americans, uprooted from their lands in the East, died on the forced march to Oklahoma, the route they followed became known as the Trail of Tears.

  26. The Nullification Crisis • South opposed tariff—increased prices and endangered access to foreign markets • John C. Calhoun—Doctrine of Nullification: right of an individual state to set aside state law

  27. The Nullification Crisis (cont’d) • Personal relations between Jackson and Calhoun soured • 1830—Jefferson Day Dinner • Jackson “to the union—it must be preserved” • Calhoun “to the union—next to our liberty, the most dear”

  28. The Nullification Crisis (cont’d) • 1832—tariff passed, South Carolina nullified • Jackson threatened to send army

  29. The Nullification Crisis (cont’d) • Compromise • Force Bill authorized Jackson to use military to enforce federal law • Clay’s Compromise Tariff of 1833 lowered rates • Nullification foreshadowed state sovereignty positions of the South in slavery debates

  30. The Bank War and the Second-Party System

  31. The Bank War and the Second-Party System • “The Bank War” a symbolic defense of Jacksonian concept of democracy • Led to two important results • Formation of opposition party to Jackson— the Whigs • Economic disruption

  32. The Bank Veto and the Election of 1832 • Jackson opposed to the Bank • His opposition drives Nicholas Biddle to seek early recharter of the Banks • The bill passed easily but vetoed by Jackson • 1832 election • Bank a major issue • Jackson reelected

  33. TABLE 10.2 The Election of 1832

  34. Killing the Bank • Jackson destroyed bank by removing federal deposits • Funds transferred to state (“pet”) banks • Biddle used his powers to cause recession, attempted to blame Jackson

  35. Killing the Bank (cont’d) • Clay got censure of Jackson through Senate for abusing his power (Jackson’s withdrawal of deposits from bank) • Destruction of bank provoked fears of dictatorship, cost Jackson support in Congress

  36. A Hydra-Headed Bank Aided by Van Buren (center), Jackson wields his veto rod against the Bank of the United States, whose heads represent the directors of the state branches. Bank president Nicholas Biddle is wearing the top hat. In ancient mythology the Hydra was a snake with many heads; each time one was cut another would sprout up and it would not die. (Source: Collection of The New-York Historical Society. Negative number 42459.)

  37. The Emergence of the Whigs • Whig party a coalition of forces, first united in censure of Jackson • Clay and National Republicans • Webster and New England ex-Federalists • States-rights southerners • Anti-Masonic party

  38. The Emergence of the Whigs (cont’d) • Whigs defended activist government in economics, enforcement of “decency” • Democrats opposed government regulation of morality • Democrats weakened by • Defection of Loco-Focos faction upset over pet banks • Specie Circular led to the Panic of 1837

  39. TABLE 10.3 The Election of 1836

  40. Map 10.3Election of 1840

  41. Heyday of the Second-Party System

  42. Heyday of the Second-Party System • Election of 1840 marked rise of permanent two-party system in the U.S.—Whigs and Democrats • Whigs supported a “positive liberal state”—were Industrialist, successful farmers, Protestant

  43. Heyday of the Second-Party System (cont’d) • Democrats supported “negative liberal state”—were small farmers, manufacturing, Catholic • Whigs believed market economy would benefit all • Democrats were ambivalent about market economy

  44. Conclusion: Tocqueville’s Wisdom

  45. Conclusion: Tocqueville’s Wisdom • Alexis de Tocqueville praised most aspects of American democracy • Warned of future disaster if white males refused to extend liberty to women, African Americans, and Indians

  46. Timeline

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