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Update on ST Priorities and Strategies in France

Jean-Luc Cl?mentKiev November 5, 2010. Evolution of the French system of Higher Education and Research. National Strategy in Research and InnovationAutonomy of UniversitiesNew structures to link research-training and innovationOpen innovationNew mechanisms to fund research. Jean-Luc Cl?mentKiev November 5, 2010.

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Update on ST Priorities and Strategies in France

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    1. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Update on S&T Priorities and Strategies in France 2010

    2. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Evolution of the French system of Higher Education and Research National Strategy in Research and Innovation Autonomy of Universities New structures to link research-training and innovation Open innovation New mechanisms to fund research

    3. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 I - French National Strategy on Research and Innovation Health,quality of life, nutrition and biotechnology Environmental concerns and ecotechnology Information, communication and nanotechnology

    4. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 II Autonomy of Universiies 2007-2009 : structural reforms of our higher education and research system, around three priorities : Simplification Excellence Technology transfer and public-private partnerships 2010 : €22 billion of the « national loan » package earmarked for higher education and research

    5. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010

    6. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Human Ressources Total: 364 000 persons - 202,000 persons working for research in private labs (including 114 000 scientists). - 162,000 persons working for public research including 49 400 faculties in universities and 44 000 scientists in public research institutes - 12 000 new doctors (PhD) every year (4,000 in natural sciences and 8,000 in humanities and social sciences).

    7. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Students : 2.2 millions (Paris : 26%)

    8. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Clarification of diplomas : The new European education system and European diploma and ERASMUS

    9. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 New organization Reformed university governance 60% of French universities have already adopted the new governance law (90% next January) 15 « Higher Education and Research» campus Objective : consolidate a fragmented landscape of 85 universities, 220 engineering and business schools, and 21 research institutes National thematic « alliances » Objective : coordinate research programs, simplify interactions for international groups Three alliances created : health, information & telecom, energy

    10. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 FROM « FACULTIES» TOWARDS « UNIVERSITIES » : Two main laws : 1968 and 1984 Now : The law of August the 10 th, 2007 : LAW ON THE LIBERTIES AND ON THE RESPONSABILITIES OF THE UNIVERSITIES (L.R.U.) : To give full significance to this LRU reform, we must also recall the importance of the Bologna Process which has given the opportunities to academics to rethink all along the ten last years : the schemes, the organization, the contents and the aims of must of the courses of licences, masters and even doctorates

    11. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 University freedom law Voted by the Parlament (07/2007), - implemented by first universities starting academic year 2008/2009 - 75 universities out of 83 using the new system in 2011 - More autonomy to universities - Possibility to create foundations linked with universities, raising of funds - New mechanisms for the election of administrative council and the university president - Increasing competences of the president and university counsels - Improving evaluation of academic staff, flexibility in teaching loads - To increase weight of universities in research performing and management tasks

    12. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 A stronger governance for the universities (LRU : 2007) More efficiencies in respect of the democratic bases of the University administration : one elected President, a board of directors, a scientific council, a council for students affairs. The board of directors : 20-30 members at most. About 1/3 of qualified persons among local authorities, representatives of private or public companies… A scientific council that must give its advice on the scientists, appointed members of the local selection commitee for recruitment of « academics » New competencies for universities – A global budget : operating budget, salaries, properties on buildings and investment. Possibility of endowments

    13. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 A stronger governance for the universities (LRU : 2007) The President of the University has the responsability to prepare the « pluri-annual contract » (4 years) setting the policy of the university, between this one and the Ministry of Higher Education. He is elected for 4 years and can be reelected once. He could now decide to veto any recruitment. On advice of his Board, he can modulate the time schedule of the academics that is shared between teaching and research. He can also modulate bonuses to the academic staff.

    14. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 MAIN GOALS OF « L.R.U. » - 50 % of a group of age should get a degree at the level of higher education - Improve the Governance of the Universities - Make higher education in France more visible at the International level

    15. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 L.R.U. (Liberties and Responsabilities of the Universities) A larger Autonomy A larger scope of competences A more efficient governance A better visibility and a broader capability to be recognized at international level to bring together Universities, « Grandes Ecoles » : constitution of « Clusters : « Pôle de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur » (P.R.E.S.) Merging of Universities (e.g. Strasbourg), creation of consortia : « ParisTech », « Paris Universitas »… Financing « campuses » : 12 international Poles involving 36 Universities and 20 « grandes Ecoles » - It will also improve dorms and facilities for students. To develop a « goals achievement culture » - Evaluation : AERES included in the quality assurance system of the Bologna Process – Promoting European Standards and guidelines

    16. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Repartition of researchers in France

    17. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 RESEARCH LABORATORIES 25 Public research institutes CNRS, INSERM, INRA, INRIA, CEA, CIRAD, IRD, IFREMER, CNES, BRGM, OSEO, … Higher education institutions: - 83 universities - Grandes Ecoles; Grands établissements; Ecoles d’ingénieurs. Private Research: companies and foundations. Many possibilities of joint laboratories : 1200 CNRS-Universities laboratories, 140 INRA-CNRS, 62 CEA-Research Performing Organization….

    18. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Alliances AVIESAN : Alliance in Life Sciences and Health (INSERM, CNRS,CEA, INRA, INRIA, IRD,IP, CPU, Hopitaux) ANCRE : Alliance in Energy research (CEA, CNRS, IFP) ALLISTENE : Alliance in Sciences and Technology of Information (CNRS, INRIA, CEA) AllEnvi, Alliance in environment (BRGM, CEA, CEMAGREF, CIRAD, CNRS, CPU, IFREMER, INRA, LPEC, MeteoFR, MNHN) Alliance in Humanities and social sciences (in progress)

    19. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Excellence Evaluation : Independent and transparent evaluation agency (AERES) Project-based financing : National research agency (ANR) : €3 billion over 3 years (ANR) Investment on best campus : “Operation Campus” : €5 billion dedicated to 10 campus

    20. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Research organization chart Evaluation : New Agency for Research and Higher Education Assessment (AERES): composed of 24 French and foreign members (1/3 from private research) Assessment of public research Assessment of the way researchers are evaluated by the assessment committees of research institutions

    21. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Research organization chart A new Funding Agency: ANR ‘Agence nationale de la Recherche’ Implemented on February 7, 2005 Funding of both basic research and technological research in partnership with private companies through 3-year projects Projects funding through open and targeted calls for proposals: 700 M€ in 2005 800 M€ in 2006 1,300 M€ in 2010 Joint European calls for proposals in 2007 ? (20% of the budget)

    22. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Characteristics of research programmes 2 types of programmes based on calls for proposals : “open” (no partnership rule) the evaluation is only based on scientific excellence Mainly academic laboratories “public-private partnership”. The evaluation is based on scientific excellence and on economic impact Large spectrum of research projects: fundamental research (in “open” calls for proposals) industrial/applied research and pre-competitive development (in “public-private partnership calls for proposals) Applicants: public laboratories (alone or in partnership) private companies in partnership with academic laboratories.

    23. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Evolution of the French system of Higher Education and Research National Strategy in Research and Innovation Autonomy of Universities New structures to link research-training and innovation Open innovation New mechanisms to fund research

    24. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 III - New structures to link research-training and innovation -A- Pôles de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur (PRES) Academic clusters - B- Réseaux Thématiques de Recherche Avancée (RTRA ) Advanced research centers - C- Instituts CARNOT : R&D clusters - D - Pôles de compétitivité : Scientific clusters - E - Centres Thématiques de Recherche et de Soins (CTRS) Advanced health centers

    25. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 - A- Academic Clusters (PRES) Academic Clusters (Pôles de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur, PRES) These clusters will allow research and higher education institutes of the same area to develop their partnership by putting together means and activities. 80 M€

    26. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 17 Academic Clusters

    27. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 -B- Advanced research centers (RTRA) Réseaux thématiques de recherche avancée (RTRA) : Creation of the advanced research centers as a foundation for scientific cooperation The founders can be public or privates bodies Minimum duration : 5 years The capital of the foundation can be given partly or entirely by public bodies Research laboratories are selected on excellency criteria to create a local research network with the support of MESR 13 centers have been selected for a total grant of 200 M€ (average founding 13.5 M€) to allow french scientific « campus » to compete whith the most renowned places in the world like the MIT, Cambridge, …

    28. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Advanced research centers

    29. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 -C- CARNOT Institutes Objective: to develop partnerships between groups of public laboratories, private companies and local authorities. 33 groups of public laboratories selected and labelised in 2006 and 2007 on a call for proposals. Government financial support, via ANR, will encourage partnerships 60 M€.

    30. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 33 CARNOT INSTITUTES

    31. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 - D- Scientific clusters -71 scientific clusters (Pôles de compétitivité) selected - Partners: companies + research centers + higher education institutions. - 1.5 billion € allocated by the Gvt to clusters in 2006-2008. 6 world class poles 9 poles with a world wide vocation 53 poles with a national vocation

    32. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 71 Scientific Clusters

    33. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 6 world class clusters Minalogic Region : Rhône-Alpes Activity : Nanotechnologies Aéronautique, espace, systèmes embarqués Region : Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrenees Activity : Aeronautics, space embended systems MediTech santé - Region : Ile de France - Activity : Health (infectiology and cancer) Solutions Communicantes Sécurisées Region : Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Activity : Hardware and software for telecommunications Lyon Biopole Region : Rhône-Alpes Activity : Virology SYSTEM@TIC Region : Ile de France Activity : Software and complex systems

    34. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 9 poles with a world wide vocation Images and Networks (Brittany) Seanergie (Brittany) Chemistry and environment Lyon (Rhône-Alpes) Specialised Plants (Pays de la Loire) Image, Multimedia and Life (Ile de France) Industry and Agro-resources (Champagne-Ardennes, Picardie) Therapeutic Innovation (Alsace) Sea, security and safety (PACA) i-trans (Nord-Pas de Calais-Picardie)

    35. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Activities of the French clusters 162 projects prepared by the clusters (among a total of 340) were selected on the basis of calls for proposals in 2006 : - Software 21 % - Transports 15 % - Health and biotechnologies 15 % - Microelectronics 13 % - Networks and image processing 11 % These projects receive additional budget from a special Fund managed by the French Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry.

    36. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010

    37. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 “CTRS” Thematic Healh Research Centers 9 Advanced Health Centers selected in Feb 2007: - " Imagine " (genetic desease, Paris Necker) Prs. Alain Fischer and Arnold Munnich - " Santé Mentale " (psychiatrics, Réseau national) Pr. Marion Leboyer - " NeuroCap " (neurosciences, Lyon), Pr. François Mauguières - " Centaure " (organ transplants, Nantes Lyon) Pr. Jean-Paul Soullilou - " PremUP " (pregnancy and treatment of prematurity, Paris) Pr. Danièle Evain-Brion - " FRHS » – (Sensorial Handicap Paris), Pr. José Sahel - " Infectiopôle Sud " (infectiology, Marseille), Pr. Didier Raoult - " Synergie Lyon cancer " (oncology, Lyon), Pr. Gilles Salles - " 2RITC – Network for Research and therapeutic Innovation in Oncology " (Toulouse), Pr. Gilles Favre

    38. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 CIC, CIC-BT et CIC-EC

    39. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 French and European projects funding

    40. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Evolution of the French system of Higher Education and Research National Strategy in Research and Innovation Autonomy of Universities New structures to link research-training and innovation Open innovation New mechanisms to fund research

    41. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Open innovation Competitiveness clusters : 71 clusters developing collaborative research Instituts Carnot network : Network of laboratories with an active policy of pursuing collaborative research Research tax credit : companies get back 60% when the R&D work is subcontracted to a public research laboratory Technology transfer development : Simplification of public patent management (June 2009) Professionalization of academic tech transfer offices A public web portal soon operational on to improve information

    42. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 More support to innovation and industrial R&D Support to the creation of innovative companies. Tax incentives. Agency for Industrial Innovation : OSEO

    43. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Support to the creation of innovative companies The Innovation and Research Act (1999) 533 scientists received an agreement for taking part in business startups since 1999. National contest “starting up innovative companies” 10 625 applications in six years, 1 555 projects awarded, 786 companies started. Public research incubators 31 incubators granted with 26 M€ for 2000-2003, 20 M€ for 2004-2007. Seed capital funds 23 M€ invested in 11 seed funds (5 technology oriented, 6 regionally based) through universities and research institutes – 146 M€ under management.

    44. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Tax Incentives Fostering the research tax credit 5% of R&D expenditures of the year + 45% of the growth compared to the 3 previous years from 500 M€ (2002) to 970 M€ (2004) Almost 3 000 firms taking advantage Friendly fiscal environment for “the new innovative companies” Independent SME’s less than 8 years old R&D expenditures > 15% of the whole expenditures Costs of benefits for R&D related employees are taken in charge by the State + income tax relief 900 firms concerned in 2004 corresponding to 45 M€ of relief

    45. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Open innovation : already a reality 214 public-private research structures in France 50% of them have been created after 2005 Major deals in 2009 (e.g. Renault-CEA-Nissan-NEC)

    46. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Evolution of the French system of Higher Education and Research National Strategy in Research and Innovation Autonomy of Universities New structures to link research-training and innovationOpen innovation Open innovation New mechanisms to fund research

    47. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 French Gouvernmental funds for research and universities (billion €) 2004 : 16.3 2005 : 19.8 2006 : 20.8 2007 : 21.8 2008 : 22.6 2009 : 23.3 2010 : 24.0

    48. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 2010 : €22 billion investment on higher education and research World-class campus and universities : €11 billion Technology transfer, innovation clusters : € 3,5 billion Laboratories and research equipments : € 2 billion Biomedical research capabilities : € 2,5 billion Aeronautics, nuclear energy… € 3 billion

    49. Jean-Luc Clément Kiev November 5, 2010 Jean-luc.clement@education.gouv.fr

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