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Huang Shan Mao Feng

There's an old Chinese saying "famous mountains produce famous tea". Huang Shan is one of China's famous mountain for producing great Green teas and their Mao Feng is certainly one of the best. This tea is one of China's Ten Famous tea. Our Huang Shan Mao Feng comes from the tea company owned by Mr. Xie Yi Ping, a descendant of the original creator of this tea (Mr. Xie Zheng An). It is made using the traditional processing method invented in the late Qing Dynasty during the reign of Guangxu Emperor and passed down from six generations ago.

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Huang Shan Mao Feng

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  1. HuangShanMaoFeng-GreenTea Price(50grams):US$15.30 FreeShippingonOrdersover$30 Description There'sanoldChinesesaying"famousmountainsproducefamoustea". HuangShanisoneofChina'sfamousmountainforproducinggreat GreenteasandtheirMaoFengiscertainlyoneofthebest.Thisteais oneofChina'sTenFamoustea.OurHuangShanMaoFengcomes fromtheteacompanyownedbyMr.XieYiPing,adescendantofthe originalcreatorofthistea(Mr.XieZhengAn).Itismadeusingthe traditionalprocessingmethodinventedinthelateQingDynastyduring thereignofGuangxuEmperorandpasseddownfromsixgenerations ago. CertifiedChinaOrganicProduct. Othernames: YellowMountain'sFurPeak Taste: Thespecialprocessingtechniqueproducesaspecialteathatisstrong,yetveryrefreshing.Thearomaisapleasant reminiscenceoffreshOrchidbloom.EverysipofHuangShanMaoFengteapromisesasweetandrefreshingmemory. Appearance: Emerald-greenyoungandtendertealeaves(mixtureofonebudoneleafandonebudtwoleaves). Origin: FuXi,AnHuiProvince,China HarvestPeriod: Spring2013(MingQianCha) TeaLink:http://www.chineseteaart.com/huang-shan-mao-feng-green-tea-p-6.html Picturecomefrom:http://www.chineseteaart.com/

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