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I got the pistols, so I ll take the pesos

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I got the pistols, so I ll take the pesos

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    1. “I got the pistols, so I’ll take the pesos”

    3. Structuralism and Post-structuralism

    4. Philosophical Ancestry Empericists (David Hume, John Locke, Gerge Berkeley) believed knowledge of the world was IMMEDIATE Reality is impressed onto the mind’s blank slate by sense data According to the empericists, sense data are the only things we can know. They are the “atoms” of the atomistic philosophyAccording to the empericists, sense data are the only things we can know. They are the “atoms” of the atomistic philosophy

    5. Philosophical Ancestry Rationalists (Descartes, Spinoza, Liebniz, Kant) believe knowledge of the world is MEDIATE Innate ideas or structures are present in the mind at birth. Studying them will reveal a universal structure of reality that may even contradict the senses. IOW: Related to structuralism IOW: Related to structuralism

    6. Connection to Linguistics

    7. Foundation: socio-economic facts Superstructure: Legal and political facts Cultural facts In the end, however, MArx was not a structuralist because he was cncerned with historical facts. In other words, Marxism is deeply Diachronic Foundation: socio-economic facts Superstructure: Legal and political facts Cultural facts In the end, however, MArx was not a structuralist because he was cncerned with historical facts. In other words, Marxism is deeply Diachronic

    8. Barthes’ Myths: Myth –a mechanism for making cultural norms appear as facts of nature, as inevitable, or as inherently right when they are in fact arbitrary.

    9. On the surface: Signifier (the image) + Signified (loyalty to France) = Sign (Faithful black soldier) But in mythical semiological system, the sign becomes the new signifier Signifier (faithful black soldier) + Signified (“France is a great empire, so great that all her sons, without any color discrimination, faithfully serve under her flag. There is no better anwer to the detractors of an alledged colonialism than the zeal shown by this Negro in serving his so-called “opressors” = NEW Sign (ideology of colonialsim and imperialism On the surface: Signifier (the image) + Signified (loyalty to France) = Sign (Faithful black soldier) But in mythical semiological system, the sign becomes the new signifier Signifier (faithful black soldier) + Signified (“France is a great empire, so great that all her sons, without any color discrimination, faithfully serve under her flag. There is no better anwer to the detractors of an alledged colonialism than the zeal shown by this Negro in serving his so-called “opressors” = NEW Sign (ideology of colonialsim and imperialism

    11. Signifier (the image) + signified (military leader) = Sign (President is a Strong Military Leader) The myth: Signifier (President is a Strong Military Leader) + Signified (The American citizens can rest assured that the Bush Administration’s decisiion to go to war with Iraq is the correct course of action.) = Sign (Ideology supporting the War in Iraq) Signifier (the image) + signified (military leader) = Sign (President is a Strong Military Leader) The myth: Signifier (President is a Strong Military Leader) + Signified (The American citizens can rest assured that the Bush Administration’s decisiion to go to war with Iraq is the correct course of action.) = Sign (Ideology supporting the War in Iraq)

    12. Signifier (the image) + signified (military leader) = Sign (President is a Strong Military Leader) The myth: Signifier (President is a Strong Military Leader) + Signified (The American citizens can rest assured that the Bush Administration’s decisiion to go to war with Iraq is the correct course of action.) = Sign (Ideology supporting the War in Iraq) Signifier (the image) + signified (military leader) = Sign (President is a Strong Military Leader) The myth: Signifier (President is a Strong Military Leader) + Signified (The American citizens can rest assured that the Bush Administration’s decisiion to go to war with Iraq is the correct course of action.) = Sign (Ideology supporting the War in Iraq)

    13. Signifier (the image) + signified (military leader) = Sign (President is a Strong Military Leader) The myth: Signifier (President is a Strong Military Leader) + Signified (The American citizens can rest assured that the Bush Administration’s decisiion to go to war with Iraq is the correct course of action.) = Sign (Ideology supporting the War in Iraq) Signifier (the image) + signified (military leader) = Sign (President is a Strong Military Leader) The myth: Signifier (President is a Strong Military Leader) + Signified (The American citizens can rest assured that the Bush Administration’s decisiion to go to war with Iraq is the correct course of action.) = Sign (Ideology supporting the War in Iraq)

    14. Structuralism so far… claims that content (reality) is reducible to a structure, usually hidden, that defines relationships applies Saussurian linguistics to all social phenomenon Combining 1 and 2: no realities available to the human mind. No platonic forms, no essenses, no “atoms.” The only thing that exists are relationships.


    16. Michel Foucault Emphasized the aspects of hidden desire and power associated with language Held that the links to power and desire were frequently masked but always present In this context, he introduced the term discourse

    17. “I” and “the other” Discourse is the mechanism by which society defines truth Discourse is based on logic and is always exlusionary Principle of identity (A=A) Principle of non contradiction (both A=A and A is not A can not be simultaneously true) Principle of the excluded middle (Either A or not A) The Rationalists (Plato, Descarte, Kant) belileved in the basic principles of logic: Foucault shows that each culture (episteme) chooses how to apply these principles, chooses what will be called “the same” and “difference.” That is, we decide how to define a “we” and how to exclude an “other” The Rationalists (Plato, Descarte, Kant) belileved in the basic principles of logic: Foucault shows that each culture (episteme) chooses how to apply these principles, chooses what will be called “the same” and “difference.” That is, we decide how to define a “we” and how to exclude an “other”

    18. The same ?

    19. The same ?

    20. The same ?

    21. The Same ?

    22. How “othering” works Based on a binary pair Described by relationship between signifiers and signified Draw the diagrams here. Use MAN/WOMANDraw the diagrams here. Use MAN/WOMAN

    23. Signifiers?

    24. Signifiers?


    26. Who enforces the rules?

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