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AIXM 5 Concepts

AIXM 5 Concepts. Mission. Based on global aeronautical data requirements ICAO standards and practices Industry requirements Modular and extensible Support current and future AIM information system requirements Digital AIPs Automated charting and publications Integrated digital NOTAMs

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AIXM 5 Concepts

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  1. AIXM 5 Concepts

  2. Mission • Based on global aeronautical data requirements • ICAO standards and practices • Industry requirements • Modular and extensible • Support current and future AIM information system requirements • Digital AIPs • Automated charting and publications • Integrated digital NOTAMs • Aerodrome Mapping Databases and applications • Situational displays

  3. Presentation Topics • AIXM Design Principles • Design Concepts • ISO 19100 standards • Geography Markup Language (GML) • Temporality • Conceptual Areas

  4. Presentation Topics • AIXM Design Principles • Design Concepts • ISO 19100 standards • Geography Markup Language (GML) • Temporality • Conceptual Areas

  5. AIXM Design Objectives Technical Design Decisions ISO19100series UML GML 3.2 Metadata Integrity Data Quality Mandates

  6. AIXM Design Objectives New Data Requirements Technical Design Decisions Aerodrome Mapping ISO19100series Terminal Procedures UML Obstacles GML 3.2 Metadata Integrity Data Quality Mandates

  7. AIXM Design Objectives Future Capabilities New Data Requirements Modularity Technical Design Decisions Extensibility Aerodrome Mapping ISO19100series FlexibleExchange Terminal Procedures UML FlexibleMessages Obstacles GML 3.2 Permanent & Temporary Metadata Integrity Data Quality Mandates

  8. AIXM Design Objectives Future Capabilities New Data Requirements Modularity Technical Design Decisions Extensibility Aerodrome Mapping ISO19100series FlexibleExchange Terminal Procedures UML FlexibleMessages Obstacles GML 3.2 Permanent & Temporary Metadata Integrity Data Quality Mandates

  9. Presentation Topics • AIXM Design Principles • Design Concepts • ISO 19100 standards • Geography Markup Language (GML) • Temporality • Conceptual Areas

  10. Technical Design DecisionsIn the ISO19100 series framework • Internationally developed standard for expressing geographical data • Features - Airports, Runways, Airspace • Metadata - Data originator, Status, Published Date • Temporality - Start and end dates • Geometry - Point, Line, Polygon • Helps us organize information for the aeronautical domain • Well-established • Geography Markup Language (GML) • Widely adopted and implemented by vendors and governments • Standards reduce barriers to adoption by vendors and governments

  11. AIXM Structure and ApplicationBased on ISO 19100 AIXM Conceptual Model (UML) ISO 19126 Feature Catalog ISO 19109 Application Schema ISO 19107 Spatial ISO 19108 Temporal ISO 19115 Metadata Aeronautical Features Extensibility Properties Geometry Application Models Temporality Metadata Data Types Conceptual Model Feature Catalog Feature Data Dictionary Application Schema

  12. AIXM Structure and ApplicationBased on ISO 19100 AIXM Conceptual Model (UML) AIXM XML Schema (XML) Aeronautical Features GML 3.1 Profile Extensibility Properties Geometry Application Schemas Application Models Features Temporality Metadata Data Types Data Types Data encoding layer ISO 19136 GML XML Schema

  13. AIXM Structure and Application • AIXM provides the standard foundation for describing aeronautical information • Features: Runway, En route Route, Airspace • Properties: Valid time, Location • Data Types: code list of airspace types • Metadata: Data originator • AIXM can be used to build compliant application schemas • Enable real-world implementation • Digital NOTAMs • Procedure Design • Automated Charting • Enables maximum flexibility while remaining ISO compliant • Examples this afternoon and tomorrow

  14. What is GML? • ISO exchange format for geographical features encoding • Based on XML Schema • Open GIS Consortium • Good industry adoption by Geographic InformationSystem (GIS) vendors • Commercial Off the Shelf Software <gml:Point> <gml:pos>46.90278 0.08111</gml:pos> </gml:Point>

  15. Temporality Model • Definition • A model that incorporates the concept of time • Key assertions • All features are temporal with start of life and end of life • Example, A new air traffic control sector • All features change over time • Example, A VOR is out of service for a day • AIXM Temporality Model • Relates features to the time extent in which they are valid • Provides various means to describe the time extent

  16. Version – The state of a feature and value of its properties over a time period between two changes. Delta – Difference between two consecutive versions. Versions and Delta

  17. Temporality Model (continued) • Operational changes are modeled as deltas • Deltas can be permanent or temporary: • Permanent delta: A set of properties that have changed or will change permanently. The permanent delta will result in a new baseline. • Baseline:The state of a feature and all of the feature properties as a result of a permanent delta. The Baseline state of a feature also exists when the feature is initially created. The Baseline state lasts until the next permanent delta. • Temporary delta: A set of values for one or more feature properties that are effective for a limited time. The result is a temporary change to an underlying feature version. • Version:The state of a feature and all the feature properties during the time period between two changes. This is a conceptual temporal model that can be implemented in many ways

  18. TemporalityConceptual Model Imagine that AML Navaid undergoes an upgrade that changes its frequency from 125 MHz to 132.5 MHz… • Schedule permanent change to coincide with update cycle • Shutdown AML before the upgrade • Perform the upgrade • Start AML in test mode to evaluate change

  19. TemporalityConceptual Model Imagine that AML Navaid undergoes an upgrade that changes its frequency from 125 MHz to 132.5 MHz…

  20. Presentation Topics • AIXM Design Principles • Design Concepts • ISO 19100 standards • Geography Markup Language (GML) • Temporality • Conceptual Areas

  21. Aerodrome/Heliport Aerodrome/Heliport Facilities Airspace Holding Navaids and Points Obstacles Organizations Procedures Routes Services Shared Components Geometry Notes Time Management Aircraft AIXM Coverage

  22. Aerodrome and Heliports • Aerodromes • Heliports • Movement Areas • Distances, Services, Lights

  23. Aerodrome and Heliports • Data necessary to support aerodrome mapping applications (RTCA DO-272A, EUROCAE ED-99A) • Movement area geometries • Intersections • Markings

  24. Aerodrome and Heliports • Usage and Restrictions • Who can use the aerodrome • When they can use it

  25. Fuel Oil Oxygen Passenger Facility Ground Services Repair Fire fighting Other… Aerodrome and Heliport Facilities

  26. Airspace • Represents • ICAO Regions • Areas • Zones • Sectors • Airspaces used in/by • Air traffic services • Special regulated airspace • Client defined airspace • Various ‘limited’ airspace

  27. Airspace Altitudes

  28. Derived Airspace Airspaces with same horizontal border Airspace derived fromaggregation of parts

  29. Holding • En route and terminal holding • Planned and Unplanned • Segments by length or time • Integrated with procedure conceptual area

  30. Navaids and Points Significant Points Used for Navigation Navaids Navigation Service based on Equipment Designated Points Points not associated with equipment Fixes and waypoints DME, VOR, TACAN, Azimuth, and so on

  31. Obstacles • ICAO Annex 4, 14, 15 & DOC 8126 • RTCA /EUROCAE DO-276A/ED-98A • IATA • Lighting • Schedule • Area 1, 2, 3 • Point, Line, Polygon

  32. Organizations and Units • Organization Authority • “Model organizations and authorities” • ATS organizations (IATA), Aircraft Operators (United), States (Argentina), Groups of States (NATO Members) • Unit • “’Unit’ that provides services” • Approach Control, Military, Tower, ARTCC

  33. Coverage PANS-OPS, TERPS Arinc 424 Conventional and GPS Describes Procedures Segment Legs Minima Circling Protection Areas Design Surfaces Terminal Procedures

  34. Describe En route structure Conventional and GPS Minimum clearance altitudes Usage restrictions Routes EnRouteRoute RouteSegment RoutePortion Flight LevelsTrack LengthTrack WidthTrack DirectionFlight Rules and Use Standard flight levelsMinimum AltitudesChange over pointsDME usage (RNAV)

  35. Airspace Route Aerodrome/Heliport Route Holding Procedure … Services Unit Service Unit provides service • Communication • Flight Information • Air Traffic Control • Meteorological • Radar • … Provided On Service is

  36. Status and ScheduleWith FAA implementation plans Sep 06 - Dec 07 2008 - 2010 Digital NOTAM trials AIXM Implementations Dec 07 Dec 06 Jun 07 Dec 09 AIXM 5 AIXM 5 RC 1 AIXM 5 RC 2 Possible AIXM 5 . x 2006 2007 2008 2009 2005 2010 2006 Jun 06 2007 2008 2009 AIXM Design Review AIM Global Congress AIXM User Conference AIXM User Conference AIXM User Conference

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