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The ACGT Workflow Editing & Enactment Environment

Giorgos Zacharioudakis Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research & Technology – Hellas (ICS-FORTH). The ACGT Workflow Editing & Enactment Environment. Tools, algorithms, analytical services. Grid computing resources. Users. Integrated ACGT Environment. Databases. Files.

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The ACGT Workflow Editing & Enactment Environment

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  1. Giorgos Zacharioudakis Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research & Technology – Hellas (ICS-FORTH) The ACGT Workflow Editing & Enactment Environment

  2. Tools, algorithms, analytical services Grid computing resources Users Integrated ACGT Environment Databases Files Data sources Introduction

  3. ACGT Workflow Environment BPEL workflow description Workflow Editor Workflow Enactor … Visual composition of web services and data sources into workflows Textual description of workflows into XML code (BPEL) Orchestration & Execution of BPEL code into grid resources

  4. ACGT Workflow Editor The ACGT Workflow Editor is: A web based system (AJAX, servlets, DB storage), with no installation or configuration needed, easily upgraded and grid-security enabled. The ACGT Workflow Editor aims: To provide a graphical environment for the end users to build their scientific experiments, by combining the ACGT tools and facilitate their execution on the Grid.

  5. Editor overview • Menus and toolbars • What can be put in the workflow (services, files etc) • Workflow drawing area • Properties of the selected items in the workflow (if any) • Status information

  6. Editor Functionality Access to all the ACGT Tools GridR, Mediator, Data access services etc Graphical creation of workflows Separate storage area per user Save and load “my” workflows Access to grid file system Publish a workflow so other people can use it Run workflows Monitor their execution More to come … “Intelligent” user guidance during workflow creation

  7. Enactor The ACGT Enactor is: • An open-source BPEL engine for the execution of workflows, based on their textual (BPEL -XML) description, which is dynamically generated from their visual representation. The ACGT Enactor aims: • To orchestrate and invoke the underlying web services, which utilize the available grid-resources.

  8. Challenges in using BPEL in the Grid • Standards compliance • WSRF vs. WS-I • Security • Currently, WS / BPEL do not support GSI-based delegation of user credentials and rights • That was the leading cause for the introduction of a new Enactment Environment

  9. Enactment Environment Features • Invokes underlying grid services (or other kind of services) • Delegates user credentials by using proxy service mechanism • Monitors the execution of the workflow • Logs invocation info (input, results, status)

  10. Legend GSI Secured communication WS (WS-I) communication Enactment Security Architecture ACGT Workflow Environment 3rd Party Service Workflow WS-interface Proxy A Certificate Enactor Proxy Enactor (e.g. ODE) GSI-secure ACGT Service Proxy B Id Id Certificate Certificate Id Certificate Id MyProxy

  11. Conclusions • BPEL is a mature technology • The ACGT Workflow Editor offers an integrated web based environment for the design of scientific workflows • The Enactment environment was needed to take advantage of the Grid security and its resources • Work in progress.. Stay tuned! • New features are constantly added • We welcome user suggestions

  12. Thank you!

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