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Stack. Heap. str. bira. String @42e816. anotherStr. String @42e816. bi. bi. String @3ecfff. ra. ra. String @ 9ae764. thirdString. bira. String @ 7cdaf2. Stack. Heap. hello. Hello. String @42e816. same. String @42e816. Stack. Heap. str1. Hello. String @ 6e278a. str2.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stack Heap str bira String@42e816 anotherStr String@42e816 bi bi String@3ecfff ra ra String@9ae764 thirdString bira String@7cdaf2

  2. Stack Heap hello Hello String@42e816 same String@42e816

  3. Stack Heap str1 Hello String@6e278a str2 String@6e278a

  4. Stack Heap greet Hello, String@6e278a name reader! String@2fa8fc result Hello, reader! String@a7b46e

  5. Stack Heap str1 Hello String@6e278a str2 Hello String@821a48

  6. Stack Heap str 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 String@821a48

  7. Stack Heap someCat (Cat members) Cat@6e278a

  8. Stack Heap name: String@a272e8 someCat Cat@6e278a color: String@852fa4 Johny brown

  9. Stack Heap name: String@a272e8 someCat Cat@6e278a color: String@852fa4 Johny brown

  10. Stack Heap i 42 (4 bytes) ch A (2 bytes) result true (1 byte) obj Integer (4 bytes) 42 Integer@9ae764 str Hello String String@7cdaf2 bytes 1 2 3 [B@190d11 byte[]

  11. Stack Heap i 0 (4 bytes) ch B (2 bytes) result Bye false (1 byte) String obj Integer (4 bytes) 42 null str Hello String String@9a787b bytes 1 0 3 [B@190d11 byte[]

  12. Stack Heap i 42 (4 bytes) ch A (2 bytes) result true (1 byte) obj Integer (4 bytes) 42 null str Hello String String@6af43e

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