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The story of beet sugar factory SEREĎ

Name : Matej Rajninec Class : 5.B. Subject : Regional Education and History Jan Amos Komenský Primary School , Sereď. The story of beet sugar factory SEREĎ. ... and there was sugar.

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The story of beet sugar factory SEREĎ

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  1. Name: Matej RajninecClass: 5.B. Subject: RegionalEducation and History Jan Amos Komenský PrimarySchool, Sereď ThestoryofbeetsugarfactorySEREĎ

  2. ...and therewassugar • Considered to be a luxury good up till the 19 century almost in the whole of the world, sugar was used as a remedy and it could be bought only in chemistries. Just cane sugar was used. The first beet sugar in Slovakia was produced from sugar beet in 1801 by chemist S.J. Gertinger living in the city of Prešov. The first sugar beet factories were built in Veľké Uľany and Vojnice in Slovakia in 1830.

  3. Howitstarted.... • 23 January 1907 agricultural beet sugar factory the joint stock company was officially founded in Sered • In 1908 there was the first campaign and the first produced sugar 1908

  4. ..and thehistorycontinued • 1919-1949 the refined sugar of all sorts was produced and it was largely exported abroads – Austria, Swisserland, Italy, Turkey and England • Since 1921 the factory has expanded its beet sugar production of refined alcohol • In 1951 there was a fire on sugar soil and the roof and more equipment were destroyed and severely damaged. 1914 - 1918

  5. Growingofsugarbeet • They are trasported to thesugarfactory by trucks, beets are washeddownfromtrucks by the stream ofwater. • Beetisseparated from rocks andweeds.Clay and sand are separated by washing in beet washing machine.

  6. Processingofsugarbeet • processing and manufacturing is a very complex process • raw juice is obtained from beet sliced into thin chips called cossettesor pulp • the juice containing sugar is clarified and mixed with hot milk of lime (a suspension of calcium hydroxide in water) then the juice is saturated that means that impurities are removed • Sugar is obtained from juice by boiling– crystallisation in large vessels rezky sa lisujú a slúžia ako krmivo varostroje – v nich sa varí ťažká šťava

  7. Sources : Google the Internet Thankyouforyourattention .Rhymeattheend:Therewillbehustle and bustleoffeastsmakeupyourlifewithsweets

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