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Venkat Guntipally - Best Practices for Software Development Projects

Venkat Guntipally shares some of the tried and tested best practices that make software development projects work better.

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Venkat Guntipally - Best Practices for Software Development Projects

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  2. No standard process exists I DEALSOFTWAREPROJECTI S NONEXI STENT Everyprojectisuniqueandhasitsownfeatures, characteristics, flaws, codebases, testcases, bugs, andmanyothercomponents.. VenkatGuntipallyendorsesthecommonbelief thatanidealsoftwaredevelopmentprojectdoesn't exist. ButSometriedandtestedtechniquescanalways beofgreathelp.

  3. Best Practices TopTips Keepthecodingsimple Continuousendtoendtesting ConsistentStylethroughoutteams Getthecodereviewedexternally Setrealistictimeandbudget Deliverprojectontime

  4. Strive to Keep the Code Simple Reducecomplexity Simplecodesinaccordancewiththe softwaredevelopmentprocessbest practices, reducecomplexity. Thesecodesareeasytoreadand modifyifrequired.

  5. Test Continuously from End to End Fullintegrationtesting Test-DrivenDevelopment (TDD) booststhecoder moralewhiletheBehaviorDrivenDevelopment (BDD) allowscodertowritecodesclosetouser requirements.

  6. Keep a Consistent Style Guide across the Team Uniformityalwayshelps Alltheteamshouldfollowthesamestyleguide. Sometoolscanalsobeusedenforcethestyle..

  7. Get the Code Reviewed By Someone Else Reviewhelpstodiscoverbugs Anexternalreviewhelpstoimprovetheprocess andensuretrustworthiness. VenkatGuntipallybelievesthatitisacriticalstepto improvecodequality.

  8. Set Realistic Time & Budget Estimates Keepsprojectpressureundercontrol Unrealisticestimatecaneventuallylead tovariousproblemsintermsofquality, morale, aswellasoutput. Thisiseasiersaidthandone, experience helpshere.

  9. Deliver the project on time Monitorprojectandidentifyrisks Identifytheprojectchallengesandalways haveaplaninplacetoovercomethoseto ensureatimelydelivery.

  10. Contact Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/vgunti/ Twitter https://twitter.com/vguntipally Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vguntipally/ Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/vguntipally/ Blog https://venkatguntipally.wordpress.com/

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