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Tips for Improvement Planning: Lessons Learned

Tips for Improvement Planning: Lessons Learned. ISBE Innovation and Improvement . Resources. The Resource Manual http://www.isbe.net/sos/htmls/improvement_process.htm Innovation and Improvement Division 217-524-4832 The Interactive Illinois Report Card eplans@niu.edu (815) 753-0978.

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Tips for Improvement Planning: Lessons Learned

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  1. Tips for Improvement Planning: Lessons Learned ISBE Innovation and Improvement

  2. Resources The Resource Manual http://www.isbe.net/sos/htmls/improvement_process.htm Innovation and Improvement Division 217-524-4832 The Interactive Illinois Report Card eplans@niu.edu (815) 753-0978

  3. Center on Innovation and Improvement www.centerii.org The Mega System: Handbook for Continuous School Improvement Sam Redding Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement Herbert J. Walberg Exploring the Pathway to Rapid District Improvement Brett Lane

  4. District Improvement Plans Submission Date 90 days following initial notification of status at IWAS

  5. School Improvement Plan Submission date 135 days after the initial IWAS notification to district superintendent

  6. TargetedFeedback Monitoring and Feedback Data and Analysis Action Plan Key Factors

  7. Less Red Tape and More Learning Minimized hoop-jumping Focused planning on key audience overall “good sense” Toolsfor a Specific End

  8. Harsh Realities “Perfect” plans ≠ improved student achievement Plans are required by NCLB and state law Clear and critical need to focus on learning

  9. “Winning” Plans Measurable Implemented with fidelity Monitored Focused on what works

  10. The Interactive Illinois Report Cardhttp://iirc.niu.edupasswords: gbuoy@isbe.net Sample login screen

  11. District Involvementin School Planning MAXIMUM RESPONSIBILITY Increasing assistance with planning as school does not make AYP RESTRUCTURING

  12. Foster little doubt about implementation Build a strong relationship between data, strategies/activities, and monitoring Detail roles, responsibilities, expectations Plan critical changes in classroom practice Lessons Learned from the Best

  13. Plan implementation is the Huge Assumption- What do plan users have to know to implement the plan with fidelity and monitor progress?

  14. The primary audience for the plan is the user—those who will implement this plan. Tip 1: Write for the Right Audience Don’t write the plan primarily for other audiences.

  15. Tip 2: Look Beyond AYP

  16. Tip 3: Take Care to Consider the Factors Contributing to Achievement What’s contributing to your progress? Are these factors internal or external? Are you blaming the kids?

  17. What’s preventing students from learning? How do you know? School culture doesn’t foster shared responsibility for all kids’ learning Supplemental support is weak or not rigorous Failure to use the intended curriculum by all staff for all kids Teachers need ELL training School culture doesn’t reflect “rigor, relevance, relationship” Insufficient teacher learning/team time Coarse and fine grain internal factors Teachers do not have adequate coaching or support to implement strategies Instruction doesn’t span cognitive levels “Mile wide and inch deep curriculum” Teachers aren’t clear about what’s expected in classrooms Kids don’t have equitable access to the curriculum Kids aren’t in the least restrictive educational environment

  18. Paying Attention to What Matters Doing What Works dww.ed.gov/ Indicators of Effective Practice www.centerii.org

  19. Is the plan specific enough? Tip 4: Be Specific and Thorough Is the action plan sufficient? Is it clear how you will track progress?

  20. Tip 5: Focus and Coordinate Strategies and Activities

  21. Objective: While the current achievement in math for students with disabilities subgroup is 66.5% meeting/exceeding for ISAT, this subgroup will make AYP of at least 85% in 2011 and 92.5% for 2012 or Safe Harbor. Strategies: 1 double block math instruction 2 coaching for math staff 3 student and staff review of student work 4 beef up test taking skills 5 progress monitoring to drive instruction

  22. Tip 6: Focus on Student Learning

  23. Sample Plans While noplanisperfect, planners can learn lots from models and we have lots of them to share. Time will tell how good…. Contact your ROE/ISC for samples.

  24. For assistance Contact your ROE/ISC The Interactive Illinois Report Card eplans@niu.edu (815) 753-0978 Carol Diedrichsen cdiedric@isbe.net

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