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BPA F&W Program Data Management Needs for Monitoring Support and Coordination

BPA F&W Program Data Management Needs for Monitoring Support and Coordination. Coordinated Assessments Workshop, 2011. BPA Coordination through PNAMP. Standardized exchange formats to share data Adult and Juvenile Abundance Next: Habitat Conditions (May) Possible: PIT Tags, Genetics etc.

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BPA F&W Program Data Management Needs for Monitoring Support and Coordination

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  1. BPA F&W ProgramData Management Needs for Monitoring Supportand Coordination Coordinated Assessments Workshop, 2011

  2. BPA Coordination through PNAMP • Standardized exchange formats to share data • Adult and Juvenile Abundance • Next: Habitat Conditions (May) • Possible: PIT Tags, Genetics etc. • Documentation of metadata to inform data quality through contact requirements with the support of the PNAMP Monitoring Methods and ISTM projects. • Protocol Documentation: (Data collection and analysis methods; indicators/metrics; and designs) • Location Data • Documentation of databases where data is stored

  3. MONITORING METHODS PROJECT PROJECT SPONSORS Funders Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership PNAMP Partners

  4. Monitoring Methods Project: Origins • Need for better, more consistent documentation of protocols and methods to support research and reporting needs • Pacific NW issues • BUT…basic need could be found anywhere and could be related to various topics • Need for a community forum • to discuss and vet methods, metrics and indicators, and study designs • to determine best practices • expand information in out-of date publications • to help each other gain a better understanding of who’s collecting what information, why, and how

  5. ProtocolA detailed plan that explains how data are to be collected, managed, analyzed, and reported, and is a key component of quality assurance for natural resource monitoring programs (Oakley et al. 2006). A fully defined Protocol in monitoringmethods.org includes Objectives, Key Assumptions, Study Design, Methods, Metrics, Personnel and Training considerations, etc. Protocols are an important management entity - they are often generated by a Sponsor Organization and later approved by a Funder Organization - and can belong to many Monitoring Programs.

  6. Monitoring Methods Project: Origins

  7. Goals • Help partners meet business needs • Provide insight and experience on techniques • Develop tools to support consistent documentation, information discovery, community discussions, metadata creation and data exchange • Promote coordination and collaboration among monitoring programs USFS

  8. Deliverables • Develop web application and database infrastructure to collect, update, and discuss protocols, methods, metrics and indicators, and study designs • Facilitate documentation, information discovery, discussions, collaboration, versioning and electronic management. • Live as of – March 2011

  9. Lessons Learned 1. Terminology - Inconsistent use and disagreement about monitoring terms, definitions, and their relationships. E.g., indicator vs. metric, protocol vs. method. 2. Documentation is hard to get or not always available 3. Ideas have changed – data management, data sharing are more prominent issues now

  10. Additional Capabilities and Example Content Upload Files: including Data Exchange Templates Quality Control and Data Handling Considerations

  11. Content Status As of April 20, 2011: 47 Protocols published out of 406 325 Methods published out of 815 484 Metric/Indicator Subcategories

  12. Data Repositories PNAMP MonitoringMethods.org

  13. Regional Data Repositories (PNAMP)

  14. PNAMP Integrated Status and Trend Monitoring Project

  15. Integrated Status and Trend Monitoring (ISTM) Goals I. Develop an integrated status and trends monitoring design for ESA-listed salmon and steelhead and their ecosystems. II. Demonstrate utility of approach and design using Lower Columbia River Recovery Domain as demonstration area

  16. Components & Partners

  17. Monitoring Objectives: Identify Management Questions and Performance Measures For Status and Trend and Effectiveness Monitoring

  18. Five Objectives of ISTM Identify & prioritize decisions, questions, and objectives Determine adequacy of existing programs, potential efficiencies, existing gaps Identify monitoring designs, sampling frames, protocols, and analytical tools Use trade-off analyses to develop recommendations for monitoring including priorities and range of budgets Recommendations for implementation, data management, reporting, and adaptive management Salmon and steelhead monitoring Review existing programs Decisions and questions Identify potential designs Implementation recommendations Trade-off analyses Habitat & watershed condition monitoring

  19. Fish ISTM Results (Obj 1)

  20. Fish ISTM Results (Obj 1)

  21. Multiple objectives: Develop species distribution model - This is used to develop a sampling frame for salmon or steelhead monitoring using visual methods on spatial surveys such as redd or Area-Under-the-Curve (AUC). Develop a tool for obtaining a representative sample using Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) designs. Coordinate the sharing of data and site selection from GRTS sampling. PNAMP Master Sample Component

  22. Master Sample and Tracking Tool

  23. Data Management Component (WDFW & ODFW) WDFW Goal – Standardize statewide databases, data dictionaries, and field protocols to facilitate summaries, analyses, and reporting. ODFW Goal – Complete data management development steps for the Oregon side of the Lower Columbia River for adult abundance.

  24. ISTM Next Steps - FY12-14 • Complete Web-based Management tool • Support ISTM approach for use in other recovery domains • Support Master Sample Tracking Tool, integrate with MonitoringMethods.org • Support monitoring practitioners and coordinated with CHaMP: • Statistical expertise for use and analyses of Master Sample based monitoring design • Data management of habitat data (data steward)

  25. BPA Contracting PNAMP MonitoringMethods.org

  26. BPA FY 12 Contracting Preview: + Attach a Metadata file to data.

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