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Collectivity makes the world go around

Collectivity makes the world go around. Kai Schweda Physikalisches Institut University of Heidelberg / GSI Darmstadt. RNC group in 2001. Ian Johnson Fabrice Retiere Art Poskanzer Nu Xu student from South Africa

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Collectivity makes the world go around

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  1. Collectivity makes the world go around Kai Schweda PhysikalischesInstitut University of Heidelberg / GSI Darmstadt Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  2. RNC group in 2001 Ian Johnson FabriceRetiere Art Poskanzer Nu Xu student from South Africa David Hardtke Peter Jacobs Jay Marx Howard Wieman Jim Thomas Jennifer Klay Jinghua Fu Eugene Yamamoto Masashi Kaneta Falk Meissner Hans Georg Howard Matis Kirill Filimonov me Grazyna Odyniec

  3. on top of the world Hans Georg

  4. high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions

  5. central collision collision happens here size ~10fm 4000 charged particles illuminates TPC volume size ~4m

  6. STAR year 2 data White papers - STAR: Nucl. Phys. A757, p102. Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  7. Collectivity observed in spectra strongly curved  strong flow exponential no flow More central collisions STAR: Phys. Rev. C70, 041901(R). Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  8. matter flows - collectivity Nu Xu plot 2.0 strange matter flows bulk matter flows STAR Data: Nucl. Phys. A757, (2005) 102. partonic collectivity ? Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  9. Anisotropy Parameter v2 coordinate-space-anisotropy  momentum-space-anisotropy y py px x Initial/final conditions, EoS, degrees of freedom

  10. discovery of partonic collectivity elliptic flow of (multi-) strange f and W and quark number scaling: first observed in L and K0S PhD theses of Jinghua Fu, Wuhan/LBNL and Paul Sorensen, UCLA/LBNL  partonic collectivity S. Voloshin, QM02, 379c (2003) STAR, PRC 75, 054906 (2007) STAR, PRL 95, 122301 (2005) STAR, PRL 95, 122301 (2005) PHENIX, PRL 98, 162301 (2007)

  11. higher harmonics • extract power spectrum of vn, like WMAP* • higher harmonics • odd harmonics important • v3: access h/s • STAR, arXiv:1301.2187 [nucl-ex]; • STAR, PRL 92 (2004) 062301; • Mocsy and P. Sorensen, NPA 855 (2011) 241; • B. Alver and G. Roland, PRC 81 (2010) 054904; • *WMAP data: The NASA/WMAP Science team; • http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/media/080997/index.html. • QGP plot: B. Schenke, S. Jeon, and C. Gale, arXiV:1109.6289. Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  12. everything counts in large amounts M. Sumbera, arXiv:1301.7224 [nucl-ex]. Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  13. entering the anti-world STAR, Nature 473 (2011) 353. • anti-alpha discovered • rarest signal in HI ever observed (2/108) Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  14. STAR: key to success large acceptance Hans Georg low-pT coverage large data sets excellent PID Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  15. Go heavy or go home ! • new scale: mc,b » QCD • mc,b ≈ const. • mu,d,s ≠ const. X. Zhu, M. Bleicher, S.L. Huang, K.S., H. Stöcker,N. Xu, and P. Zhuang, PLB 647 (2007) 366. Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  16. Where does all the charm go ? J/(charmonium) c • Total charm cross section: open-charmed hadrons,e.g. D0, D+, D*+, c, … and c,b  e() + X • Quarkonia, e.g. J/ carries 1% of total charm D*+ Ds D0 D± Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  17. Open-charm production • at RHIC: large combinatorial background • PhD thesisXin Dong USTC/LBNL • STAR upgrade with Heavy Flavor Tracker will impose high precision STAR, PRD 85 (2012) 092010; ALICE, JHEP 1207 (212) 191. Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  18. Heavy-quark detection • golden channel: D0  K- + , c = 123 m • displaced decay vertex is signature of heavy-quarkdecay plot: courtesy of D. Tlusty. Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  19. Heavy Flavor Tracker HFT SSD IST PXL Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  20. The Heavy Flavor Tracker for STAR • Hans Georg with an HFT prototype • 10 mm precision demonstrated • 10 weeks of running in 2014 will decisively address open charm at RHIC

  21. some more statistics • STAR white paper: Nucl. Phys. A757 (2005) 102 1581- most cited RHIC paper- most cited HI experimental paper • Bjorken, PRD 27 (1983) 127 2023 • Mastsui and Satz, PLB 178 (1986) 416 1719 Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  22. populating the world …

  23. Dan Cebra Javier Castillo Xin Dong Kirill FilimonovJinghua Fu Tom GutierrezDavis CEA LBNL Berkeley Wuhan San Luis Obispo Ian Johnson Masashi Kaneta Jennifer KlayMarco v. Leuween Mike Lisa SpirosMargetis PSI Tohoku San Luis Obispo Utrecht Ohio State Kent State JoakimNystrandJoernPutschkeFabriceRetiereLijuanRuanks Raymond Snellings Bergen Wayne State Triumf BNL Heidelberg Utrecht Fuqiang Wang Purdue Bedangadas Mohanty Bhubaneswar Paul Sorensen BNL SevilSalur Rutgers

  24. some personal remarks • ‘cultural shock’: - flat hierarchies, informal style - took me 6 months to get over it • can you think about charm ?Hans Georg in 2001 • Berkeley style: - people doing the work are getting exposed, i.e. plenary talks, committees, … Hans Georg Ritter Symposium

  25. Happy 69½ Birthday,Hans Georg !

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