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Levels of Organization and Division of Labor in Living Systems

This text explains the levels of organization within living systems, focusing on cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. It emphasizes the division of labor among specialized parts in order to keep the organism alive, highlighting the different functions of each level. The text also provides examples and mini-lessons on the types of tissues and major organ systems in the human body.

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Levels of Organization and Division of Labor in Living Systems

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  1. Homeroom Warm Up1-8-2014choose 1 topic below and write 1 paragraph • What is your New Year’s resolution and explain why you picked it and how you will accomplish it. Resolutiona decision to do or stop doing something, made or announced at the New Year, which is traditionally considered a time for a fresh start. 2. My 2 weeks vacation from school was ________. I did __________.

  2. Science Warm Up1-8-14 Most plastics are made using products manufactured at oil refineries. The recycling of plastics most impacts Earth by causing A. an increase in the amount of fuel used in cars. B. an increase in the amount of pollution in the oceans. C. a reduction in the amount of waste in landfills. D. a reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

  3. Academic Enrichment Warm Up11-26-2012 Which statement best explains why South America and Africa are now thousands of miles apart? • Lithospheric plates moved the continents apart at a rate of centimeters per year. • Ocean currents carried some land masses east and some land masses west. c. Tectonic plates slid together forming mountains that forced the continents apart. d. Strong winds continually pushed the land masses away from each other.

  4. Academic Enrichment Assignment • Page Read pages 210-213 in textbook and answer questions 1-8 on page 213….. Write questions and answers • TSW watch a 10 min video on the skeletal system • Closure

  5. Homework due Friday 1-10-14 Read pages 206-209 Answer questions # 1-6 on page 209

  6. GLE GLE 0707.1.2 Summarize how the different levels of organization are integrated within living systems. GLE 0707.1.3 Describe the function of different organ systems and how collectively they enable complex multicellular organisms to survive.

  7. Levels of Organization Ms. Stanford 7th Grade Science

  8. Levels of Organization Within multi-cellular organisms there is division of labor. Division of labor means that the work (labor) of keeping the organism alive is divided (division) among the different parts of the body. Each part has a job to do and as each part does its special job, it works in harmony with all the other parts. The arrangement of specialized parts within a living thing is sometimes referred to as levels of organization. Cells are the first level of organization. Cells are the smallest unit that can perform all life processes.

  9. Cells: LOTS of Different Kinds!Here are two examples. Can you guess what kind?

  10. Second Level: Tissues In any multi-cellular organism, cells rarely work alone. Cells that are similar in structure and function are usually joined together to form tissues. Tissues are the second level of organization. There are four basic/major types of tissues in the human body: 1.Muscle tissue 2. nerve tissue 3. connective tissue 4. epithelial tissue.(There are other kinds of tissues besides these.) Other kinds of tissue include bone tissue (a strong solid tissue that gives you shape and support) made of bone cells in your body form bone tissue. Blood cells in your body are part of blood tissue, a liquid tissue responsible for transporting food and oxygen throughout the body.

  11. Cells Here are some cells but if you look closely, you can see that they all look similar. Nerve cells working together make nerve tissue, and skin cells make up a special type of epithelial tissue.

  12. Taken One At A Time…. Connective tissue connects and supports parts of the body. Blood, fat, ligaments, cartilage, bones, and tendons are all connective tissues. Nerve tissue carries messages back and forth between the brain and every other part of the body. The brain, spinal cord, and nerves are made up of nerve tissue. Epithelial tissue covers and lines the surfaces of your body and organs, inside and out. They primarily serve as protective barriers. Skin is one example. Muscle tissue can contract, or shorten. Because of this, muscle tissue makes parts of your body move.

  13. Level Three: OrgansWhen a collection of different types of tissues work together, they form an organ. Organs carry out specialized functions of the body. There are many organs in the body. How many can you name??

  14. Level Four: Organ Systems Each organ in your body is part of an organ system, a group of organs that work together to perform a major function. For example, your heart is part of your circulatory system, which carries blood, oxygen and other materials throughout your body. Besides the heart, blood vessels are organs that work in your circulatory system.

  15. The nervous system detects and interprets information from the environment outside the body and from within the body; controls most body functions. Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves • The immune system aka Lymphatic System fights off disease. • The excretory system aka urinary system removes wastes. • The endocrine system controls many body processes by means of chemical messages, like hormones.

  16. The muscular system enables the body to move; moves food through the digestive system, and keeps the heart beating. The skeletal system supports and protects the body, and works with the muscular system to allow movement; makes and stores blood cells and stores some other materials. The integumentary system acts as a barrier against infection & injury. Skin, hair, nails

  17. The digestive system takes food into the body, breaks the food down into smaller particles, and absorbs the digested materials. • The respiratory system takes oxygen into the body and eliminates carbon dioxide. Lungs, nasal passage, mouth • The reproductive system produces cells that can unite with other cells to create offspring; controls male and female characteristics.

  18. Let’s Review…. • 1st Level: Cells working together form • 2nd Level: Tissues, which can form • 3rd Level: Organs, which work together to form • 4th Level: Organ Systems, which work together to form • 5th Level: Organisms!

  19. The levels of organization from simplest to most complex are: • Cells • Tissues • Organs • System • Organism

  20. Science Closure1-8-13 Brain, Spinal Cord Which organ system do the organs above belong to? A. endocrine B. cardiovascular C. musculoskeletal D. nervous

  21. Academic Enrichment Closure1-8-13 Which of the following statements describes how two organ systems work together? A. The muscles of the muscular system contract and relax. B. The integumentary system protects the body from disease. C. The skeletal system and muscular system make it possible to move. D. The skeletal system and integumentary system work together to produce blood cells.

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