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BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA Council of Ministers Directorate for European Integration

IPA, component I: Transition assistance and institutional building Programming process for 200 9 Sarajevo, 24 .0 2 .200 9. BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA Council of Ministers Directorate for European Integration. IPA, component I: Programming process for 200 9. Key actors and bodies

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BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA Council of Ministers Directorate for European Integration

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  1. IPA, component I: Transition assistance and institutional building Programming process for 2009 Sarajevo, 24.02.2009. BOSNA I HERCEGOVINACouncil of Ministers Directorate for European Integration

  2. IPA, component I:Programming process for 2009 • Key actors and bodies • Key phases of the programming process and current situation • Consultation process in Bosnia and Herzegovina

  3. I - IPA, component I:Key actors of the programming process for 2009 • EC/DEC:Final authority for assessment and making decisions for financing project proposals • NIPAC - responsible for carrying out programming process for IPA 2009 on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina • DEI - NIPAC office (administrative and technical support to NIPAC): • SPOs: Representative of the state line ministry/institution for certain program/project area

  4. I - IPA, component I:Key bodies for implementation of the programming process for 2009 • Programming management committee (PMC)‏ - DEI + DEC + NIPAC - manages the process: safety mechanism • Project programming committee (PPC)‏ - SPO + TM (DEI) + TM (DEC)‏ - manages the process of drafting the individual project proposal

  5. IPA, component I:Programming process for 2009 • DEI prepaired Guidelines for IPA 2009 Programming Process • CoM addopted the document on 03. December 2008. • NIPAC and DEI organized the meeting with SPO-s on 15. December 2008. – launching of the Programming Process (IPA 2009 devided into 2 parts)

  6. IPA, component I:Programming process for 2009 • 16. January 2009. SPO-s submitted the Project Ideas • Preliminary list of Project Ideas created • The List presented to IPA Coordination Committee (NIPACs advisory body)

  7. IPA, component I:Programming process for 2009 • End of January – NIPAC created priority list (4 Infrastructure projects + 15 TAIB projects) • 13. February 2009. PMC decision on Infrastructure projects to be financed (4 Projects) • TAIB list not approved by Brussels • End of March 2009. – deadline for submission of PFs to DEC

  8. IPA, component I:Programming process for 2009 • During the Programming Process SPOs consulted institutions of RS, FBiH and BD through the network of entity programmers and entity coordinators • Around 60 institutions were consulted

  9. IPA, component I:Programming process for 2009 Thank you for your attention

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