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Kodak International Business In PAST at PRESENT In Doubtful FUTURE

Kodak International Business In PAST at PRESENT In Doubtful FUTURE. Karolína Jeřábková Miroslava Latyk. Content : Past History and curiosity Present What does the company do now ? In figures .. Doubtful Future What‘s the plan ? What about competiotors ?.

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Kodak International Business In PAST at PRESENT In Doubtful FUTURE

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KodakInternational BusinessIn PASTatPRESENTIn Doubtful FUTURE Karolína Jeřábková Miroslava Latyk

  2. Content:PastHistory and curiosityPresentWhatdoesthecompany do now?In figures..DoubtfulFutureWhat‘stheplan?Whataboutcompetiotors?

  3. Didyouknow, that….?In 1979 had a 90% of market share in protographic film sales in US.In 1989 Kodak gotsawardOscar forlonglastingcontribution to developementof film technology.GavetheWorlditsfirstpicturesfromtheMoon, becouseineventedfirst portable camera.

  4. In numbers and places…1881 wasfoundedthecompanyEastman Dry Plate Company by inventor George Eastman and salesman Henry Strong . 1884 wasregisterthecompany 1892 wasoficiallyfoundedunderthenameEastman Kodak CompanyGeorge Eastmanalsothough slogan up: Youpressthebutton, we do the rest.1889launchedfirstcelluloid roll film 1896 wasproducesofit100 000 eaches1900starts to producing a Kodak Browniecamera, whichtheyweresellingitfor 1 dolar.Companyisregistered in New Jersey.Theheadofficeislocated in Rochester in New York.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHc7-37inrs&feature=related Advertismentfrom 1958

  6. From 1900 tillpresent…

  7. Logo‘sIn 2006 Kodak changethe Logo afteralmost 30 years...

  8. Fromheadlinesfromshorttime ago…

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4ltLp30KVs

  10. Whythecompanyisleftbehindtheconcurent?

  11. What do youthink, that KODAK had to do before? Orwhatthe KODAK should do now?

  12. Thankyouforyourattention.Karolína JeřábkováMiroslava Latyk

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