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Elderly Vote power

Elderly Vote power. By S.C. Maheshwari General secretary RREWA GURGAON Secretary (Railway) Bharat Pensioners Samaj E-mail:pensioner77@yahoo.com Web Site: www.rrewa.org. THERE has been no parallel to Indian elderly power. They got you independence

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Elderly Vote power

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  1. Elderly Vote power By S.C. Maheshwari General secretary RREWA GURGAON Secretary (Railway) Bharat Pensioners Samaj E-mail:pensioner77@yahoo.com Web Site: www.rrewa.org

  2. THERE has been no parallel to Indian elderly power

  3. They got you independence • They have been running government right from independence • They have been managing major political parties of this country

  4. It is another thing that once in power they forget their own brothers and sisters and remember only the vote Bank • So here is the vote Bank to remind them of their brothers & sisters

  5. Statistical Data • Total Population =102,70,15,248 (2001 Census) • Total Electoral =67,14,87,930 • Elderly Electoral 8,75,00000 • Elderly Electoral Share 13%

  6. National Voting average =58.07 % • Elderly Voting average= 90% • Effective Voting % of Elderly = 20% Elderly vote influence power ratio=1:2 Concept is more important than statistic Data

  7. Demographical aging has hit the Indian shores as well. People are living longer& life expectancy is steadily rising.

  8. Present Indian elderly population is over 8.75 crores 33% of elderly population below poverty line another 33% just above poverty line only 25% of elderly population is literate. over 50% of literate elderly are retirees

  9. To be able to influence the Government decisions we have to keep two things in mind. 1. Our Political clan understands only the language of vote bank & 2. Our Bureaucrats care for nuisance value.

  10. Matured & responsible Sr citizens of the country can not think of nuisance value

  11. Elderly have 13% share in Indian Electoral. Average voting percentage in Indian elections is 55 - 58%,

  12. voting percentage of 60+persons in every election is staggering 90%.Thus actual vote share of Sr citizens is 20%.which is sufficient to make or mar Governments why then Sr citizen should feel helpless they are still capable of turning the tides

  13. The literate lot of Sr citizen is the section of intelligent voters which are 2 Crores following one percent principle, if we work for creating a work force of 2 lacs spread over the country,

  14. streamline already available resources i.e web sites & Monthly Journals which several of Sr. Citizen & Pensioners organizations have!

  15. Go down to grass roots covering rural & urban India. We can still do wonders

  16. The need of the hour is consolidation. Rising above the cast/creed, Sex, Provincial, linguistic & political divides work for the consolidation of Sr Citizen vote Bank.

  17. Sr. Citizen & pensioners organizations Work in their own fields with a common Road Map 1.Communicate 2.Consolidate 3.Co-ordinate 4.Empowerment through awareness, education & information. 5.Different organizations at different levels should work as a team & not as competitors

  18. Communicate Amongst yourself, With sister organizations , local leaders Local administration & Media

  19. Consolidate Bring different organizations on a common platform without disturbing identity & internal independence of participants and form Nation level apex body representing both Sr. Citizen organizations &Pensioners organizations

  20. Co ordinate National level Apex body to co ordinate between Sr citizen & pensioners organizations at all levels

  21. Empowerment Sr. Citizen & pensioners organizations to empower their members through dissemination of information ,awareness & education through personal contacts , journals & Web sites

  22. Link & net work Organizations. Stream line existing resources like Journals, Web sites etc and create a net work. Share thoughts, information & resource.

  23. Remember! Three Stages of every great work i.e. Insult Opposition Success Fools quit at first stage, intelligent reach stage three. .


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