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Driver Alcohol and Drug testing

Pre-employment drug screening can protect an employer from a large amount of liability. Depending on employer policy and state law, an employer can conduct thisu00a0Pre-employment drug testu00a0as a result of a current employeeu2019s request, prior to hiring, or as a cons

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Driver Alcohol and Drug testing

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  1. Driver Alcohol and Drug testing usadrugtesting01.medium.com/driver-alcohol-and-drug-testing-689dcc05f2c1 Pre-employment drug screening can protect an employer from a large amount of liability. Depending on employer policy and state law, an employer can conduct this Pre- employment drug test as a result of a current employee’s request, prior to hiring, or as a consequence of an employment offer. Employers may also be randomly tested for alcohol or illegal drugs at the workplace, where legally allowed by state law. The employee’s refusal to take the drug test can create a huge problem for the employer and the employee. Both of these situations present employer risks and employee risks. In order for a drug test to be fair and just, it must be administered in a proper and sanitary manner. The proper equipment for the procedure needs to be available, including proper vials, test strips, and professional sponges. Drug testing kits need to be properly labeled and signed for by the user. No one wants to get caught with drugs during the work period, so it is important that the procedure is administered by someone who is trained and certified in doing the drug test. Another great reason for employers to do a pre-employment drug screening is to protect themselves from a litigious employee who feels that they have been unfairly selected for a position. Most states have an anti-discrimination law that protects the employer from such lawsuits. It is not enough to hire a person based on a drug test, they need to be shown that the employee has done something to make them a potential risk. For example, 1/3

  2. some people may be high when they are hired, but if they take performance-enhancing drugs, it may make them a greater liability for the employer. Employers cannot choose a random person to administer a drug test; they must use a qualified employee as well. Drug use in the workplace has been proven to reduce absenteeism, boost productivity, and even lower healthcare costs. With all of these benefits of a pre-employment drug test, it should not come as any surprise that many companies are opting for them. Why Pre-employment drug testing is important? 1. To determine the alcohol or drug abusive nature of employees. 2. For providing a safe workplace for others. 3. To prevent health issues of workers. 4. Protect the general public. To some employees, they may feel as though a pre-employment drug test is nothing more than an invasion of their privacy, but that is far from true. It only takes one failed drug test for an employer to find out that a certain employee is a drug user, and that is not what any company wants to find out. An employee’s drug use can affect their job prospects, their working conditions, their salary, and their title or position within the company. A drug test shows if an employee has an addiction to drugs, which is a serious issue. So not only does it set the stage for an employee’s future with the company, but it can also set the stage for their future with other employers as well. 2/3

  3. Employers realize that drug use in the workforce can be a risk to employees overall. The courts have even ruled that drug use in the workplace can create a health safety hazard A drug test is often conducted during the initial employment interview process, but they are not always asked. For those who fail the drug test, there are several drug rehab programs that can help those who are under the influence. You can also reach out to the website www.usadrugtesting.org for more information. More From Medium 3/3

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