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The Art of Roy Lichtenstein

The Art of Roy Lichtenstein. Bio.

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The Art of Roy Lichtenstein

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  1. The Art of Roy Lichtenstein

  2. Bio • Roy Fox Lichtenstein (October 27, 1923 – September 29, 1997) was a prominent American pop artist, his work heavily influenced by both popular advertising and the comic book style. He himself described Pop art as, "not 'American' painting but actually industrial painting". • BFA (1946), MFA (1949) – The Ohio State University • Adopted the Abstract Expressionist style c. 1957 after moving to NYC • Look Mickey was the first work to feature ben day dots (1961) • Painted Whaam! In 1962 from DC Comics’ All-American Men of War

  3. Ben-day dots • The Ben-day Dots printing process, named after illustrator and printer Benjamin Day, is similar to Pointillism. Depending on the effect, color and optical illusion needed, small colored dots are closely-spaced, widely-spaced or overlapping. Magenta dots, for example, are widely-spaced to create pink. 1950s and 1960s pulp comic books used Ben-day dots in the four process colors (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) to inexpensively create shading and secondary colors such as green, purple, orange and flesh tones.

  4. Whaam!

  5. Ohhh…All right.

  6. Oh, Jeff…I Love You , too…but..

  7. Digital Examples

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