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Nomenclature of coordination compounds : IUPAC rules.

Nomenclature of coordination compounds: IUPAC rules. Isomerism : Constitutional isomers, Stereo isomers . Nomenclature of coordination compounds : IUPAC rules. .

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Nomenclature of coordination compounds : IUPAC rules.

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  1. Nomenclature of coordination compounds: IUPAC rules. Isomerism: Constitutional isomers, Stereo isomers. D-Najlaaalradadi

  2. Nomenclature of coordination compounds : IUPAC rules. D-Najlaa alradadi

  3. Can describe the system through which the complexes can be named according to the number of rules that were agreed upon by the International Union (IUPAC) for theoretical and applied chemistry D-Najlaa alradadi

  4. 1-When you write a compound formula must be written ion compound in square brackets [] Where the metal first written code And then order the coordinate groups as follows :negative , neutral and cationic groups. for example: [CoSO4(NH3)4]NO3[CoClCNNO2(NH3)3] D-Najlaa alradadi

  5. 2- To name the complex write the name of the positive ion first and then the negative ion as it is in simple salts. D-Najlaa alradadi

  6. D-Najlaa alradadi

  7. 3 – name coordinate groups A - coordination groups, such as neutral molecules such as write Ethylenediamine NH2-CH2-CH2-NH2 B – Coordanationgroups; negative end (o) such as D-Najlaa alradadi

  8. # For anionic ligands end in "-o"; for anions that end in "-ide“(e.g. chloride), "-ate" (e.g. sulfate, nitrate), and "-ite" (e.g. nirite), change the endings as follows: -ide -o; -ate -ato; -ite -ito D-Najlaa alradadi

  9. Table 1. Names of Some CommonLigands : D-Najlaa alradadi

  10. C- Coordinate groups a very rare positive end (ium) such as hydrazinium [NH2-NH3]+ and ammonium [NH4]+ D- There are some exceptions to name Coordination in the following : cases D-Najlaa alradadi

  11. Table 2. Names of Some Common Ligands : D-Najlaa alradadi

  12. 4- order of the Coordination groups Called in the following order 1) negative group or atom 2) Neutral 3) positive D-Najlaa alradadi

  13. As in the following examples D-Najlaa alradadi

  14. 5- Greek prefixes are used to designate the number of each type of ligand in the complex ion, e.g. di-, tri- and tetra-.If the ligand already contains a Greek prefix (e.g. ethylenediamine) or if it is polydentateligands (ie. can attach at more than one binding site) the prefixes bis-, tris-, tetrakis-, pentakis-, are used instead The numerical prefixes are listed in Table D-Najlaa alradadi

  15. Table3. Numerical Prefixes D-Najlaa alradadi

  16. Prefix numbers such as: A-They are added before the names of coordination or ions groups D-Najlaa alradadi

  17. B-The Avatar (bis), (tris), (tetrakis), (pentakis), and (hexakis) are used . by compound names for groups [Co(en)2Cl]SO4 Such as: Chlorobisethylenediaminecobalt (Ш) Sulphate Chlorobis(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III)Sulphate D-Najlaa alradadi

  18. 6- names of the elements that make up the central atom: For the anionic complexes, the name of the item ends with (ate) , while in neutral or cationic complexes remains unchanged name of the item as it is without the addition of: D-Najlaa alradadi

  19. After naming the ligands, name the central metal. -If the complex ion is a cation, the metal is named same as the element.For example, Co in a complex cation is call cobalt and Pt is called platinum. -If the complex ion is an anion, the name of the metal ends with the suffix –ate. For example, Co in a complex anion is called cobaltate and Pt is called platinate.For some metals, the Latin names are used in the complex anions e.g. Fe is called ferrate (not ironate). D-Najlaa alradadi

  20. For historic reasons, some coordination compounds are called by their common names. For example, Fe(CN)63- and Fe(CN)64- are named ferriccyanide and ferrocyanide respectively, and Fe(CO)5 is called iron carbonyl. D-Najlaa alradadi

  21. Table 4: Name of Metals in Anionic Complexes D-Najlaa alradadi

  22. D-Najlaaalradadi

  23. 7- Oxidation states Reflects the oxidation states of an atom the central element of the remembrance of the corresponding figure in the Latin name of the compound end   Or after the element name and put this . (II) number in brackets D-Najlaa alradadi

  24. K3[Al(C2O4)3] potassium trioxalatoaluminumate(III) D-Najlaa alradadi

  25. 8-Groups that link the two atoms in the center Some groups are linking between two atoms in the center in complex multi-center and this is called - befor-µ-by adding the Latin alphabet the names of the various groups that are linking such as D-Najlaa alradadi

  26. Bridge • dihydroxooctaaquadiiron(II) sulphate-µ- • hydroxobis(tetraaquairon(II) )sulphate-µ-di D-Najlaa alradadi

  27. 9- Some groups-giving can be linked to the seed through a central element atoms such as a group Althiocyanid (SCN ¯) are either linked through the sulfur atomor nitrogen atom, and the name is different in each case as follows: [SCN ¯] Thiocyanato [N ¯ CS] Aazothiocyanato[NO2 ¯] nitro [-ON ¯ O] nitrato D-Najlaa alradadi

  28. Examples: D-Najlaa alradadi

  29. D-Najlaa alradadi

  30. D-Najlaa alradadi

  31. D-Najlaa alradadi

  32. D-Najlaa alradadi

  33. D-Najlaa alradadi

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