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NYS CASAC TEST. NCADD TRAINING REVIEW 2012-2013 110 ppt Flashcards. ANTHONY J. RICCI. REVIEW FLASH-CARDS. To get the most out of this study tool, remember to view it as a ppt slide show.

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  1. NYS CASAC TEST NCADD TRAINING REVIEW 2012-2013 110 ppt Flashcards ANTHONY J. RICCI Anthony J. Ricci

  2. REVIEW FLASH-CARDS To get the most out of this study tool, remember to view it as a ppt slide show. I hope they are helpful, I tried to cover the most basic pertinent info that has historically been known to being on the CASAC test. By no means is this all the questions or all the answers. My honest opinion is: if you where, in class and awake. You should have no problem. NCADD presents a great 2 day CASAC TEST REVIEW CLASS Will let you know when its scheduled. Don’t stress, Don’t overthink, Review the basics. Best ! Anthony May 11, 2013 P.S. Questions get answers, in your last few weeks with us, PLEASE approach Dennis, Jim, or myself with your questions, concerns, etc. We are here for YOU ! Anthony J. Ricci

  3. group therapy type of therapy in which a group of clients meet together with a therapist. psychotherapy where multiple people meet regularly to interact and help one another to achieve insight into their feelings and behavior; allows the therapist to see how the client interacts with others, offers a social support, and shows the client that s/he is not the only person with that problem Anthony J. Ricci

  4. Assessment an ongoing process through which the counselor collaborates with the client and others to gather and interpret information necessary for planning treatment and evaluating client progress. Anthony J. Ricci

  5. Central Nervous System One of the major divisions of the nervous system, composed of the brain and spinal cord. Anthony J. Ricci

  6. arbitrary inference distortion of thinking in which a person draws a conclusion that is not based on any evidence Anthony J. Ricci

  7. cognitive therapy therapy in which the focus is on helping clients recognize distortions in their thinking and replace distorted, unrealistic beliefs with more realistic, helpful thoughts Anthony J. Ricci

  8. Frontal Cortex Cortical region essential for information processing Anthony J. Ricci

  9. fritz perls 1893-1970. developed and popularized gestalt therapy Anthony J. Ricci

  10. LGBTQ An acronym for Lesbian, Gay (male), Bisexual, Transgender and persons Questioning their sexual identity Anthony J. Ricci

  11. therapy treatment methods aimed at making people feel better and function more effectively Anthony J. Ricci

  12. antianxiety drugs drugs used to treat and calm anxiety reactions, typically minor tranquilizers. Anthony J. Ricci

  13. Blood Brain Barrier Selective filtering between the cerebral blood vessels and the brain Anthony J. Ricci

  14. sigmund freud 1856-1939. founder of the psychoanalytic school of thought which focuses on the role of the unconscious on behavior Anthony J. Ricci

  15. family counseling a form of group therapy in which family members meet together with a counselor or therapist to resolve problems that affect the entire family Anthony J. Ricci

  16. Neurons Specialized nerve cells that make up the nervous system and release neurotransmitters Anthony J. Ricci

  17. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) A psychiatric syndrome in which an individual who has been exposed to a traumatic vent or situation experiences persistent psychological re experiencing the trauma, numbing of general responsiveness, and hyperarousal Anthony J. Ricci

  18. Synapse Site of communication between a message sending neuron and its message receiving target cell Anthony J. Ricci

  19. Mental Set The collection of psychological and environment factors that influence and individuals response to drug Anthony J. Ricci

  20. Beck's Cognitive Therapy cognitive technique; designed by Aaron Beck; designed to identify and change inappropriate negative and self-critical patterns of thought; primarily used to treat depression, anxiety and substance abuse; therapy is not as challenging and confrontational as REBT; aims to lead person to more realistic and flexible ways of thinking Anthony J. Ricci

  21. Culturally sensitive counseling The first step is to be aware of one's own lack of information about other's cultures and one's own prejudices. Anthony J. Ricci

  22. Rebound Effect Form of withdrawal; paradoxical effect that occur when a drug has been eliminated front the body Anthony J. Ricci

  23. THE 4 GOALS for clients of GROUP THERAPY Change in Thinking New ways to define their problems and figure out solutions. Change in Feeling Identify and change the emotions they experience. Change in Actions Do something different to try and solve their problems. Change in Relating Ways to involve other people in personal problem solving. Anthony J. Ricci

  24. Social Lubricant Belief that drinking (misconceived as safe) represses inhibitions, strengthens extroversion, and leased to increased sociability Anthony J. Ricci

  25. Behavioral Tolerance Compensation for motor impairments through behavioral pattern modification by chronic alcohol users. Anthony J. Ricci

  26. Delirium Tremens (DTs) The most severe, even life threatening form of alcohol withdrawal, involving hallucinations, delirium, and fever Anthony J. Ricci

  27. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BCA) Concentration of alcohol found in the blood, often expressed as a percentage Anthony J. Ricci

  28. Codependency Behavior displayed by either addicted or no addicted family member (codependents) who identify with the alcohol addict and cover up the excessive drinking behavior, allowing it to continue and letting it affect the codependents life Anthony J. Ricci

  29. Autonomy Respect the client's independence and self-determination Anthony J. Ricci

  30. cognitive behavioral therapy (cbt) action therapy in which the goal is to help clients overcome problems by learning to think more rationally and logically Anthony J. Ricci

  31. CAGE Four questions - yes to one indicates the possibility of alcohol dependence. Cut down? Annoyed by criticism of drinking behavior? Guilty about drinking? Eye-opener? Anthony J. Ricci

  32. Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET) cognitive therapy founded by Albert Ellis; directive therapy; based on the idea that psychological distress is caused by irrational and self-defeating beliefs; therapy is designed to challenge the dysfunctional thoughts ("stinking thinking") and reinterpret the thoughts in a more positive light; therapy is challenging and confrontational; aims to lead person to more realistic and flexible ways of thinking Anthony J. Ricci

  33. HIPAA ? The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act This federal regulation protects client rights by covering all personal health information that can be used to identify an individual. Anthony J. Ricci

  34. 42 CFR This federal law prohibits counselors from divulging the fact that someone is in treatment or any details of their treatment without the client's written consent, when the client is in a clear state of mind. Applies to former and deceased clients also. Anthony J. Ricci

  35. Instances when confidentiality may be broken Sharing among staff of a program, reporting child abuse or neglect, threatening to harm another person, threatening suicide, committing or threatening a crime on program property or against program staff, medical emergencies, elder abuse and court orders. Anthony J. Ricci

  36. free association freudian technique in which a patient was encouraged to talk about anything that came to mind without fear of negative evaluations Anthony J. Ricci

  37. Ethics The rules of conduct recognized in a particular profession, the shared standards of what is good practice. Anthony J. Ricci

  38. eclectic therapies therapy style that results from combining elements of several different therapy techniques Anthony J. Ricci

  39. Race A socio-political concept. Not biological. Anthony J. Ricci

  40. carl rogers 1902-1987. humanist psychologist who focused on the role of the self-concept and positive regard on personality development Anthony J. Ricci

  41. Detoxification Detoxification is a process in which the body is allowed to free itself of a drug. This period, the symptoms of withdrawal are treated. Detoxification is the primary step in any drug treatment program, and is used as the initial phase in treating alcohol, heroin, inhalant, sedative, and hypnotic addictions. Anthony J. Ricci

  42. Informed Consent and Releases of Information Includes, but is not limited to, the purpose of the disclosure, the person to receive the disclosed information, and the date or condition under which the consent will expire. Anthony J. Ricci

  43. person-centered therapy a nondirective insight therapy based on the work of carl rogers in which the client does all the talking and the therapist listens Anthony J. Ricci

  44. Duty to warn This refers to a counselor's responsibility to alert the appropriate authorities of a threat . Anthony J. Ricci

  45. Key concept about diversity Within-group differences are always greater than between-group differences. Anthony J. Ricci

  46. Mood A sustained emotion. Changes less frequently than affect. Anthony J. Ricci

  47. Professional Development An ongoing responsibility accomplished through engaging in continuing education, self-evaluation, supervision and consultation Anthony J. Ricci

  48. Advocacy Any activity designed to obtain a service, practical help, support or information for a client. Anthony J. Ricci

  49. three approaches to counseling DirectiveNon-directiveCombined Anthony J. Ricci

  50. humanistic therapy psychotherapy focused on conscious, subjective experiences of emotion and people's sense of self Anthony J. Ricci

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